The Clegg Series site was established in December of 1996 to provide an
opportunity for people of African descent and others to present
uncensored information about Black History and culture. Our intention
was to create a forum for a broad, provocative and respectful exchange
of ideas.
Unfortunately, over the past month the entries into our popular
guestbook have degenerated into rude, vulgar and racist name-calling.
While we certainly encourage controversy, we don’t believe that personal
or racial insults are appropriate. Let us continue our dialogue on a
constructive level.
During the existence of our site, the major point of contention has
been whether the Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. It is quite
understandable that this issue would stir up heated passions. For nearly
two hundred years now, White scholars have removed Black people from
Egypt, Egypt from Africa and Africa from world history. They have always
taught that Egypt is in the Near East, the Middle East, the
Mediterranean and even the Fertile Crescent. They have never informed
the world that Egypt is and always has been on the Continent of Africa.
While White publishers controlled everything written and taught about
Africa – - and often published books stating that the Ancient Egyptians
were White – - no one, except Black people, complained. However, since
Black people began publishing their own work and using the internet to
tell our story, suddenly everyone is interested in setting Black people
straight by insisting that the Ancient Egyptians were neither Black nor
white, but Arabs, like the Arabs of today.
We disagree. Arabs invaded Egypt in the 7th Century AD, long after
Ancient Egyptian civilization had declined and faded away. Arabs have no
more connection to Ancient Egypt than Europeans have to Ancient
Many have argued that, even if the Ancient Egyptians were Black
Africans, modern African Americans, who lay claim to Egyptian
civilization, are not akin to them because their ancestors were West
Africans. This reflects a lack of knowledge about African history.
Virtually all West African people trace their ancestry to the northeast
and ultimately to the Nile Valley. A number of Black scholars have
revealed evidence of the ancient migratory trail from the Nile across
the continent to West Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, modern
African Americans do indeed have a direct link to the Ancient Egyptian
We understand that most White people and Arabs have great difficulty
imagining Black Africans to have laid the foundation of civilization. We
sincerely regret that Western racist propaganda has so narrowed their
worldview. But, at this site we deal with evidence – - not propaganda,
not passion, not preconceived notions or white supremacy.
In our bi-monthly MA’AT newsletter, we present evidence that the
main-stream media will not touch, because it would destroy racist myths
that have been embraced as inviolable truths by millions around the
world. If you find this site to be at variance with your sacred belief
system, please avoid visiting us. After all contrary opinions prevail in
most other forums. Why not express your views on those sites where you
may comfortably reassure people of like mind?
In the meantime, for those of you who chose to study, evaluate and
critique the Africentric perspective on the origin of the Ancient
Egyptians, we invite you to visit the February, 1997 issue of MA’AT.
This monumental document presents a substantial body of evidence that
conventional scholars, both Arab and European, choose to ignore.
Many Black scholars have presented the Africentric view on the “race”
of the Ancient Egyptians. Their research has triggered a reevaluation
of certain assumptions. For example, most Black Africans do not have
thick lips and broad noses. There are four distinct Black African
physical types. All were part of the Ancient Egyptian population.
Secondly Ancient Egyptian drawings were largely conventional. This means
that they clearly had a symbolic meaning that was not true to form. For
example, the traditional reddish brown color used to portray all men
(no matter what their true skin tone) may have represented the African
“blood of life” concept. For religious purposes, Black Africans have
painted their bodies red or reddish brown from time immemorial.
Therefore, one should not reach hard and fast conclusions about
Egyptian ethnicity based on the color used in the tomb and pyramid
drawings. Furthermore, even if the colors are accurate depictions of the
people, a number of indigenous, unmixed Africans, like the Pygmies,
have reddish brown skin tone. Yet no one would deny that these are
“Black” African people. In light of this, if the Ancient Egyptians were
indeed of reddish brown skin color, they were of the same color as
modern Pygmies.
As many writers in the guestbook have attempted to explain, the
original Black Egyptians were mixed with invading Libyans, Persians,
Greeks, Romans, Turks, Arabs and Western Europeans. This explains the
genetic status of the modern Egyptian, who does not resemble his Black
African forebears.
To truly determine the Ancient Egyptian “race,” one must consider the
full range of linguistic cultural, anatomical, archaeological and
genetic evidence. One recent, nonblack scholar, Richard Poe (“Black
Spark: White Fire: Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe”)
(Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA), has done just that and has reached the
following conclusion: “Were the Egyptians black? That is entirely up to
up to you. But were they biologically African? It would seem that they
We, of course, believe that the Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans
and the following is a synopsis of some of the evidence that supports
our view:
Evidence from Physical Anthropology
The skeletons and skulls of the Ancient Egyptians clearly reflect that
they were a Negroid people with features very similar to those of modern
Black Nubians and other people of the Upper Nile and of East Africa.
Melanin Dosage Test
Egyptologist Cheikh Anta Diop invented a method for determining the
level of melanin in the skin of human beings. When conducted on Egyptian
mummies in the Museum of Man in Paris, this test indicated that these
remains were of Black people.
Osteological Evidence
“Lepsius canon,” which distinguishes the bodily proportions of various
racial groups categories the “ideal Egyptian” as “short-armed and of
Negroid or Negrito physical type.”
Evidence From Blood Types
Diop notes that even after hundreds of years of inter-mixture with
foreign invaders, the blood type of modern Egyptians is the “same group B
as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not
the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any
The Egyptians as They Saw Themselves
“The Egyptians had only one term to designate themselves =kmt= the
negroes (literally). This is the strongest term existing in the
Pharaonic tongue to indicate blackness; it is accordingly written with a
hieroglyph representing a length of wood charred at the end and not
crocodile scales,” singular. ‘Kmt’ from the adjective =kmt= black; it
therefore means strictly negroes or at the very least black men. The
term is a collective noun which thus described the whole people of
pharaonic Egypt as a black people.”
Divine Epithets
Diop demonstrates that “black or negro” is the divine epithet invariably
used for the chief beneficent Gods of Egypt, while the evil spirits
were depicted as red.
Evidence From the Bible
The Bible states that “…[t]he sons of Ham [were] Cush and Mizraim [i.e.
Egypt], and Phut, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah,
and Sabtah, and Raamah and Sabtechah.” According to Biblical tradition,
Ham, of course, was the father of the Black race. “Generally speaking
all semitic tradition (Jewish and Arab) class ancient Egypt with the
countries of the black.”
Cultural unity of Egypt With The Rest of Africa
Through a study of circumcision and totemism, Diop gives detailed data
showing cultural unity between Egypt and the rest of Africa.
Linguistic Unity With Southern and Western Africa
In a detailed study of languages, Diop clearly demonstrates that Ancient
Egyptian, modern Coptic of Egypt and Walaf of West Africa are related,
with the latter two having their origin in the former.
Testimony of Classical Greek and Roman Authors
Virtually all of the early Latin eyewitnesses described the Ancient Egyptians as Black skinned with wooly hair.
Enter Your Comments Here!
Read Guestbook Archives for previous comments.
Please be advised that, since Saturday, November 6, 1999, the guestbook
at The Clegg Series has not been open for comment. We are making
adjustments on the site which should be completed by Thursday, November
11. Until that time, feel free to read the recent entries as well as
those in the archives. We look forward to resuming receipt of your
entries after our project is completed.
Legrand H. Clegg, Editor and Publisher, MA’AT newsletter
Age: r, USA – Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 08:18:49 (EST)
our brothers and sisters…. LET GET IT OVER NOW!!!!! DON’T FIGHTINH YOUR
the Night Prophet
Jer-USA-lem the Heavenly city of the America, CA USA – Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 05:57:54 (EST)
Dear Bryan, You and so many white people are insecure because of your
genetically recessive albino mutant status. Everyone knows that in the
animal kingdom albino rabbits, tigers, lions, monkeys, mice, etc. are
inferior to the original stock. Just as your forefathers who lynched
black men and then took their penises home with them (to eat them, I
presume, so they could pretend that they were REAL men), you feel
terrified by the very thought of black African majesty. “GET OVER IT!!!”
As Mr. Clegg pointed out in one of the old News letters, black people
are the genetically dominant parents of the human family. They laid down
the foundation of civilization all over the world (for example you
mentioned China, in China the earliest Shang Dynasties were black and
they have found pyramids in China associated with them). Also, you claim
that Chinese civilization may be the oldest in the world, but new
information shows that the black Sphinx of Egypt may be 12,000 years
old. Now try to beat that! White people do not represent evolution, they
represent devolution. You say that black people are ape-like. Apes have
thin lips, flat bottoms and hairy bodies. That sounds white to me.
Also, you claim that the Egyptians referred to the people of Kush as
wretched. Why don’t you study your own European history? The Greeks,
Romans and other Europeans all referred to Western Europeans and Nordics
(who now claim to be the ancestors of the Greeks and Romans) to have
been wild, barbaric savages. Does this mean to you that since the Greeks
and Romans hated Northern Europeans, that the Southern Europeans and
Northern Europeans were different races. Get it through your thick skull
that Africa was and always has been the land of the blacks. The
Egyptians and the people of Kush may have been bitter enemies, as you
say, but they were also of the same racial group. Why don’t you stop
insulting black people, take your racist butt to another site, and get a
Ramses The Black
Age: 42, USA – Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 01:14:48 (EST)
——————————————————————————- OUR MISSION IS TO EDUCATE BLACK PEOPLE.
Part of our education must be to free ourselves of the false paradigms
and self-serving Eurocentric constraints that even we have fallen victim
to. For example, most indigenous people do not view history in the
linear fashion that Europeans do. The Western view is that primitive
Blacks evolved in Africa, civilization emerged in the Mediterranean and
finally, following the age of Enlightenment and Imperialism, we have
reached the last word in human achievement with our modern bombs,
toothpaste and pornography. In Africa, Asia, Australia, the New World,
etc., people of color view the world as having experienced several great
ages of cultural emergence, evolution, maturity and destruction. For
example, according to Maya tradition, the Fourth Age or Sun was
destroyed by a great flood and the current, Fifth Age, will end, perhaps
by cataclysmic earthquakes, on December 23, 2012. Virtually all
indigenous people insist that there was a very great Golden Age that
existed on the earth thousands of years ago and that this age was
destroyed, as the Maya tradition holds, by a great flood. Many also
insist that this age was far more technologically advanced than the
world is today. Western scholars, as a whole, reject all of this and
suppress, distort or ignore any and all evidence that confirms it. We
believe that the reason for their myopia is because they do not want the
people of the planet to know that human beings have exceeded the
current so-called pinnacle of civilization in the past. Nevertheless,
there are some White authorities who have broken ranks with tradition.
They include Graham Hancock, Richard Hoagland, Colin Wilson, Zecharia
Sitchin, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, Robert Schoch and others. If one
studies the history of this planet and closely observes its people, you
will see the widespread presence of Blacks. The Grimaldis of prehistoric
Europe, the Elamites and Chaldeans of Western Asia, the Davidians of
India, the Australoids of Southern China, Southeast Asia and Australia
and the variety of pre-Columbia Blacks, such as the Olmecs, who occupied
the New World in antiquity. We believe that there was indeed a great
flood in antiquity and that the world it destroyed was a vast Black
empire that had reached extraordinary technological heights worldwide.
Evidence of these people, their culture and achievements may be found in
the Journals of African Civilization published over the past 20 years
by Professor Ivan Van Sertima at Rutger University. Another point, which
is gradually gaining ground today, is the likelihood that ancient
people were advanced enough to engage in extraterrestrial or space
travel. This may sound fantastic, but it is not. As NASA knows, may
ancient people have left records of flying machines and numerous people
also have traditions of extraterrestrial origins. Our interest in this
was kindled by a tradition of the Hopi Indians that during the Third
World or Sun their people visited the Moon. Investigating the
possibility that ancient people may have engaged in space travel, we
found that Soviet Scientists take this issue very seriously and that
some Western authorities have documented it. (See “We Discovered Alien
Bases On The Moon,” by Fred Steckling, 1981). It appears that obelisks
and other monuments have been found on the Moon and that they are
mathematically synchronized with the monuments on the Gizen plateau in
Egypt. The following article, which sheds light on this subject, was
published in the April, 1998 issue of the MA’AT newsletter. Before you
shrug your shoulders and walk away, please read this information so that
you will see the lengths to which Western scientists will go to
suppress BLACK HISTORY-even when such knowledge would be of immeasurable
benefit to the human race. Suppression of this and other startling
evidence allows racists to gather at our site and smugly prate about
their alleged superiority. Our MA’AT readership is comprised of a highly
educated, well read, open minded, conscious group of truth seekers.
Bearing this in mind, we carefully investigate information on Black
history and culture that we think will be of interest to our
subscribers. We are keenly aware that the Western academic, scientific
and media establishments have consciously suppressed, distorted or
ignored the true history of African people and their descendants in the
diaspora. So much so that revelations of today, which were widely known
and acknowledged in antiquity, are often dismissed as exaggerations,
tall tales and “feel good history.” In other words, the Black truths of
yesteryear have been swept away by the White lies of today; and the
latter are so entrenched, ubiquitous and respected that, in the modern
world, TRUTH must prove itself to an often skeptical and even hostile
public. Hence, to a world accustomed to viewing African people as
genetically inferior, steeped in squalor, starvation and internecine
warfare, and light years behind the march of civilization — the ancient
Egyptians could not have been Black, Africans did not sail to the New
World thousands of years before Columbus and the medieval Blackamoors,
who civilized Western Europe, were “not Negroes.” Well, if the skeptics
have felt that we have been brash in resurrecting the ancient tradition
of the Black origin of civilization, this issue of MA’AT will give them
even greater cause for astonishment and disbelief. In light of NASA’s
recent effort to cover-up evidence of the African face on Mars (in spite
of a barrage of calls, letters and protests from around the world
challenging their conclusions) and their apparent ignoring of other
monuments on the Red Planet, we believe that it is time to introduce a
new dimension of Black history to our readership. Mounting geological,
archaeological, astronomical, anthropological and testimonial evidence
indicates that a very great civilization flourished on this planet as
late as twelve thousand years ago, and was destroyed by a cataclysmic
event, universally referred to as “The Flood,” between 11,000 and 9,000
B.C.3 Furthermore, compelling data suggest that this civilization was
Black, centered in Upper Egypt and may indeed have been interplanetary
in its scope and influence.4 The foregoing theory, in one form or
another, has garnered the support of a broad cross-section of
scientists, scholars and other authorities. In this issue of MA’AT, we
shed further light on this view by presenting startling evidence, long
suppressed in this country by NASA, of what appear to be very ancient
man-made structures on the moon! In the August issue of MA’AT, we
revealed that a growing number of professionals in physics, engineering,
cartography, mathematics, systems science, anthropology, architecture,
art, history, theology and other fields have done massive research and
published thought-provoking articles and books on what appear to be
pyramids, a sphinx (“the face”) and other structures on Mars. Since the
August issue of MA’AT, a new book, “The Case For The Face” A compilation
of papers by a number of scientists, has been published on the Martian
face.5 We now know that Mars is not the only celestial body that appears
to have evidence of “man-made” structures. The Moon does too. What’s
more, scientists in the former Soviet Union first published this
information in the 1960′s and it was a hot topic of discussion on
college and university campuses in their country at the time. While the
Soviets revealed the discoveries, NASA also photographed them but
refused to publicize their findings. Hence, even today, over thirty
years later, NASA is mute about the apparently unnatural structures on
the moon. Fortunately, there are two books that provide photographs of
these extraordinary structures on the Moon (See drawings at our website)
and give some insight as to their discovery, location and dimensions.
David H. Childless, Extraterrestrial Archaeology: Incredible Proof We
Are Not Alone, Stelle, Illinois, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994.
Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries, New York,
Marlowe & Company, 1997. The publisher of “Psychic Discoveries” has
granted MA’AT permission to reprint an excerpt from the book in this
issue of the newsletter. We would highly recommend that our subscribers
obtain Psychic Discoveries, which is an updated edition of Psychic
Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain, first published in 1970. This
extraordinary book is promoted as “The Iron Curtain Lifted — all new
revelations of long suppressed, explosive secrets and discoveries from
Prague to Moscow to Siberia.” The revelations in Psychic Discoveries
range from medical breakthroughs, superlearning programs and mind
control techniques to “Eyeless sight,” Kirlian photography and time
machines. Ostrander, Schroeder and other scholars are urging us to view
history from a broader, more conventional perspective, just as our
ancestors did before the rise, spread and triumph of Western thought.
Author William Fix provides a succinct recapitulation of the traditional
view of world history: “The legends of humanity the world over are
remarkably consistent in describing the oldest peoples and nations as
having what seemed godlike powers. Consistently we hear of vanished
nations and gods who could travel and build at will, who lived in
another age of the earth terminated by disaster, and who set cultural
patterns that endured for thousands of years. Long con- sidered by
western anthropologists as the fantasies of children, the substance of
the ancient legends has been increasingly supported by discoveries in
many fields.4″ Is it possible that a very advanced, worldwide,
antediluvian civilization, centered in Upper Egypt and Nubia, sent
astronauts to the moon? Increasing evidence suggests that such voyages
did take place in remote antiquity. The following excerpt from Psychic
Discoveries lends credence to this theory. Footnotes 1 Sheila Ostrander
and Lynn Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries, Incredible Proof We Are Not
Alone, New York, Marlowe & Company, 1997, Illus. 25 (caption). 2
David H. Childless, Extraterrestrial Archaeology: Incredible Proof We
Are Not Alone, Stelle, Illinois, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994, p.
33. 3 D.S. Allan & J.B. Delair, Cataclysm: Compelling Evidence of a
Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C., Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1997. Paul
LaViolette, Earth Under Fire: Humanity’s Survival of the Apocalypse,
Schenectady, New York, 1997. 4William R. Fix, Pyramid Odyssey, Urbanna,
Virginia, Mercury Media, Inc. 1984. The Search For Lost Origins, edited
by Atlantis Rising, Livingston, Mt. Atlantic Rising Books, 1996.
(Special attention should be devoted to parts two, three and six of the
book). 5 We do not yet have information regarding the publisher of this
book; however, specifics regarding this may be obtained by calling
1-800-228-8381. 6 Fix, Op. cit., p. 212. ——————————————————– Excerpted
From: Psychic Discoveries by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
(Marlowe & Company: New York, 1997)
http://www. WHO ELSE WENT TO THE MOON? “There’s something very
odd on the moon. Russia’s Luna 9 first photographed what seemed to be
artificially-made structures. America’s Orbiter 2 photographed them too.
In Russia, space engineer Dr. Abramov gave us pictures and a complex
mathematical analysis of these bizarre ‘ruins.’ He thought they were of
startling importance. Today, new archaeological and scientific
discoveries make these egnimatic? photos even more compelling. To check
their authenticity we consulted our friend, Dr. Ivan Sanderson, UFO
expert, former British intelligence officer, and science editor of
Argosy. Sanderson’s space-agency sources confirmed the photos were
genuine. (Only later did we discover that NASA had classified hundreds
of lunar photos of certain locations and refuses to release them to this
day.) The photos taken by Orbiter 2 on November 20, 1966, over the
moon’s Sea of Tranquility show eight pointed spires shaped like the
Washington Monument and Cleopatra’s needle – the ancient Egyptian
obelisk now in Central Park in New York. The sun was eleven degrees
above the horizon so scientists could calculate the height of the
structures from their shadows. The tallest “obelisk” is the size of a
fifteen story building! The smallest of the group is the height of a
large fir tree. In America, William Blair of the Boeing Institute of
Biotechnology analyzed the arrangement of the strange structures and
concluded that they were in triangular alignments with each other. The
obelisks formed six isosceles triangles. That certainly couldn’t have
just happened by chance, he figured. Situated beside them, he noted a
rectangular “depression” that looked like an excavation whose walls had
eroded. It all looked like the work of intelligent beings. Blair called
for an archaeological assessment to help unveil the mystery of what were
dubbed “the Blair Cuspids.” In Russia, Alexander Ambrov already had the
archaeological approach in hand. Besides being a space engineer, he was
also steeped in Egyptology and the geometry of the pyramids. When he
looked at the configuration of the strange objects photographed by the
lunar orbiters, bells went off. He began calculating. The configurations
of the pyramids at Gizeh near Cairo can be set out precisely on
something called in ancient Egypt, an “abaka” – a grid or table of
forty-nine squares. Pyramids are arranged on this grid in a very
specific way. Abramov applied the grid to the lunar structures. And felt
the flush of discovery. The obelisks on the moon are arranged on this
grid in the exact same pattern as the pyramids. The distribution of
these lunar objects, states Abramov, is like the plan of the Egyptian
pyramids Cheops, Chephren, and Mankura at Gizeh. The tips of the
obelisks in this lunar ‘abaka’ occupy precisely the same points as the
tops of the three great pyramids.” This is the discovery Abramov pressed
on us. Structures on the moon and the pyramids outside Cairo are built
on the same precise geometric pattern! It was hard to imagine this was
by chance. It was also hard to imagine what that might mean. With
Sanderson, in Argosy (August 1970), we broke the news in the West.
Abramov continued corresponding with Sheila for years. Then, more
recently, a couple of bells went off in our heads. A few years ago, NASA
consultant Richard Hoagland and his team brought wide attention to the
supposed “Face On Mars.” The Face isn’t alone on Mars, Hoagland
reported. There are other seemingly artificial structures. Articles and
photos began circulating saying that these structures were arranged on
the same pattern as monuments in ancient Egypt, and Britain. It sounded
familiar. A bigger bell went off when Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert
unveiled secrets about the pyramids hidden for thousands of years. In
The Orion Mystery, they published results of a ten year investigation
which makes a convincing case that a specific plan for the arrangement
of the pyramids was created before the first was built, and was carried
forward through the years by the great pharaohs. What’s the plan? With
great astronomical precision, the three pyramids are arranged to form a
map of the three bright stars in Orion’s belt. If they are right, and
Ambrov’s right, then the mystery is cloning. The pyramids in Egypt form a
map of Orion. The obelisks on the moon in the same arrangement then
also form a map of Orion- from earth’s point of view. Is there a
message? IS IT GETTING CROWDED ON THE MOON? Soviet probe Luna 9 landed
at the Ocean of Storms on February 4, 1966. Ivan Sanderson examined the
Luna photos we’d obtained. “There are two straight lines of equidistant
stones that look like markers along an airport runway.” he observed.
“These circular stones are all identical, and are positioned at an angle
that produces a strong reflection from the sun.” Even stranger, each
stone is incised with two perfect circles, one on each side. Luna
shifted as it photographed so the Society had a double set of photos at
different angles, allowing investigators to set up a 3-D stereoscopic
view of the long “stone runway.” One of the U.S.S.R.’s most prestigious
scientists, Dr. S. Ivanov, inventor of stereo movies in the U.S.S.R. and
winner of the Laureate State Prize (the Soviet equivalent of the Nobel
Prize), and engineer A. Brukonenko published a startling analysis of
these photos along with Abramov’s data on the mysterious moon monuments
in the Soviet magazine Technology for Youth (November 5, 1969). To their
surprise the stone markers were spaced at precise, regular intervals.
“The objects as seen in 3-D seem to be arranged according to definite
geometric laws.” Ivanov concluded. They were unquestionably “planned
structures,” and the pointed spires (obelisks), he said, were not
natural formations but “Artificial structures of alien origin.” “The
moon’s stones shout a message to mankind!” declared the Soviet analysts.
The discoveries attracted serious attention in Russian universities,
our professor friends told us. Sanderson speculated: “Is the origin of
the obelisks on the earth and those on the moon the same?” What is the
purpose of an obelisk anyway, and why did the ancients go to all the
trouble of making them? We added our own wonderings. Could obelisks be
some form of psychotronic generator related to flight? Recently
translated Sanskrit astronautics texts reveal ancient humans had
developed saucerlike flying craft call “vimanas.” Could the ancients
have reached the moon? Or did ancient astronauts travel to both moon and
earth, leaving their unique signature and even guide maps on both
locations? In his many years of correspondence with us, Dr. Abramov
repeatedly emphasized, “The solutions to the mysteries of the moon,
UFOs, and the early monuments of Britain like Stonehenge, can all be
found in ancient Egypt.” “This discovery [of alien moon structures] must
be heralded as among the most important discoveries made by either the
American or Soviet space program!” says David Hatcher Childless of the
Russian analysis of these moon photos in his book Extra-terrestrial
Archaeology. “But strangely enough . . . they have been ignored.” Or
have they? The enigma deepens. Childless’s 1994 book makes public
hundreds more Soviet and American space-agency and astronomical photos
of the moon that reveal dozens of strange artifacts: Seeming pyramids,
tunnels, bridges, moving objects that appear and disappear. And there’s
more — official NASA photos of large cigar-shaped and saucer-shaped,
glowing UFO’s traveling near the moon in and out of its craters. Soviet
cosmonauts are not the only ones seeing UFO’s. American astronauts took
many of these photos and films during Apollo missions. The first Apollo
mission landed at the Sea of Tranquillity where the mysterious moon
obelisks are located. Based on Russian space sources, Dr. Vladimir
Azhazha claims, “Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control
that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having
landed near the moon module. But this message was never heard by the
public – because NASA censored it.” Armstrong denies ever seeing UFO’s.
Maurice Chatelain, former Chief of NASA Communications Systems, who has
appeared in numerous UFO documentaries, was quoted in Nexus Magazine —
“Armstong saw two UFO’s on the rim of a crater.” He added,” . . . all
Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and
sometimes quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin . .
. The astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute
silence.” Nexus reports that Chatelain, in April, 1996, dropped the
“bombshell revelation” that the Apollo Moon Mission found “several
mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin on the moon.” It’s
hard to unravel the claims and counterclaims about UFO’s. Some American
astronauts speak readily to sighting UFO’s as jet pilots. But they deny
seeing them in space. All except one, perhaps. Former astronaut, Dr.
Brian O’Leary, speaking at the International Forum on New Science in
Fort Collins, Colorado, September 18, 1994, declared flatly, “We have
contact with alien cultures . . .” He believes the suppression of fifty
years of data was orchestrated by the secrecy apparatus of interlocking
intelligence and security agencies. “The Cosmic Watergate” he said, “of
UFO, alien, mind-control, genetic engineering, free-energy,
antigravity-propulsion, and other secrets will make Watergate and
Irangate appear to be kindergarten exercises. But,” he asserts, “the
truth will and must be known eventually.” Is the moon a UFO base for
earth reconnaissance? Were Apollo astronauts, while collecting moon
rocks, actually extraterrestrial archaeologists examining “ruins?” Is
this the most explosive secret of all — half a century of suppressed
evidence of alien encounters and activities? Could the big
Soviet-American push into psi research have another facet-motivated not
only by the Cold War, but also by the urgent need to cope with ETs? In
1966, Dr. Courtney Brown claimed in his book Cosmic Voyage that for
years, U.S. intelligence and defense agencies have been using
remote-viewing clairvoyants to try to track UFOs visiting earth. Could
the costly Soviet Tesla projects and the U.S.’s HAARP– which use the
ionosphere for surveillance of space around the planet and deep inside
the earth and oceans – have another, more covert defense purpose? With
the Cold War over and many missiles dismantled, could these tracking
systems also be monitoring UFOs? Could the hypersecret Soviet
development of psychotronic weapons have been not only for defense
against Westerners, but against the superior technology of ETs? On March
21, 1996, a briefing was held at Washington’s National Press Club,
about thirty-year old “suppressed evidence” of manufactured artifacts on
the moon. Richard Hoagland and a panel of scientists revealed that
photos and film of lunar artifacts have undergone four years of
sophisticated analysis and enhancement by the latest scientific and
computer technologies — methods that did not exist thirty years ago when
the photos were taken. “These official mission films provide compelling
scientific evidence for the presence of ancient artificial structures
on the moon,” says Hoagland. Computer-enhanced photos of Apollo 12
astronaut Alan Bean on the moon supposedly show he’s actually standing
in front of a huge domed tier — a “ruin” towering above and behind the
lunar module Intrepid. NASA has been airbrushing photos, according to
Hoagland. The basic purpose of the Apollo program, he claims, “was to
send Americans directly to these ruins, to record them on film and to
bring back physical evidence (including manufactured artifacts) for
analysis on earth.” If that’s true, why was there such a massive
cover-up? Hoagland believes thirty years ago people weren’t ready to
digest the news about the moon’s surface- “Hard physical ruins left by a
race of obviously superior beings,” he says, would have “collapsed
civilization.” As we speed toward the millennium, there’s a growing
consensus from a host of sources that humanity is heading for a
rendezvous with destiny – heading toward acknowledging the wondrous and
terrifying news. “We are not alone” – heading towards the shift to
“galactic consciousness.” Recent archaeological discoveries, revelations
of Native American spiritual leaders, chronicles of many ancient
cultures from India to South America – all point to centuries-old
visitations by extraterrestrials. And the prediction that the time has
come for them to return here again. Humanity’s own origins are shrouded
in mystery….”
Legrand H. Clegg II, Editor and Publisher, MA’AT news
USA – Friday, November 05, 1999 at 00:47:40 (EST)
READ THIS: Se alafia ne? One thing I have seen is the incessant barage
of characters on this website posting nothing more than mere
opinion…White Supremacist opinions at that. I can tell by the words of
such Anti-Black Egyptian proponents that they either exist in a state of
ignorance or in a realm of biased denial and conscious neglect. To
present credible information to support a theory is one thing, but to
engage one’s self in a child’s play game of immature insults,
name-callings and character assasinations is a horse of a different
nature. As my beloved brothers Shekem aka Menes and X-Dude have pointed
out, when one runs dry on supporting evidence…one seeks to support
bullshxt. This is what this guestbook has been cluttered with lately.
Some time ago, I, like others here, defended the Black Egyptian stance
with supportable evidence from OUTSIDE of Kemet, notably from the rest
of African. However, those only bent on bravado and “bashing illerate
negroids” have conveniently overlooked such claims and statements like
an elephant would the world and reality of bro. ant. Eventhough, I
believe outside evidence is valuable to concluding as to what realm and
plane Kemet and the Kamau (Egyptians) fall in. Africa provides us with
substantial material to connect Kemet with the African world and
reality; so much proof does Africa hands that proposing a cultural
diffusion theory would seem too elementary and simple to resolve the
issue. This bulk of evidence is usually spoken by Euro-centric
“scholars” in a casual, roundabout and tongue-in-the-cheek way, I guess
either they are aware of the potential of such a linkage and are afraid
of recognizing it or they are so biased in thought that Africa seems
like the least likely place to look. Yet, the fact remains, as I was
talking to an elder of mine, that there is a “new blood” of African
researchers, scientists and scholars whom, in the next millenium, will
become more aggressive and creative in expressing the true African
experience. This vanguard of ancestor-inspired warrior/scholars will
redefine our scientific theories and methods, in accordance with the
senses of their forebearers, and initiate a renaissance in thought,
study and most importantly, RECLAMATION. Aware of these young and brash
upstarts, the Western academia is launching a new initiative to nip at
the bud the productive flowering which is inevitable. Yes, “Ivy League”
and company, knowing their backs are ever more forced against the wall
and that they are being put into a unknown defensive posture, figure
that a new offensive move is the most feasible tactic, which is what we
are witnessing here with this un-educated group of propogandists
invading African sanctity. Have you ever wondered why Skip Gates is now
all of a sudden motivated to produce a “tourist guide” of Africa, which
in content attempts to separate Kemet, Nubia (Kush) and Ethiopia from
Africa, while at the same time, tries to demonize and scrutinize those
Africans you can not put a “white-face” on? What was Mr. Gates trying to
prove, and much subtly, trying to imply? Is this not a Euro-centric
ruse of using a Negro to stop the rise of Black Reclamation
intellectuals? The new millenium is approaching and interest in African
is increasing as the Western world shifts into high gear its
Globalization plans. Young Black minds like those who visit this website
are dramatically becoming a serious threat to these Western globalized
hegemony plans and they MUST not be afforded the luxury to proliferate!
This is what the invaders in here are saying. To further the cause of
our Liberation, we must stop being “rote” learners and become radical
poineers listening to the ancestral drums that beat in our hearts and
minds as we search for more innovative ways to our Redemption. It is up
to us! We need more effective Black renegade archeologists (who will
explore West Africa and other places), tenacious anthropologists ( who
research the world’s end to tell humanity story in a true light),
intuitive historians (who can present the facts in a TIMELINE fashion),
brilliant mathematicians (who can redefine the concept of time and
document the mathematical genius of Africa), skilled metaphysicians (who
are capable of telling African cosmologies and hero-stories) and we
need ad infinitum. Understand these needed people can not perform
effectively, efficiently and progressively without the Proper Funding
for their endeavors, so therefore, we need ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT on a
collective level to address the affairs relevant to African survival and
resurrection. What do Europeans have to lose in remaining adamant to a
subconsciously professed African (Negro) inferiority, that is preached
symbolically. You didn’t catch it. If these Negroes began to band
together and channel their research and resources collective into a
coherent fusion, all plans of our imposed hierarchy is null and void.
Blacks will began to bring the yoke of Euro-centric orientation such as
the Mercator map with its special emphasis of placing Europe in
centralized location as the sun is in this helio-centric “SOLAR” system.
The Negroes will not call next year the year 2000, in agreement with
our Euro-centric structuring of time, but it will be for Diasporan
Africans…the next year 441 M.P. (Maafa Period). They overthrow us like
the Visigoths did Rome with the rest of the northern “dumb blond”
barbarians. Our standards of civilization, our method of name things
into existence, our process of paper ordained codes, our priviledge
status in this global apartheid caste system, our rape of natural
resources to further our aims, our institutionalized concept of progress
of Third World countries, our ideas of literacy, our explanation of the
world and our very life blood will all be forever a nasty memory. This
what Europeans would lose, but it is impossible for Europeans to
overstand this fact since the world is nice and “right” as it now is.
Odabo! My people be strong and continue to hear the ancestors.
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 20:49:28 (EST)
They just don’t get it! The trailer trash just don’t get it! We know you
are afraid! You are a tiny minority that is in “psychological control”
through the use of terror and systems of oppression. This makes you
extremely vulnerable! We know you are afraid of the FACT that your
system of racism white supremacy is coming to an end. That is why they
come here absolutely paranoid about “WHAT WE THINK OF OURSELVES AND OUR
OWN ANCESTORS”. I do not hate all white people, and anybody that does is
making a mistake. I do hate the white system of oppression,
exploitation, and all those that support it (Black Uncle Tom SAMBOs and
white alike). My comments are directed to them and them alone
(regardless of their numbers). The main thing these white supremist
“SLIMEING” this site and the Earth don’t understand is that WE DON”T
CARE WHAT THEY THINK. This site is for us to discuss our people alone.
There is nothing these savages can do to effect how we think of
ourselves once we have been exposed to the truth. I am a witness to this
for I can say the I was an unconscious uncle tom at one time. Now, I
will give my life for my Black people. Now, enough with the blonde hair
blue eye mummy….we have laughed enough! THUTMOS TURNER
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 16:01:46 (EST)
Correction in the third sentence: And it is fear of the end of their
vicious system of exploitation that keeps them from admitting that the
Egyptians were BLACK.
Age: 20, USA – Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 14:40:02 (EST)
Devil’s Advocate: First of all Sherry claimed that the Egyptians were
Nordics with Blonde Hair and Blue eyes. Secondly, Arabs are considered
“dark whites”. And it is fear of the end of their vicious system of
exploitation that keeps them from admitting that the Egyptians were
white. As long as they can say that the Egyptians were “dark whites”
they will always maintain the false idea of racial superiority with
which they have fooled so many people. And yes they have fooled many
people. The evidence that was presented clearly indicates that the
Egyptians were black. Had this not been a racist world, and we were
truly interested in classifying the differences in humans, we would have
to reach the conclusion that the Egyptians were Black. By white people
owns standards they are Black. Why is it that the white “scholars” are
now changing the criteria for racial identification when they realize
that it could mean that we started civilization. Lastly, ever heard of
the saying that says you must love yourself before you can love someone
else. Well, we (I know I) don’t teach hate, I teach love for self. If
this world were not turned into a world filled with racism where a group
of people are forcefully subjugated socially and worse psychologically,
for the the economic benefit of another, we could just go on and focus
on the betterment of human kind. Right now it is one step at a time. Had
this not been a racist world everyone would acknowledge their debt to
their ancestors and the original people of this earth. This is where we
are going. Believe me the process has begun and it won’t be long now.
All the efforts of the racist are doing nothing but prolonging the
Age: 20, USA – Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 14:36:46 (EST)
Raping the earth, polluting the air, destroying animal species not
because it was needed but because it was wanted. You call that
civilized. Isn’t circumcision sexual mutalation? Would you call the
legal murder of thousands of people on death row every year civilized?
How about the fact that you kill thousands through second hand smoke?
You think you’re more civilized because you don’t have to see the people
you kill? How about the sanctions on Iraq that kills millions of man,
women and children. Death by starvation of millions to appease your
unlimited want. Are you great because you stole land and had others
build the nation you now benefit from? Are you great because you build
weapons of mass destruction? Or maybe because you’ve caused diseases
that are unknown to many.All those who wrote derogatory remarks about
the original people, I know you are AFRAID. This is why you are here.
This is why you want to put in words to discourage our efforts. Your
numbers are dwindling to nothing, you have effectively ensured your
death by depleting the ozone. The End of Western Civilization is near
and you can see it. Babylon will fall. If you think about it,
spiritualy, you are the equivalent of the devil. According to the Bible,
who is now in charge of the world? But not for long. The devil has done
a lot of things that blind ones see as being great. But you see the
TRUTH has returned. You are like a virus that has infected the earth, we
are the here with the medication that will purge you from this earth.
For almost 200,000 years we had peace. You see, building monuments
doesn’t define the greatness of humans. Civilization is living
harmoniously, working with nature, ensuring balance, being spiritually
entuned. As for Advocate, Sherry, Iskander, Brian, PRO TRUTH, and
whoever else wrote anything against us, I make you a promise. I
guarantee your children will one day regret that their ancestors so evil
and they will honor, respect, and love the original people to whom
their debt is immeasurable!!! We can put a wager on it that our
children’s children will have to pay. We both know your downfall is
Age: 20, USA – Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 01:07:26 (EST)
USA – Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 20:35:47 (EST)
To Sherry: SHAME ON YOU!!! While you are so busy trying to respond to
the barrage of Black intellectuals’ comments, you have failed in English
101. Your statement “you will never get no where” is grammatically
incorrect, in that you use a double negative. I thought you White folk
learned that as early as the 11th grade. SHAME ON YOU!!!
The Englishman
USA – Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 12:32:28 (EST)
The Sherry thing is BACK! Or should we call it Harman, Advocate, white
trash, etc. The Sherry thing (is back from its Neo Nazi sh-t kicking
Aryan white supremist hate site). Back with more stories about blonde
hair blue eyed mummies. Funny how all these people sound the very same.
More white supremist minority strategies of making themselves bigger and
more together than they are. Sounds like a “B” horror movie. Blond hari
blue eyes …..these mummies must have been neo nazi white supremist
mummies! Back to the caves of the Caucausus mountains where you were
sexually abusing animals. Neo nazi mummies! I needed a good laugh this
morning Sherrie thing…..thank you. You are the joke of the internet!
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 10:42:07 (EST)
To: white Harmon and white Advocate person: In case you can’t read, I
would like to inform you that the moderator (brother Clegg) has just
given you both another “LEGENDARY” kick in the ass! You have made fools
of yourself with your blonde mummy antics. I think this would be an
appropriate time and opportunity for the both of you white boys to
repent and appologize. You have disgraced yourselves and your white
race! PATHETIC!!!!!!! OH by the way Mr. white Harman person, brother
Cheikh Anta Diop did not just have some sort of degree in physics as you
attempted to distort the truth (typically). Brother Diop was a
Physicist, a Linguist, a Carbon Dater, Anthropologist, etc. This man is
renouned by Black and white scholars worldwide. You should lick the
boots of every Black person you pass for this folly. When you come here,
come in honesty not slander. We will meet you on any level you want to
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 02:12:12 (EST)
TO: Bryan Harmon: This is a brief response to your comments. First in
his book “Black Spark: White fire, Fire: Did ancient Black navigators
civilize Europe?” White journalist Richard Poe devotes several chapters
to the work of bioanthropologist Dr. Shomarka Keita. Dr. Keita’s
conclusion regarding the ancient Egyptians was that the indigenous
Egyptians, who laid the foundation of civilization, were blacks. Poe
also does an excellent critique on Frank Snowden and his distorted
views. For years Whites refused to publish Snowden’s work, so he finally
decided to compromise himself. Yes the Egyptians were lighter than the
Nubians, just as the Toucouleur are lighter than the Nigerians, but they
are both of the same racial stock. Why is it that White people can
accept dark Sicilians and Nordics as extremes of the White race, but
they can’t apply this reasoning to Africans. The bust of Nefertiti has
no insignia on it whatsoever. There is no evidence as to whom it
belongs. On the other hand, scores of temple carvings of her and her
husband in the City of Akhetaton show them both to have been very
Negroid. Some carvings even show her wearing her hair in cornrows. As
for the physical types of the ancient Egyptians, I recommend that you
read an article, “The Biological Relationship of The Ancient Egyptians
to Other Populations,” by Dr. Keith Crawford of Howard University. It
appears in the new Journal of Pan African Studies that can be obtained
by calling: (818) 677-3311. After presenting a diversity of data, the
author concludes: “Studies of linkage disequilibrium and allelic
variation at a mini-satellite locus suggests that Hamitic Africoids are
descended from sub-Saharan Africans, the differences in trait probably
due to genetic drift and environmental selection. Ancient Egyptian
populations with ‘non-Negroid” facial features are most similar to these
modern Hamitic (Elongated Africoid) populations of Northeast Africa.
Preliminary studies with Mitochondrial DNA also suggest affiliations
with sub-Sharan Africans for ancient Egyptians and some modern Egyptian
groups. Within an evolutionary paradigm, differences between Upper and
Lower Egyptians once thought to be racially-influenced differences, can
now be alternatively interpreted as clinal variation, an expression of
environmental selection. The ancient Egyptians have limb proportions and
other features of their stature that are the same as all other African
populations but different from Caucasoids in Europe and Asia. These
adaptations indicate a long period of evolution in tropical regions.
Since Egypt is not in tropical Africa, these observations reinforce
sub-Saharan Africa as the region of origin for the ancient Egyptians.
Collectively, all of these data strongly support an African
bio-historical affiliation for the ancient Egyptians and their closest
relationships with other Africoids. The ancient Egyptians were most
similar to populations inhabiting Northeast Africa, which included
variants with Broad (Negroid), Elongated (Hamitic) and Nilotic facial
traits.” The following statement that we posted on October 13 provides
responses to some of the other issues that you raised. A more scientific
response was posted here on October 19, by “Blackfacts.” It would also
be worth reading: To Carl and Sherry: Most of our Black colleagues
refuse to respond to White people who passionately condemn our
contention that the ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. They believe
that to attempt a debate with Caucasians on this issue is a useless
dialogue of the deaf. We, on the other hand, believe that most White
people are victims of a vast conspiracy promoted by scholars, scientists
and politicians who have developed a “civilization” based on fiction.
Part of this fiction is that Whites have been the harbingers of
civilization since time immemorial, and that Blacks and other people of
color have been their subordinates throughout history. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. Hence, when you come to this site with your
racist views, we are certain to respond. We believe that the
falsification of history by White scientists and scholars has remained
unchallenged for far too long. And we certainly will not tolerate it
here. So, let’s get it on! We’ll start with you, CARL: It is absurd for
you to claim that “no one denied Egypt is in Africa…just not Black
Africa.” I challenge you to find 10 books written by White Egyptologists
who mention that Egypt is in Africa. They are in such denial that they
cannot even tell the truth about geography. Why? Because they know that
to mention Africa would suggest Blackness and the real origin of all
African people, including the Egyptians. Secondly, you claim that the
Egyptians “mixed with blacks” during the late period and that this was
responsible for the decline of the country. This, too, is untrue. The
Egyptians themselves traced their origin to the BLACK SOUTH- the land of
Punt, modern day Somalia, Kenya and Uganda. Even racist white
Egyptologists will admit that the early fossils and skulls of the
predynastic Egyptians are “Negroid.” The Black Egyptians later mixed
with Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Roman, etc.-all of whom brought
nothing but destruction and desecration of monuments, traditions and
human beings. Finally, if Egypt were indeed a white (you say “blonde”)
civilization, why did White people cross the mountains and hills of
Europe, sail across the Mediterranean into Africa and then cross miles
of hot desert sands to begin civilization on another continent, yet they
left no evidence of their brilliant civilization in Europe! Why?
Because this never happened! The truth is that Black people founded
Egypt long before Europeans even existed in the world. White journalist
Richard Poe has said the following about the earliest White Egyptians:
“Why is the racial identity of ancient Egypt such a sensitive issue?
Perhaps because it touches on the question of who invented civilization:
Whites or Blacks? When the pyramids were built, Europe was still a
wilderness, peopled by cannibals and headhunters.” We are not “inventing
proof,” Carl, White scholars and scientists have been doing so for two
hundred years, and we, as Black people, are simply not going to tolerate
this degradation of our people and our history any more. It must stop,
now, as we enter the 21st Century. Now, as for you, Sherry: You stated
that you do not understand what White people would gain from claiming
the ancient Egyptians were White, if this were not so. Why would they
lie about history? White scientists and scholars would lie about history
for the perpetuation of the illusion of White supremacy. White
supremacy dominates everything in this society (i.e., economics,
education, labor, law, politics, religion, etc.) The distortion of
history is just one component of this longstanding practice and
tradition. The Egyptians had many slaves, some of whom were Black people
from the south-the very south to which the Egyptians traced their
origin. In centuries passed Europeans enslaved other Europeans, and no
one questioned the fact that some White people enslaved other Whites.
But, if Egyptians enslaved Nubians they must have been of a different
race. This is nonsense. Both the Egyptians and Nubians were African
people. As you will see below, in my brief reference to Egyptian
mummies, the remains that you make reference to are totally
inconclusive. There is no proof of the true identity of the mummies of
Ramesis II and Queen Hatshepsut. Furthermore, Queen Hatshepsut was the
granddaughter of the unquestionably Black queen Ahmose Nefertari,
co-founder of the 18th dynasty. Hatshepsut’s entire family was of Nubian
origin. Moreover, have you seen the wall paintings of Queen
Hatshepsut’s expeditions to the African nation of Punt. The king and
queen of Punt are clearly Black Africans. The peaceful relationship
between the Egyptians and the Puntites resulted from the fact that the
Egyptians traced their origin to Punt. We are well aware of the on
again/ off again conflict between the Negroid Egyptians and the Black
Nubians. Breasted, as most other racist Egyptologists, has erroneously
defined the word Nahasi as “Black,” when it meant no such thing. So all
of that nonsense that you have quoted about “Blacks” not being able to
cross into Egypt, etc. is a farce. Nahasi was a geographical name
applied to certain peoples, tribes and nations south of Egypt. Remember,
the people of Punt (modern day Somalia, Kenya & Uganda) were also
south of Egypt and Black, but the Egyptians did not refer to them as
Nahasi because they were in a different location (in East Africa and on
the horn of Africa). In this vein, Cheikh Anta Diop has written:
“Because of this inscription which marked off the border between the
Meriotic Sudan and Egypt after the troubles of the Twelfth Dynasty, it
is often concluded that this separated two distinct races, that the
stela barred ‘Blacks’ from entering Egypt. Such a conclusion is a
grievous error, for the term “Black” was never used by the Egyptians to
distinguish the Meriotic Sundanese from themselves. Egyptians and
Meroitic Sundanese belonged to the same race. They designated each other
by tribal and regional names, never by epithets related to color, as in
cases involving contact between a black race and a white race.” Diop
also adds: “Not one of the many modern texts is authentic that mentions
the term ‘Black’ as if it had ever been used by the Egyptians to
distinguish themselves from Negroes. Whenever these texts relate some
fact reported by the Egyptians about ‘Blacks’ it is a distortion. They
translate Nahasi by ‘Blacks’ in order to serve the cause. Strangely
enough, the word Kushite becomes incompatible with the idea of ‘Blacks’
as soon as it refers to the first inhabitants who civilized Arabia
before Mohammed; the land of Canaan, prior to the Jews (Phoenicia);
Mesopotamia, prior to the Assyrians (Chaldean epoch); Elam; India,
before the Aryans. This is one of the many contradictions that betray
the specialists’ fear of revealing facts they must have detected.” Now
the word Kemit, WHICH DOES MEAN BLACK, was used by the Egyptians to
describe themselves; but the same Egyptologists who mistranslate Nahasi
as Black claim that Kemit refers not to the people, but to the soil. We
reject this nonsense out of hand. You mentioned Sesostris I and III and
claim that they hated “the Blacks.” Sherry, not only were these middle
Kemit pharaohs of Nubian origin Nubia, but their sculptures depict them
as unquestionably Black Africans themselves. Even some of their queens
are shown wearing “Afro” hairstyles. What we have here is Black
Egyptians at war with Black Nubians. You cannot expect us to believe
that these Black Pharaohs referred to the lands south of Egypt as Black
lands, when they called their own country, Egypt, “the place of the
Black people.” Nahasi does not mean Black. In the midst of all your
citations, you also mentioned the pharaoh Ahmose, brother of
Ahmose-Nefertari (also his queen) as saying “The Black is helpless. Even
Harris and Weeks (no friends to Africentrists), who wrote “X-Ray The
Pharaohs,” admit that this pharaoh and his family were “genetically
influenced by people of the south.” They go on to say: “Various scholars
in the past have proposed a Nubian…origin for Sequenenre (Ahmose’s
grandfather) and his family, and his facial features suggest this might
indeed be true. If it is true, the history of the family that reputedly
drove the Hyksos from Egypt, and the history of the Seventeenth Dynasty,
stands in need of considerable re-examination.” Now here you have two
White Egyptologist acknowledging that Ahmose was Nubian, and yet, you
insist that he despised “the Blacks.” We reject your reasoning, Sherry,
because it is the same preposterous thinking that has led to the
illusion of a White (blonde, you claim) Egypt in the middle of Africa.
Generally, when the Egyptians painted foreigners, they depicted them
true to form; but when they painted themselves, they often depicted
themselves as reddish brown-the colors of life, blood and rebirth. This
was a conventional color, which they used no matter what the actual
color of the individual might have been. When the Egyptians chose to
depict the races with which they were familiar, they depicted themselves
and the Nubians with BLACK SKIN. They depicted Europeans and Semites as
white and tan respectively. If you visit the tomb of Ramesis III (1200
B.C.) you will see this firsthand. Furthermore, the most ancient
monument in Egypt, the Sphinx, bears the likeness of a Black African
and, during the late period, when Herodetus and other Greeks visited
Egypt, they described the people as Black skinned with woolly hair:
Hence, from the early date of the Sphinx, through Ramesis III and
finally the late period, the Egyptians were clearly “Negroid,” in spite
of the gradual mixture with foreigners. As for blue-eyed Egyptians, this
is clearly a fluke. As a matter of fact, it may even be fake. Not even
the staunchest racist would claim that the Egyptians had blue eyes.
Next, the “mummy evidence” that you mention has lost all credibility. In
a recent article in KMT magazine, it was pointed out that grave robbers
stacked scores of mummies on top of one another, and later
Egyptologists picked and chose at random which mummies they wanted to
represent which pharaohs. Since most of the Egyptologists are blatantly
negrophobic, we, as Blacks, certainly do not trust the validity of the
mummies they have selected, especially when these mummies do not bear
the characteristics of the corresponding sculptures and monuments. All
of the monuments of Ramesis II depict him with a very broad nose and
thick lips-White people have pointed noses and thin lips. It is
interesting that you would focus on King Tutankhamen (18th dynasty) to
draw a distinction between the Egyptians and the Nubians. The 17th
dynasty was of almost pure Nubian origin and the 18th dynasty was
founded by the same family. All 18 of these pharaohs and queens were
either Black, Negroid or of Black origin. Don’t you understand, Sherry,
where there was conflict, these were Black people fighting other Black
people, just as is happening in parts of Africa today. King Tut’s mother
and father were Negroid. If you don’t accept this from us, then, let us
give you the names of a few White scholars who agree: John Wilkinson,
Gerald Massey, Christian Desroches-Noblecourt and Alexander von
Wuthenau. As a matter of fact, Von Wuthenau says the following about
King Tut, which should clarify our position for you: “The features of
this king, whose mother was of pure black stock, are almost as Negroid
as the ones of his captured Nubian enemies.” One of the founders of
modern Egyptology was Champollion the younger. He and his Colleagues
knew that the ancient Egyptians were not White people. In a letter to
his brother, he described the paintings on the tomb of Sesostris I: This
is what he said about the White people, who were designated last in the
status of human beings: “Finally, the last one is what we call
flesh-colored, a white skin of the most delicate shade, a nose straight
arched, blue eyes, blond or reddish beard, tall stature and very
slender, clad in a hairy ox-skin, a veritable savage tattooed on various
parts of his body; he is called Tamhou…finally (and I am ashamed to say
so, since our race is the last and the most savage in the series),
Europeans who, in those remote epochs, frankly did not cut too fine a
figure in the world. In this category we must include all blond and
white-skinned people living not only in Europe, but Asia as well, their
starting point.” Finally, even with all of the White suppression of
evidence and lies, most of the mummies on display have Negroid features;
DNA tests show a genetic relationship between the Egyptians and
Nubians. Scholars like Diop and Greenberg have demonstrated that the
tongue of the Pharaohs was related to other African languages.
Furthermore, if the Egyptians were white and blonde, why didn’t the
Greeks and Romans say so. They and the Hebrews described the ancient
Egyptians as Black skinned with woolly hair. You and your kinsmen may
continue to perpetuate white supremacist nonsense; but we as people of
African descent are no longer dependent on you for information, thank
God. So we will tell our own story, whether you like it or not!!!
Legrand H. Clegg II Editor & Publisher, MA’AT news
Legrand H. Clegg II, Editor and Publisher, MA’AT news
USA – Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 22:27:34 (EST)
For starters Cheik Anta Diop was not an egyptologist he had a Phd. in
some sort of science, perhaps physics.In 1990 and 1992 Dr. Shomarka
Keita a black bioanthropologist conduted reasearh on Egyptian skulls and
found the northern Egyptians had skulls intermediate between north
Europeans and Egypts southern neighbors. This study was in the American
Journal of American Anthropology or Archeology I forget which one.
Secondly, It must be remebered the Ancient Egyptians called their
southern neighbors “wretched” Kush or “miserable” Kush which shows the
Egyptians thought their southern neighbors were savages. Martin Bernal
in his book Black Athena described the northern Egyptians as being a
lighter Meditteranian type while the southern Egyptians were dark. Greek
writers such as Manilius, Flavius Philistratus, and Arrian all
commented on how the Egyptians were lighter than their southern
neighbors but the afrocentrists ignore this. Frank Snowden a black
classicist from Howard University found those examples of Greek authors.
Also Dr.Snowden talks about how Greeks called black people Ethiopian
which means “burnt faced”.Look at the famous bust of Nefertiti this is a
perfect example of a northern Egyptian. She has a tan complexion and
very non negroid facial features. She was the Queen of Akhnaten.Salima
Ikram and Aidan Dodsan who are real Egyptologists and experts on mummies
because they have seen thousands while studying in Egypt have said that
the northern Egyptians were a light tan complexion with straight hair
and non negroid features while the southern Egyptians were a dark brown
and negroid looking people. The problem is that to qualify as black in
most countries you must be pretty dark and the northern Egyptians dont
qualify as even fairly dark. In South Africa,the Latin American
countries and Arab countries light brown is not a black person. The same
applies in White countries unless you have black ancestry and it is the melanin test Diop simply says that the Egyptians are
darker than northern Europeans but that is not good enough for me or the
greatest expert on mummies in the world Salima Ikram who is an
Egyptologist in Egypt as mentioned before. She has seen thousands of
mummies and could kill Diop in a debate.I met her in Washington D.C. and
she is incredibly intelligent.She is not white either and she has a
dark compiexion so I doubt she is racist.We need a commission of
archeologists and egyptologists from around the world to study the
remains of the Egyptians and reach a real conclusion about their race
once and for all.The Greeks lived on the Meditteranian and had light
brown skin,straight brown hair, and non negroid features and the
northern Egyptians had these same features. With Diop’s argument I guess
they must all be black.All Diop had to do was test southern Egyptians
to get Black Egyptians and it appears that some of his testing was done
on southern sites and allowed to stand for all of Egypt.I must be
cautious of this problem. According to Rosa David a prominent
Egyptologist the Egyptians had different blood types and her study did
not even talk about race at all.The Egyptians had different comlexions
and to claim them as either “black” or “white” reveals much more about
the person making the claim than the Egyptians themselves!!!
Bryan Harman
Age: 24, Richmond, VA USA – Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 13:42:32 (EST)
this message is for tutmose turner in compton california. You are a true
revolutionary. I wanted to e-mail you because I am in the Afrikan
Student Union in California and I am finding it very hard to organize my
comrades behind a central belief. please e-mail me. Your comrade a
student in the art of Afrikan Amerikkkan revolution
USA – Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 00:49:37 (EST)
:10 (EST)
Se alafia ne? It is good that we have brothers and sisters aware and
conscious. The new millenium is approaching and our efforts as African
people should be focused on nationbuilding, i.e. securing land,
developing strategetic economic and socializatioin progams, projects and
policies, incorporating a sense of national identity and evolving
political platforms instead of the age old political
Democratic/Republican favoritism. We have the potential to re-surrect
like phoenix from flames just as sure as our ancestors build the khu-tis
(pyramids), Zimbabwe, Ghana, Benin and other grand testiments. We are
the original people, those who are destined for a great new within the
old cycle of reciprocity. Let’s network, Let’s connect, Let’s build,
Let’s strive. Black People, Black People, beautiful Black People, let no
one define your reality except yourself!!!! This includes your past,
present and future. Odabo. Ase Ase Ase-O Ire-O!!!
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Monday, November 01, 1999 at 20:03:20 (EST)
42 (EST)
Should have expected it. This is in regard to an article from ABC News titled “First Americans from Europe?” located at
—- Only weeks after skull evidence suggests (even proves) that blacks
were first in the Americas, the Europeans try to steal the spotlight and
say that their ancestors were first because their spear heads are
“sooooo similar.” I think I am more apt to believe the skull and
skeletal evidence, than spearheads. Europeans want to claim everything
for themselves. It is soooo annoying.
Me again
Age: even older, Smalltown, In USA – Monday, November 01, 1999 at 17:19:46 (EST)
Yes by Brothers, as the calcified Pineal Melanin deficient trailer trash
white boy (Advocate person) said, the Native Americans have indeed
endured so many trajadies. However, notice the Advocate thing did not
address the fact that the white boy perpetrating GENOCIDE on the Native
American was and is the only trajedy. Who splaughtered all the Indians?
ANSWER: white boys! The only thing this savage Advocate white boy is
sorry about is that it can’t go out to rape and kill today. Actually,
since 100% of the mass murders and serial killers are white males….he
just may be out killing as I write this message. SAVAGE BARBARIAN
TRAILER TRASH with no upper lip (chicken lips Advocate)!
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Monday, November 01, 1999 at 16:39:22 (EST)
To: Bro. James Esther: Brother, “EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY”. I’m sure you
have heard that saying. The whites have been so-called in charge (to
some extent) only a very brief period of time in history. Their
oppressive terror has only lasted approximately 400 years. That is all!
In the larger scheme of time and space, this is really insignificant,
and it would be a grave error (an error the we make frequently) to think
this is by any means a permanent condition. We are simply in the midst
of a dark period of time and one that we will be able to draw knowledge
from to eternity! The whites are only a tine MINORITY (less than 10%)
and shrinking fast. Thus the reliance of the white man on so-called
technology, brutality, geocide, and lies to stay in so-called control.
Power is never relinquished voluntarily! NEVER! No brother, the white
boy is not that powerful…..he is however a survivor at all cost. They
are simply trying to survive. So then, what does it matter if you lie if
it is to survive. The object is to stay in the game to survive at “ALL”
cost. When a critical mass of Black people stop the negro mentality of
thinking of these genetically recessive people as something special over
us, stop trying to pray for the enemy and start to “BATTLE” them, when
we start to “WORK TOGETHER AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER…….the worldwide system
of racism white supremacy will fall overnight! “Every dog has its day”!
Look around at the big picture and you will see the light going out on
racism white supremacy. Life is a state of mind……and so is the so-called
power of the white man. THUTMOS TURNER
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Monday, November 01, 1999 at 16:24:46 (EST)
Curtis is absolutely correct. Here is more information on it:
This is a webpage Mr. Bheki Ngidi of South Africa who is president of
the Alexandra, Johannesburg branch of the Universal Negro Improvements
Association (Marcus Garvey’s organisation) in South Africa. He would
like to open communication lines with you since I am busy linking up
with Afrocentric people and organisations worldwide.
Mackens P. Audena
USA – Monday, November 01, 1999 at 11:45:30 (EST)
To “James Esther” You asked a good question. How is it that Europeans
and Americans of that descent can still oppress black peoples. The
answer is simple actually. Africa and the Carribean are rich in natural
resources. Europeans and Americans however, have a strangle hold on
extraction, production, manufacturing, export, etc. When black peoples
try to cut into the business and manufacture at home what the Europeans
usually manufacture using the natural resources of the black peoples
(i.e., their land) white businessmen conspire to drive those individuals
out of business. They intimidate the locals (for lack of a better
word), and put pressure on the governments (by threatening to cut or end
trade, investments, etc.). The governments (often corrupted by
“western” ideals) would rather appease the European and American
officials and businessmen, than do what is right economically and
socially for the people. Now I say corruption, but even more so it is
intimidation. Many African & Caribbean leaders feel that they must
appease the white-owned multi-national corporations, otherwise their
economies will be even worse than what it is. So they do not try to
compete against them, they do not ask for fair (i.e., American
equivalent) wages, they do not ask for any of this. And if they are
unable to compete because of unfair trade practices, their economies
will collapse. This is a water-downed and over-simplified explanation,
but it is the best that I can do in the short time that i have. Travel
to Jamaica, and other Caribbean nations. Travel to Africa. See how much
of their economy is controlled by foreign whites. That is a primary
source of oppression. Please forgive my spelling mistakes, I do not have
time to proofread. Curtis
Age: 27, BROOKLYN, NY USA – Monday, November 01, 1999 at 11:24:14 (EST)
“Racial diversity as we think of it today only began approximately
25,000 years ago (Diop, 1991)…in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
Before that, all humankind was dark-skinned and Africoid.” I, as well
as many of the posters here do not hate white people. Yet it seems that
many white people are blinded to the fact that they have proclaimed
their culture as the universal culture; thereby, subjugating all other
cultures. They have defined beauty (Anything closer to white is beauty;
this is why all other people want to be anything but Black), and
intelligence by their standards. Our children are born into poverty
because when European immigrants were conquering the western frontier
and mining gold, Africans and American-Africans were being conditioned
to believe that they were inferior. And what white people can’t see is
that this process goes on today and everyday, with our children, in one
form or another. One example is the one provided for us by Brother
Curtis. Heres more, “Snow White,” “Beauty and the Beast” and almost
everything on television. Those are reinforced in schools with biased
history books and by school teachers who are unconsciously biased and
who unconsciously affected the minds of our youth so that they can grow
up to fulfil the prophesies of this society. All of the atrocious acts
committed by the Europeans for greed and economic reasons. This theft of
land and people and exploitation of others to attain goals is viewed as
being great by many who would rather be anything but that of the
original people. It is not there fault they have been conditioned to
believe this way. Well, Black people, we are here to bring out the
trueth. History has not ended. Let us continue to spread the word as we
are doing. Let us continue to re-Africanize our selves and continue to
play our parts in our upliftment. And let us do it without committing
the same acts that were committed on us. That way we will show that we,
the original people, made in the image of God, truly are great. We were
great before European intervention just the way that we are. Greatness
is not measured by their standards. Yet, we will prove that the
resilient children of Neter can accomplish anything even without
“cheating.” Europeans will never be able to erase the wrong that they
have done, but since we are, we shall be better. We realize the past,
let us now look towards the future. We need to begin networking and
working together. We need to think about how to aid Africa to become the
great and powerful nation it is destined to become. It doesn’t surprise
me that American-Indians will not claim descent from Africa, many
Afro-Caribbeans do the same thing. It is because they only wish to
relate to what has been taught to them by the Western world as being
superior. Well, you know what sometime in the future, I envision an
African world, with the spread of the trueth, (Advocate, I hope this
bothers you) where all people give will give respect to mother Africa
and the original people. So it is written, so let it be done.
Age: 20, Pitt, Pa USA – Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 22:07:41 (EST)
Citrus, please provide your sources regarding your claim about black
Sumer and Elam, and how the “original people who excavated the sites”
said they were Negroid. I cannot find any verification of this. Sumerian
sculpture shows people with long noses and long flowing beards; the
claim that these people were Negroid is just ludicrous. Another thing –
when I was at the library yesterday I happened to stumble upon several
books on Chinese art, and saw no evidence whatsoever that the Shang
represented themselves in their art as black people. In fact, I think
you are pulling my leg on this one. This has to be some kind of silly
And another thing, and this really gets me! The Advocate savage (white
boy) has the nerve to mention “anything” to us about Brother Ivan Van
Sertima and /or us robbing the Native American’s culture! This is really
amazing and really shows to full light what barbaric savages (calcified
Pineal gland and difficiency of the neuro peptide MELANIN) we are
dealing with. Why? Because this animal has the nerve to speak about the
Naitve American Indian people and claim we are robbing their culture
through the factual explanation that the Olmecs were imdeed Black or of
Black ancestry. The savage did not mention the fact that there were
conservatively 85 – 90 MILLION Indians in this land “BEFORE” the white
boy arrived here and began their never ending blood thursty
slaughter!!!!!! Thats 85 – 90,000,000! TODAY, THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 3
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 01:36:52 (EDT)
USA – Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 20:08:22 (EDT)
Brother Shekem, you have hit it right on the head. May Ialso recommend
“MELANIN ON MY MIND” by Charles “Wsir” Johnson. This is a paperback but
very insightful. A deficiency of the neuro peptide-Melanin and a
calfified Pineal Gland. This is the cause of the killing and slaughter
of countless millions/billions through the past 400 years. The
production of SAVAGES that do not feel when they kill. The production of
the only people on the planet that kill for pure sport…..and/or they
just don’t understand a thing. The only people on the planet…..SAVAGES.
The Black population of Australia have been slaughtered and butchered
down to only 1% of the population by the SAVAGE and BARBARIC whites. Yet
they comprise over 55% of the prison population! This is the white boys
legacy. Almost the complete lack of spirituality in binding all of
everything to MONEY. This is not civilization. As Dr. John Henric Clark
said “civilization is the act of being civil”. Instead, we have the
white boy system of oppression with superfluous wealth sistering abject
poverty. This is not civilization….this is simply the best the white boy
can do until he attempts to catch up to the level of our magnificent
ancestors. The savages are simply trying to hang on but they are
slipping fast. This is one reason for the paranoia in locking up the
Black populations in prison, multiculturalism by psychotic neanderthals
like Advocate. I know better than to argue with the insane. There are no
fruits to be gained from trying to teach the calcified/Melaninless
empty KILLER mind of a barbaric savage (Advocate, Sherry thing, Wagdi,
etc)! However, each time you brothers/sisters enteres a response to one
of the neo nazi white supremists I learn something new. Thank you
brothers/sisters. All this said, time spent on hate is wasted time and
all white people do not fall into this category. However, lets face it,
when it comes down to the chase…..if whites have to choose them or us,
they will choose their own (as they should). WE CAN AFFORD TO DO NO
LESS! Let us all (Blacks) work together for the day the Black men/women
do indeed rule the world again! Hotep…THUTMOS TURNER
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 02:15:57 (EDT)
“It would seem that this Eve has even reached the popular press and news
media. She lived approximately 150,000 to 200,000 years ago and echoes
in ouir blood today. The meaning of this is that the diverse race of
colors and variations of today are all unfold from a common human or
parent stock, who in all likelihood was a small, dark skinned
African…The notion of the DNA “mother of humanity” has gained more and
more acceptance in modern scientific and intellectual circles.”(((The
African Unconsciousness by Edward Bruce Bynum))) So Mr. Advocate maybe
it is you and the rest of the white supremist lead individuals who would
rather be anything but black who are out of step. Now that Europeans
have separated us into different subgroups for their own benefit, they
intend to bend and change the rules whenever it best fits them. You
claim that Eurasians are all part of the same race, which of course is
not Black. Please explain to by what criteria you are classifying these
races. Many people who are admittedly of African descent would not be
Eurasian; my niece would now be Eurasian. Oh, but no she’s not, because
if you saw her on the street you wouldn’t say she was White or Eurasian
you would say she was a light skinned American-African. So please, stop
the non-sense if you want to be logical the only the only conclusion
that can be reached is that we are all different shades of Black. The
less melanin in your body the further you are from the original! You
cannot hold the trueth down forever!!!
USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 15:39:40 (EDT)
Melanin gives Black people superior physical, mental & spiritual
ability. Melanin refines the nervous system in such a way that messages
from the brain reach other areas of the body most rapidly in Black
people, the Original People. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk
sooner than whites, and demonstarte more advanced cognitive skills than
their white counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin. Carol
Barnes writes “…your mental processes (brain power) are controlled by
the same chemical that gives Black humans their superior physical
(atheltics, rhythmic dancing) abilities. This chemical… is Melanin!” The
abundance of Melanin in Black humans produces a superior organism
physically, mentally and spiritiually. This why all the founders of the
world’s great religions are Black. Melanin is the neuro-chemical basis
for what is called SOUL in Black people. In the same way Blacks excel in
athletics, they can excel in all other areas as well (like they did in
the past!) once the road blocks are removed! Is God Black? The Original
Man was BLACK, “made in the IMAGE of God” his Parent, according to
scared books. Children look like their parents. All the other races are
but diluted variations of the Original Black Race.(see pages 7 & 8)
Most whites have calcified pineal glands which thwarts Melatonin
production, therby limiting their moral capacity. Located in the brain,
the tiny pineal & pituitary glands regulate the body’s other glands.
Esoteric tradion regards the area of these glands as the third eye,
seat of the soul, and the mystical Uraeus represented by the cobra on
the forehead of Egyptian royalty/crowns. Why did Africans view the
European as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the African as a
soulless savage? Because of “melatonin,” described as a mentally &
morally stimulating humanizing hormone produced by the pineal gland.
Scientific research reveals that most whites are unable to produce much
melatonin because their pineal glands are often calcified and
nonfunctioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans is 5-15%;
Asians – 15-25%; Europeans -60-80%! This is the chemical basis for the
cultural diffences between Blacks and whites, causing some Black
scholars to raise the question that the European approach, that of the
logical, erect, ridgid, anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain
orientation and reflects that they lack the chemical key of melatonin to
turn on their unconscious and therefore cannot get into feelings. Carol
Barnes writes “Melanin is responsible for the existence of
civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness.
Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanain will behave in a
barbaric manner.” Melanin give humans the ability to FEEL because it is
the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Dr. Welsing wrties “Since
melanin is a superior absorber of all energy , it is essential to
establish this understanding of God and ‘all energy.’ The fact thaat the
albinos (whties) lack melanin may also help to explain …why, in the
view of many non-white peooples, they (whit4es) lack ‘spirituality” and
the capacity to tune in to, and therby establish harmony and justice…”
The scientific evidence of Melanin threatens the ideology of white
supremacy. After considering Melain to be a “waste” product of
body-metabolism which “served no useful function,” Western (white)
science has now discovered that Melanin is the chemical key to life and
the brain itself! All studies and facts about Melanin suggest that after
400 years of attempting to inferiorize the Black race, “Western science
is facing the sobering reality that, by its own self-defined standards,
Black people are probably superior to whites in both intellectual
potential and muscle coordination.” (Sepia magazine interview). The
central role Melanin plays in the body has been “suppressed to maintain
the mythological inferiority of blacks…and the defensive clinging to
whiteness as some token of superiority.” (Dr. Richard King) The
“superiority complex” of white people is a defense mechanism and a mas
for their deepset inferiority complex which they project onto people of
color. Psychologists say insistent denial means readlity in the opposite
way. If whites really believed that white skin was “superior,” why is
“tanning”so important in white culture despite its known health risks
(thousands die annually from skin cancer). Also, curling or permming
lifeless,straight hair, and the lastest; lip injections for a fuller
look! And it is the white female who tells you that her ideal mate is
“tall, DARK, andhandsome!” “Dark” indeed refers to more Melanin!
“Messed-up Melanin” is killing Melanated people! In their ongoing effort
to destroy people of color, whites create “designer durgs,” structured
to chemically bind with and alter the Melanin molecule, causing it to
become toxic and even fatal to highly melanated people! Carol Barnes,
who documents this subject writes, “MELANIN can become toxic to the
Black human because it combines with harmful drugs such as a cocaine,
amphtamines, pyscholic, hallucinoge…marijuana…etc.” The molecules of
these drugs resemble the Melanin molecule! The body is fooled and its
balance is thrown off as it relieson its drug-wrecked Melanin in order
to function. Even legal drugs such astetracyclines, neurolepts
(tranquilizers), have strong affinity for bind to Melanin. Herbicides
(paraquats,’agent orange’ [dioxin]) bind irreversibly with Melanin &
remain in the Black human throughout life causing many disorders. Drug
abuse by Blacks is more likely to occur because Melanin causes Blacks to
become addicted faster and stay addicted longer from thses drugs which
are deliberately placed in Black communites. Drugs are destroying the
heart of Native American and Black society, causing many deaths. For
more information on the wonders of Melanin: Dr. Richard King’s superb
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry and Carol Barnes’ information
rich Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness (C. Barnes, Box
3009189,Houston Texas, 77230). Also the technical paper Melanin, The
Organizing Molecule by Dr. Frank Barr, discoverer of Melanin’s
organizing ability & other properties (Institute for Study of
consciousness (510) 849-4784 /2924 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley CA 94704).
truth teller
USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 15:26:26 (EDT)
Subtil evidences of white supremism in American media from ABCNEWS —–
—— This web page talks about the incredibly amazing things modern
scientists think that computers will be able to do (and what humans will
be able to using these super computers). It talks of engineering humans
to eliminate genetic defects, create computers that can think and FEEL,
computers that would be smarter than all of the U.S. population
combined. But consider this quote “We can be blonder if we want, and
seven feet tall, with longer legs, stronger arms, naturally straighter
teeth and naturally curly hair We’ll be handsomer, we’ll be healthier,
we’ll be just as smart as we can be.” Blonde is yoked together with
height, athleticism, good looks, health, and intelligence, i.e.,
everything that is deemed good or socially valuable. Why blonde? Why
doesn’t it say you can be black-skinned if you want to be, or you can
have richer fuller lips? To many this is nit picking, but as a whole it
evidences the fact that everything we read, see or hear that comes from
mainstream america reenforces the white supremacist viewpoint. I will
not stop speaking out against it. Unlike some of the speakers here, I
don’t wish (or need) to demean people of European descent to establish
the fact that all peoples are of worth and value; and that Black peoples
have been denied there rightful spot in history.
Age: 27, Brooklyn , NY USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 15:11:54 (EDT)
“Advocate,” I’m breaking my own rule (again) of not trying to educate
people like you, but here I go. First, I’m not talking about some white
people here or there who just write any ole thing about history,
anthropology, and archeology. The white people I am referring to (as for
Elam and Sumer) were the original people who excavated the sites. The
original (European) people who discovered the Grimaldi said they were
negroid (or negritos, eseentially the same thing). Everyone seemed to
claim the Grimaldi were black until a few years later when the social
and historical ramifications of having Europe inhabited originially by
blacks was more than what the Eurocentrists could take. As for the
Olmecs, so what if hispanics believe we are stealing their culture. Most
hispanics consider themselves Caucasians, or at best Indians. Many who
clearly have black ancestry either deny ir or downplay it. The issue is
this, every attempt to show that blacks were in fact everywhere, and
played a dominant role in establishing many of the centers of ancient
civilization, is met with resistance by whites who cannot imagine blacks
doing anything but boil people and pots and swing from trees. Americans
an many Europeans (not all but most) have a Tarzan mentality, i.e., the
white man must come to civilize the wretched savages. Give it up. Once
again, your own scholars and original excavaters condemn you. The
University of Chicago (Oriental Dept.) has concrete proof that the
origin of the Egyptian Pharoanic (sp?) system came from (black) Nubia.
Nubians were the first to symbolize their kings with the “Upper Egypt”
crown, and the “god” Horus. Egyptian civilization came from (African)
Nubia, not (white/asian) Eurasia. The Shang Dynasty artwork condems Mr.
Wagdi. He would rather address skull size than to address how these
people actually represented THEMSELVES in THEIR artwork. It is sad. Mr.
Wagdi, an asian of mixed descent, probably considers himself caucasian,
how backwards is that? I don’t dislike whites (Europeans, Scandinavians,
Middle Easterners, or any other group) but what I dislike (in fact
hate) is misinformation that is used to deny the prominant role black
people have played throughout history. You “Advocate” may not be a white
supremist is the “Aryan Nation/KKK” sense (but then again maybe you
are, I don’t know), but you are a white supremist in the general sense,
because almost all Americans are. This nation and it’s media and
education systems perpetuated the myth that only caucasians (and
sometimes Far East Asians) contributed anything of significance to
history, the arts, the sciences, discoveries, etc. When you are led by
your national institutions to believe that “Europeans” rescued the “poor
dumb africans” from lives of savage cannablism and barbarity (a myth
still perpetuated today), then you can not help but be a white
supremist. Any one who denies the myth is branded a foolish black man
who has to “manufacture” hist history and self-esteem. Stop with the
lies already. Quit advocating foolishness and advocate historical
accuracy. This is all I have to say to you. Will you listen? I wonder.
Age: 27, Brooklyn , NY USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 14:52:43 (EDT)
The Advocate (white person) fails to let one clear fact sink into his
Calcified Pineal brain. The fact that “WE DON’T CARE WHAT ANY WHITE
PERSON SAID ABOUT ANYTHING”!!!!!!!!! Not speaking for Curtis (whom you
so rudely and SAVAGELY) referred to as Citrus, when we refer to white
scholars in response to people like you (white neo nazi white
supremists), we are simply aware of your limited capacity to function on
the higher mental level of our children let alone our scholars.
Therefore, we simply refer you to the references of a white persons
level and hope you can assimilate just a portion of what our scholars
are trying to teach you. It is sad but so true. Again, the fact is that
we as self aware and conscious Black people don’t care what you think.
You white people are still going around teaching that Christopher (white
boy) Columbus discovered America. And you have the nerve to slam Dr.
Van Sertima with that trash “Robbing Native America’s Cultures” book.
What is your white supremist Christopher Columbus myth if not robbing
everybodies culture? Whay don’t you speak out about that? Surely your
(white)calcified Pineal and Melanin deficiency does not obstruct clear
thinking on this racist white insanity myth! Get a life! THUTMOS TURNER
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 12:16:53 (EDT)
For those who believe the Shang Chinese resembled black Africans, let me
recommend a couple of books: ***Skull Shapes and the Map: Craniometric
Analyses in the Dispersion of Modern Homo.*** by the Harvard
anthropologist W. W. Howells, and also ***Who’s Who in Skulls. Ethnic
Identification of Crania from Measurements.*** by the same author.
Howells analyzes the cranial data in many different ways, and the
results show, among other things, that the Shang Chinese were clearly
Mongoloid variants and were not close to Africans. This supports dental
comparisons which classed the Shang as having either the Sinodont or
Sundadont dental complex (I forget which one), which is typical of East
Asians but is absent in Africa. These studies also put another nail in
the coffin of the “Grimaldi Negro” theory – the Grimaldi race was really
quite different from Africans.
Maksat Tohme
USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 09:58:37 (EDT)
To Mr. Advocate person: Please don’t refer to Black peoples of any
distinction wether past or present as a “lost tribe”. In a previous
attempt to educate you, a brother pointed out that you can’t be a lost
tribe if you are indigenous. This makes no sense and is simply a “white
term” (lost tribe) used to advertise Tarzan movies (a white boy raised
by the apes of Africa). Unless you believe a white boy could be raised
by apes and become the so-called king of the jungle….stop calling Black
inhabitants from anywhere a lost tribe. I have never heard of whites
calling white inhabitants of anywhere a “LOST TRIBE”. Can’t white people
belong to a lost tribe if there was any such thing? If a group of white
people crashed in the desert and did not know where they were would
other whites refer to them as a lost tribe of white people? The answer
is no! More racism white supremacy at work! Do you believe in Tarzan
Mr./Ms. white Advocate person? I hope this has been an addition to your
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Friday, October 29, 1999 at 03:13:17 (EDT)
“Advocate,” get your facts right. No one said anything about “lost”
black tribes. They were not lost, but they were everywhere. They are the
indigenous peoples. They didn’t just get lost one day and wonder to the
uttermost parts of the earth. They were the original explorers.
Besides, much of what has been said comes from white scholars. The
recent connection between Africans &/or Australaboriginals and South
American Indians, and the recent connection between the Shang(Chinese)
and the Olmec, were all reported by ABC News, which is a non black-owned
media. So whats the problem? Likewise, the fact that the original
inhabitants of Sumer, Elam, Egypt, Nubia, and Europe (yes Europe, see
the Grimaldi people), were black is based on assertions made primarily
(i.e., originally) by white scholars. It was a white scholar who
excavated elam and sumeria and made the claim that they were originally
black peoples, and the excavation took place from the mid 1800′s to the
early 1900′s, way before “Afrocentrism” became a popular term. A famous
white (Dutch or German) scholar (whose name escapes me at the moment,
Von something or another) also made the connection between blacks and
Olmecs. Also, ancient Chinese artwork depicts the original chinese as
being black-skinned with coarse hair, sorry if reality hurts. Face it,
it is your own fellow Europeans (honest ones, that is) that have helped
to prove many of these facts. It’s time to wake up now and let go of
your white supremist viewpoints, the evidence is everywhere so deal with
it. Curtis
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 15:18:05 (EDT)
PRAISE GOD!!! You are needed! Thank you so much for telling the truth.
My husband and I loved the tape when black men ruled the world. You are a
gift divine. Since, my husband and have taken it upon ourselves, to
learn more about our magnificent selves. I can say with certainty, my
life has been changed forever. Words will not allow me to express,what I
feel and how I feel. Since I’ve been enlightened. Keep chipping away,
at the blantant lies, that have been forced upon us all. Much love and
sincere respect. Mr. & Mrs. Terence D. Mallett
Mrs. Tasha M. Mallett
Age: 29, Milwaukee, WI USA – Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 14:14:00 (EDT)
If a man knows precisely what he can do to you or what epithet he can
hurl against you in order to make you lose your temper, your
equilibrium, then he can always keep you under subjection. It is a man’s
reaction to things that determines their ability to exercise power over
him. – Dr. Howard Thurman
Rodney Jordan
Age: 34, Norfolk, VA USA – Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 13:46:11 (EDT)
Trailer trash “SLIME”! We have been “SLIMED” by their mere presence!
No…..we don’t want pictures of dead trailer trash white people with
blonde wigs posted on this site. This site is not for the trailer trash!
Thutmos Turner
Thutmos Turner
Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 12:27:16 (EDT)
I just want to say I love what you brothers and sisters are doing. You’re making me real proud. Let the fight continue.
Much Love
Age: 18, USA – Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 00:30:13 (EDT)
Please visit the following site, the impact is major. Archeologists
comparing Olmec writings with Shang Dynasty Chinese found amazing
similarities. They also address the recent discovery proving that blacks
(whether African or Austral-Aboriginal) were first in the Americas. As
many notable black scholars have attested to, the Shang dynasty was a
black dynasty. In various depictions of Shang rulers, (though the eyes
are similar to asians) the skin color and hair type was clearly black
(perhaps pointing back to the Khoisan and other variations of our
people). The archeologists would use this as proof that asians were
early visiters to the Americas, but it reinforces the fact that it was
black peoples. If the Shang = the Olmec, and both are black, then you
draw the conclusion. ……. The article is posted below without the pictures.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 11:17:30 (EDT)
This is the actual ABCNews story on the Shang-Olmec relationship (but
the site contains pictures that are very helpful, so link to it from the
post above)……….. It may be a simple matter of historical chance that
this story is not written in Chinese…At least two scholars believe
Asians traveled by boat to New World long before Christopher Columbus
sailed the ocean blue. Yet another anthropologist recently said water
travel permitted Australian aborigines to reach South America more than
11,000 years ago…..These controversial theories have academics debating
and individuals wondering if the Pacific Ocean was a superhighway,
instead of a barrier, to the New World…..By Land or By Sea?……… The
traditional theory on early migration to the Americas says much of the
northern hemisphere was covered in ice sheets until glaciers began to
break up and sea levels fell about 12,000 to 13,000 years ago. At this
time, a land bridge was thought to have formed over the Bering Strait
between Siberia and Alaska. Asian hunters tracking big game crossed the
bridge in search of dinner. Some, according to the theory, liked their
new environs so much they decided to stay…….. A 1997 study published by
the National Academy of Sciences appears to support the fact that the
New World’s first migrants came from Asia. Researchers studied Native
Americans from the Navajo, Chamorro and Flathead tribes and determined
that all three groups possess a unique type of retrovirus gene, JCV,
found only in China and Japan…….. After the land bridge migration,
current dogma teaches that Asia had no further contact with the Americas
until the early 1800s, when shipping records prove a handful of
immigrants and visitors began to arrive…… Striking Similarities……..But
Michael Xu, assistant professor of Chinese Studies at Texas Christian
University, is among those who theorize that China had further contact
with the Americas before the early 19th century. This jade celt is among
those excavated at La Venta, Tabasco, Mexico in 1955 and attributed to
the Olmec. The striking similarities between the Olmec and Chinese Shang
Dynasty symbols suggest that Chinese may have traveled to the Americas
by boat well before the early 19th century. (Photo: Krantz &
Martinez/Journal of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)……While
excavating Mesoamerican sites in the American Southwest and Central
America, Xu discovered jade, stone and pottery artifacts attributed to
the Olmec, believed to be ancestors of the Maya. Artistic motifs on the
objects bear an extraordinary resemblance to Chinese bone inscriptions
from the Shang dynasty, about 1600 to 1100 B.C. Symbols for agriculture,
astronomy, rain, religion, sacrifice, sky, sun, trees and water are
nearly identical, according to a report published in the current issue
of the Quarterly Journal of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences……..“When
I first brought my artifacts from the Americas to China, scholars there
thought that I just had more samples of Shang writing,” Xu says. “The
similarities are that striking.”……..Colonization was not a Chinese
priority, according to Xu, which could explain why other aspects of
Chinese culture did not spread to the Americas — and why North Americans
aren’t speaking Chinese……..Pacific Superhighway……..Betty Meggers, a
research archaeologist at the Smithsonian Institution, thinks Asian
contact goes back even further, to 5,000 years ago. She has identified
compelling similarities between pottery found at a site called Valdivia
in Ecuador to pottery from the Jomon period in Japan………Both Meggers and
Xu say they believe natural Pacific water flows, such as the Kuroshio
from Japan and the Black Current from China, transported boats to the
New World. Meggers theorizes that Asians have traveled to and from the
Americas for thousands of years……..While there is no direct evidence for
regular trade or foreign settlements, Meggers points to other signs of
contact, such as similarities between Mayan and southeast Asian
pyramids. It is unclear when, or if, the contact ended, but she says,
“Ancient man saw the ocean as a superhighway and not as a
barrier.”……..Aborigines As Well……..A team of Rio anthropologists also
believes early water travel to the Americas was possible. As evidence
they point to an 11,500-year-old skull, found in Brazil, which they say
belonged to a woman of African or Aboriginal descent. Digital computer
imaging last month revealed she had round eyes, a large nose and a
pronounced chin — features characteristic of ancient Africans and
Aborigines………Ventura Santos, a researcher at Rio’s National Museum and
the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, who led the study, suggests
the woman had ancestors related to Australian aborigines who boated
across the northern Pacific 15,000 years ago………John Johnson, curator of
anthropology at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, is
skeptical about the Brazilian skull’s history, and he says he doubts
boats at that time could withstand long journeys. But, he says, shorter
boat trips along the Pacific coastline seem plausible……..Earlier this
year, Johnson used radiocarbon dating to determine that the remains of a
skeleton, called Arlington Springs Woman, found on Santa Rosa Island,
across the Santa Barbara Channel, were 13,000 years old. “The channel
was five to six miles wide then, so I doubt she swam across,” Johnson
says. “Some sort of water craft must have been used.”……..DNA May Offer
Key Despite such tantalizing evidence as the Arlington Woman or Xu’s
Mesoamerican artifacts, it is difficult to prove anyone traveled by
water thousands of years ago. Early boats were probably made from wood,
reeds and other plant materials that decay easily……..DNA analysis,
however, may soon provide the concrete evidence many scholars seek.
Johnson hopes to perform DNA research on the Arlington Springs Woman
within the next several months, and other related studies are sure to
follow. One, or more, of these reports could reveal what traffic was
like on “the Pacific Ocean superhighway” thousands of years ago.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 11:16:23 (EDT)
Peace to Mr. Clegg and Staff: I truly am priviledged and honored to have
“discovered” your website. Thanks also to “Emerge” magazine for
advertising your site,because we know the role of “Black Media” is
FIRSTLY to inform our people of both “Our-Story” as well as current
events. I overstand that while not one individual scholar,historian,or
spiritual/religious teacher may not possess all of the answers,it’s
vitally important that as a colective we continue to share and grow
in,as my Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York puts it,”right knowledge,right
wisdom,and right overstanding” which leads to “sound right reasoning”!!
Although this is my first visit to your website,I assure you it won’t be
my last! Thanks again Mr. Clegg and your staff for your excellent work
and may “THE NETERU” continue to shine and rain blessings upon you.
Peace In The Lamb…Is Truly Wonderful!! Your Brother In The Name Of
“AL-KULUWM(THE ALL)” -Johnnie L. Smith-EL(Yuhanna-EL)10/25/99
Johnnie L. Smith-EL
Age: 36, Tampa, FL USA – Monday, October 25, 1999 at 15:28:54 (EDT)
MAAT NEWS (The Africentric Voice of The Internet) “When Black Men Ruled
The World” (Videotape and Booklet) ORDER TODAY! 1-800-788-CLEGG For Back
Issues of Ma’at and to Receive MA’AT News via E-Mail SPECIAL BULLETIN
October 21, 1999 One of the frequent visitors to our guestbook, Curtis
(McWildy, recently
posted a reference to an article regarding the discovery, in Brazil, of
an ancient woman’s skull with African features. Although unearthed in
1975 from a 43 foot deep cavern in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais,
it had been packed away in the vast archives of the National Museum of
Rio DeJanerio for over twenty years.1 Just over a year ago, scientists
named the skull, which they believed to be the earliest known American,
“Luiza,” after the famed Lucy, one of the most ancient human ancestors
discovered in Ethiopia. Luiza is believed to be 11,500 years old, while
Lucy is 3.2 million years old. What is startling about this discovery is
not so much the fact that an African skull has been unearthed in
prehistoric America, but that the normally negrophobic scientific
community acknowledges this. Archaeologists Walter Neves, “one of the
few specialists in human paleontology in Brazil,” concluded that Luiza’s
eyes, nose and chin structures are similar to those of Australian
aborigines and native Africans. From the late 1800′s through the middle
of the 20th century, Latin American scholars routinely made reference to
the presence of Black people in prehistoric and ancient Mexico, Central
and South America. However, by the middle of this century White
scholars and scientists began to rewrite and monopolize historical works
and, in so doing, completely dismissed the idea that Africans or other
Black people had reached the Americas before Columbus. In light of the
recent discovery of Luiza, we have shall soon republish an early article
that we authored which provides theories for the possible origin of
Luiza as well as her near and distant relatives. In the meantime, the
following are a few quotations taken from books written by Latin
American scholars prior to the censoring of these opinions by the White
academic thought police: Jose M. Melgar, the first writer to embark on
an in-depth study of Black people in early America, began his work while
visiting San Andres Tuxtla in the State of Veracruz, Mexico in 1862.
Upon learning of the existence of a huge Olmec stone head in this
region, Melgar insisted on visiting the hacienda at which the stone
carving was located: “We went, and I was struck with surprise; as a work
of art it is without exaggeration a magnificent sculpture…, but what
astounded me was the Ethiopic type which it represents. I reflected that
there had undoubtedly been Blacks in this country and this had been in
the first epoch of the world; that head was not only important for
Mexican archaeology but also would be for the world in general……..”2 So
impressed was Melgar with this Olmec sculptured head that he wrote two
articles concerning the early “Ethiopian” migrants whom he insists the
sculpture represents. Another Mexican scholar, Nicholas Leon, was of
similar opinion: “The oldest inhabitants of Mexico, according to some
were Negroes, and according to others, the Otomies. The existence of
Negroes and giants is commonly believed by nearly all the races of our
soil and in their various languages they had words to designate them.
Several archaeological objects found in various localities demonstrate
their existence, the most notable of which is the colossal granite head
of Hueyapan, Vera Cruz, and an axe of the same located near the city. In
Teotihuscan abound little heads of the Ethiopian type and paintings of
Negroes. In Michoacan and Oaxaca the same have also been found…..
Memories of then in the most ancient traditions convince us to believe
that the Negroes were the first inhabitants of Mexico.”3 Historian Riva
Palacio has provided more detail regarding the ancient presenceof Black
people in the New World: “But who is that aboriginal man, inhabitant of
the Valley of Mexico since the most ancient epoch? No doubt in
answering, it was the Otomi people. “Nevertheless, the existence of the
Black man in our territory gives us material to hesitate. Did he precede
the Otomi people or was he the first invader? On the continent that was
united to our westside the man was Black and after the separation of
the continents this Black man also existed in Asia: in India, invaded by
other peoples, the remainder of the Black race sought refuge in the
mountains in the central region called Vindhya. Even today these Black
men exist: the Glondos, the Kolas, the Bhillas, the Meras of Aravali
mountain, the Chitasy, the Minas and the Pahorias whose conquest has
given rise to the name Pariahs. “With regard to our continent, scarcely
traces of the Black man remain. Proof of his existence was in a very
distant epoch. Was he the first in the world and was this the racer that
spread everywhere by virtue of the union of the continents, or when he
arrived in our region, were the Otomies already present? His
disappearance suggests to us it being the exiled race therefore the
former; but there are indications opposing the indigenous character of
the Otomi race and traditional fact that in our view is very important:
until recent times the priests pained themselves Black as if it was a
remembrance of the introducers of the first cult. “But the peremptory
test of the ancient existence of the Black race on our continent are the
still-encountered remains of him, and the other primitive story-tellers
that speak of him. They are: the Caracoles of Haiti, the Califurnams of
the Caribe Islands, the Arquahos of Cutara, the Aroras or Yaruras of
Orinoco, the Chaymans of Guyana, the Maujipas, Porcigas and Matayas of
Brazil, the Nigritas, Chuanas or Gaunas of the Isthmus of Darien, the
Manabis of Popayan, the Guavas and Jaras or Zambos of Honduras, the
Esteros of New California, the Black Indians encountered by the
Spainards of Louisiana and the Ojos de Luna and albinos, some of which
were discovered in Panama and others destroyed by the Iroquois. “All of
this demonstrates that in a very ancient epoch or before the existence
of the Otomies or better yet invading them, the Black race occupied our
territory when the continents were joined. This race brought its
religious ideas and its own cult. Later they were dislodged and forced
to the coasts by the Otomies or perhaps they were obliged to look for
warm places to which they were more appropriately accustomed by their
nature, and fled the freezing temperatures and other cataclysms that
occurred after this continent was separated”.4 J.A. Villacorta, another
authority on Mexican history, was so convinced that earliest Mexico was
influenced by Africoids that he concluded: “De todos modes la
civilization mexicana tuvo su origen in Africa”. ["Any way you view it,
Mexican civilization had its origins in Africa".]5 Carlos C. Marquez
also spoke of the widespread presence of Black people in prehistoric and
ancient America: …..”The Negroes figure frequently in the most remote
tradition of some American people. Certain tribes of Darien say that
when their ancestors arrived for the first time in that region it was
inhabited by small black men who soon afterwards retired to the forests
while the Payas and Tapalisas of the Cuna-Cunas origin goes back to a
man and two women, one Indian and the other Negro, who lived on the
banks of the Tatarcuna. “The ancient skeletons which are very different
from the Red American races, and have been found in various places from
Bolivia to Mexico, doubtlessly belong to this race. “It is likely, then,
we repeat, that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro
continent……”5 Footnotes 1 “Brazil Unveils ‘Luiza’ As Earliest known
19990922_1496.html. 2 Jose Melgar, “Notable Escultural; Antigua,
Antiguedades Mexicanos”, Boletin de Geografia y Estadistica, Secunda
Epoca, vol 1, pp. 292-297, 1869. Also see Jose Melgar, “Estudio Sobre la
Antiguedad y el Origen de la Cabeza Colosal de Tipo Etiopico que Esiste
en Hueyapan”, Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana, Secunda Epoca., vol 3,
pp 106-109, 1871. 3 Quoted in J.A,. Rogers, Sex & Race, published by
the author, New York, 1943, vol 1, p. 270. 4 Riva Palacio, Mexico a’
Trave’s de los Siglos, Ballesca y Comp., Editores, Mexico, p. 63, 1889. 5
Jose Antonio Villacorta, Argueologia guatemalteca (Guatemala, C.A.,
Tipografia. nacional, 1930), p. 336. Also see Prehistoria & Historia
Antigua de Guatemalteca (Guatemala C.A. Tipografia nacional, 1938), pp
222-239. 6 Carlos C. Marquez, Estudios argueologicas y etnograficos
(Mexico: Bogota, D.E. Editorial Kelly, 1956), pp. 179-180. Legrand H.
Clegg, Publisher and Editor MAAT Newletter
Legrand H. Clegg II
USA – Monday, October 25, 1999 at 14:57:48 (EDT)
Ms. Iskander Wagabi… are proably no more from Tanta, Egypt than I
am (probably from somewhere in Simi Valley). The Aryan part of Simi
Valley!!!!!! Anyway, this Wagdi person totally ignores “ALL” evidence
that cannot be refuted and she commences headlong with wacked out
theories supporting white supremacy (blonde mummies and European
origins), etc. Not only that, but she attacks the nicest people on the
net… (Thutmos Turner). Nevertheless, the Rahotep and Nofret (the
Aryan’s “WAGDI” dream) statues are once again “FORGERIES”! I know of
several people that regularly visit this site who have the vital
information that exposes the Rahotep and Nofret cheap racist white
supremist attempt to re-write our BLACK hisory. Either I or they will be
posting the particulars shortly. Call me anything……but DON”T CALL ME
WHITE! Also, don’t call my ancestors white (that is the ultimate
insult). That is as bad as some people trying to say the face of the
Sphinx is that of a white boy (which has been said on this site
recently). Thurmos Turner
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Monday, October 25, 1999 at 01:37:31 (EDT)
USA – Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 22:37:43 (EDT)
Oh by the way, this information also agrees with the MDS plot, perhaps
the MDS plot should be looked at in the reverse situation.
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Saturday, October 23, 1999 at 14:20:58 (EDT)
Iskander, if you were to continue reading you would see that Blackfacts
also said that Kemet was “predominately Black.” You would also see that
he says “And in many[pictures] the Nubians are portrayed with black skin
and very kinky hair. The Egyptians are portrayed with reddish brown
skin and VARIOUS hair types–straight and kinky. But, having red-brown
skin DOES NOT make the Egyptians non-black or non-African! All Africans
DO NOT have jet black skin. In fact, the portrayal of Nubians in this
manner is common during a certain New Kingdom period.” So your claim
that being able to post pictures is invalid. You keep making reference
to genetics. In fact, go to this site:
and you will see a picture of Shekem Tutankhamen and tell me if he
Black or White. Mr. Wagdi, did you read the post by Blackfacts on
Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 13:12:23 (EDT). It is obvious that you
didn’t. You should refrain from posting until you have completely read
it because you are going to have us going around in circles. Mr. Wagdi,
are you making reference to dental evidence? Did you go to the webpage
that Blackfacts referred you to? Let me give it to you again:
and go to the links if you are truly someone who is interested in the
trueth and not someone who wants to perpetuate the idea of the superior
white race. Here is a quote from there: “The cranial shape displayed by
the New Kingdom royal mummies is most commonly found among inhabitants
of the Nile and the south Sahara. The skull of Thutmose IV shows some
peculiarities regarding the sagittal contour and occiput in the lateral
view (profile).” Here is another one about your proposed dental
evidence(SN mandibular plane:”In the study of Alexander and Hitchcock of
Alabama populations, the AA norm for SN-Mand. was 34.4 compared to 32.0
for Caucasians. The average for the Pharaohs is 34.23. If one includes
the New Kingdom Queens the mean is 35.83! (Alexander TL, Hitchcock HP.
Cephalometric standards for American Negro children. Am J Orthod
1978;74:298-304)” You say that the people are more closely related to
West Asia or Southern Europe. Well of course they do, didn’t you know
that Arabs and Berbers came to reside in Egypt. Am I correct in saying
that you are assuming that the Kamau were white? Please go back and read
Mr. Wagdi, because “There is a hell of alot of evidence against you and
anyone who looks into the subect more deeply(look beyond” Brace et al)
“would have to come to the same conclusion.” Or perhaps you think they
are dark whites, Mediterraneans, or Hamites? “In reality the “true
African” does not exist as the continent holds a variety of different
Black Africoid types who have existed this way without foreign
admixture. There are Black Africans with somewhat straight hair, thin
lips and elongated noses (a product of dry heat as well as extreme
cold). If globally applied many of African descent throughout the
Diaspora can be labeled Dark Whites or Eurafricans.” And Furthermore,
“Black Africans were well known in the Nile Valley region in early
times. Evidence has shown in fact that North Africa was inhabited by
Black African types prior to other types (Caucasian Berber and Semitic).
What is more, as Gloria Emeagwali states, The Northern regions of Cote
d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon as well as Senegal,
Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and so on fall within the Saharan/Sahelian
zone, which is the same latitude with the Nile civilizations of
Antiquity. No impassable barrier stood or stands between East and West.
Thus it stands to reason that no barrier stood between North and South.
Cultural similarities have been found between Egypt and regions as far
away as the Great Lakes region. The ancient Egyptians state continually
that they originated in the south. According to historian John G.
Jackson, The Edfu Text is an important source document on the early
history of the Nile Valley. This famous inscription, found in the Temple
of Horus at Edfu, gives an account of the origin of Egyptian
civilization. According to this record, civilization was brought from
the south by a band of invaders under the leadership of King Horus.” So Iskander, you are wrong and has some intelligence would agree.
Mackens Audena
USA – Friday, October 22, 1999 at 17:11:48 (EDT)
Rahotep & Nofret, (the Aryans dream) is indeed a forgery. I have
seen detailed presentations on it with my own eyes. Why did they pick
these two characters anyway? The fact is that “THEY WERE NOT ROYALTY AT
ALL”. The savage trailer trash just pulled them our of thin air for
parading all over the world. They were not royaly or sat on any ancient
throne. Down with the barbarian savages! THUTMOS URNER
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Friday, October 22, 1999 at 03:11:54 (EDT)
TRUTH never rejects questions or challenges because it is ETERNAL. This
statement should be focused on in the context of what has been happening
at this website over the past ten days. In spite of the fact that this
is an Africentric website, we are so confident of the truth of our
stance that we have welcomed the opinions of outsiders. They often
insult us, call us racists, ignore our evidence and opinions and then
insist that they are right. Yet, we continue to permit them to express
themselves while we respond with our viewpoints. Some of us have angrily
insulted them in return. This is understandable; however, most of us
have patiently read their rantings and ramblings and then, again
patiently, responded with counter-evidence. WHAT BLACK PEOPLE MUST
UNDERSTAND IS THIS: For nearly three hundred years now, White scientists
and scholars have monopolized the writing and teaching of history
without challenge. Their overriding theme has been the superiority of
Europeans over all others and European preeminence on the world stage
from time immemorial. This distorted view of the world has held sway for
the following reasons: (1) It has been taught on virtually all
university and college campuses; (2) Most major publishing houses have
only printed books promoting White supremacy; (3) Magazines, journals
newspapers, television and radio have perpetuated the same lies and
misrepresentations; (4) Dissenting opinions have been completely
rejected to the point where even letters to newspaper and magazines have
been excised or censored. Now, fast forward to today: (1) Over the past
ten years, every major newspaper and magazine in this country has
attacked Africentrism without providing its proponents an opportunity to
present their points of view (This is virtually unprecedented in
America media forums); (2) White historical websites predominate over
the internet and, in virtually all cases, if one introduces a Black
perspective on history, he is sure to be barred, purged or dismissed;
(3) In spite of the global domination of Eurocentrism in education, the
general media and now the Internet, many White people (and Arabs who are
attempting to defend their interloper status in Africa) cannot tolerate
the fact that we, as people of Africa descent, are determined to tell
our story from our perspective. Just think of this: White people control
world thought on most issues, but, in spite of this, they cannot bear
to believe that we are willing to think for ourselves. If you review the
comments that have been entered in this guestbook over the past ten
days, you might reasonably conclude that “Well, clearly there are two
points of view here, two schools of thought. Reasonable people may
differ in their viewpoints.” But, no, White scholars and scientists must
have it all and control it all! From their perspective, there is no
room for dissent. Why else would they spend so much time venting in our
venues, when, because of their blatant insecurities, they will not even
allow Black dissent to be expressed in any of their national or
international media forums? White authorities have maintained for three
centuries that Black people are “small brained, genetically inferior
sub-humans with no history.” Now incensed over our independence of
thought, they exclaim on these pages: “How dare you fight back!” Well,
Sherry, Iskandar, et al, the days of White supremacy and monopoly are
over!!! We have presented sufficient facts to support our views, whether
you agree or not. White people represent less than 10% of the world’s
population and Arabs represent far less than that! There is no reason
why your tiny minority opinion, no matter how well funded or widely
disseminated, should monopolize the global mind or stifle further
inquiry. The only real threat to the revelation of the true history of
the human race is Eurocentrism/White supremacy. Why haven’t you fought
this bane of the human race? The reason is because your role is to
perpetuate it, and that is why our site and countless others will
continue to grow-until the last vestige of racist nonsense is uprooted
from the earth. In the meantime, we shall return from time to time to
offer responses to these irrational racists. In the present posting we
present an excerpt from an article entitled, “Kemet: The Place of The
Blacks As symbolized In the Medu Netcher (Hieroglyphs) and Related
Issues,” that appeared in our MA’AT newsletter in January, 1998. We
shall follow this up with postings on the sculptures of Rahotep and his
wife, mentioned by Iskander, and the painting from the tomb of Ramesis
III, also mentioned by Iskander. Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the greatest
scholars of the 20th century, wrote the following in his book, The
World and Africa: “We may give up entirely, if we wish, the whole
attempt to delimit races, but we cannot, if we are sane, divide the
world into whites, yellows, and blacks, and then call blacks white.”
White scientists and scholars have had a heyday defining and redefining
races according to their own racist predilections, without regard for
logic or any other defensible paradigms. Hence, their disciples
congregate in this space and offer to us nonsense about blonde mummies
and blue eyed Egyptians and scoff at us when we question their sanity.
If White science is unscientific, why should we expect its followers to
be less so? In any case, as we enter the 21st century, we as people of
African descent must return integrity to the study of history. It is our
responsibility, as direct descendants of the parents of the human
family, to rise above the shortcomings of the White monopolists and,
drawing upon all of the resources at our disposal, i.e., astronomy,
architecture, art, language, sacred writings, anatomy, archaeology,
genetics, etc., present a fair and objective picture of the history of
the human race. Since we know that Black people have played a
significant part in that history, this site is devoted to telling the
story of African people and their descendants. The following, then, is
an excerpt from an article that presents the Africentric definition of
Kemet. We certainly hope that the brilliant scholar, who identifies
himself as Blackfacts, will provide input regarding this, since he has
expressed concerns about the definition of this word. “Kemet is what the
ancient people of the Nile Valley called what is erroneously known as
‘Ancient Egypt.’ According to European egyptologists Egypt is a Greek
word, a corruption of the city name ‘He ka Ptah’ (city of Ptah). The
word Egypt was not used until 300 b.c.e., after the conquest of Kemet by
Alexander, son of Phillip of Macedonia. In books by European
egyptologists, Kemet is translated as “the black land,” in an attempt to
state that the people named their country after the soil that resulted
from the annual inundation of the Nile River. This is not the
translation that the texts themselves show us. Before looking at the
correct meaning of the word Kemet, a brief description of the way Medu
Netcher operates will be provided. Medu Netcher is a highly complex
language that exists on many levels. It is pictorial (ideograms),
symbolic (determinatives), and phonetic (phonograms) at the same time.
Any symbol could be pictorial (used to represent itself). Determinatives
are generally used at the end of words to help clarify meaning. There
are three types of phonograms: 1. monoliterals (one sign, one sound), 2.
biliterals (one sign, two sounds), and 3. triliterals (one sign, three
sounds). Monoliterals are also used as phonetic complements. A phonetic
complement is used as a reading aid; it may be placed before or after a
bi- or triliteral as a visual reminder or reinforcement of the
pronunciation of the word shown. This is the word Kemet [Image]. The
first symbol, a piece of charred wood (some say a crocodile’s spine), is
the biliteral “km.” The owl symbolizes the monoliteral “m,” used in
this instance as a phonetic complement. The third symbol is a loaf of
bread, the monoliteral “t.” The last symbol, a determinative, is very
important for our discussion of this word. This symbol depicts an aerial
view of a circular walled settlement displaying a network of roads.
Here the symbol is drawn in abstract which has been reduced to the two
principal axes [Image]. These types of cities have been unearthed in
excavations in Upper Kemet dating from the oldest epochs of
urbanization. Also this symbol has been documented on predynastic
palettes. This symbol is very easily distinguished from the symbol for
land, [Image]ta, which represents the flat plain of the valley that is
often painted black to represent the fertile soil. It invokes the idea
of Ancient Kemet, the black flood plain, the gift of the Nile; which is
quite different from the concept of Kemet as the civilized Country of
the Blacks, which is the literal translation of the word [Image]Kemet in
Medu Netcher. One concept represents the land given to the Ancient
Africans by God, and the other represents the country as a civilized
unit developed by the Africans themselves. As shown in Alan Gardiners’
Egyptian Grammar book, [Image]is a naturally occurring symbol, and is a
[Image]man-made symbol. Therefore it is not possible to correctly state
that they mean the same thing; undeveloped land is different than
developed land. When the people wanted to describe themselves, they used
the same symbols, Kmt, but they changed the determinative to a seated
man and woman, placed in front of the plural sign (three vertical
strokes), indicating a collective nominative, referring to “human
beings,” “people,” “ethnic groups,” which taken in total can only be
translated as [Image]“Black People.” Most Europeans translate this word
as “Egyptians.” It is obvious that anyone who has studied the language
of Kemet and continues to translate these words as “Egypt” or
“Egyptian,” is purposely attempting to mislead and misinform. The proper
translation of classical African languages is part of the work that
must be done in order to “construct a body of modern human sciences, in
order to renovate African culture.”(7) Footnotes 1. Sir Alan Gardiner,
Egypt of the Pharaohs, Oxford University Press, 1961, pg. 19. 2. Adolf
Erman, Life in Ancient Egypt, Dover Publications, Inc., 1971, pg. 29. 3.
Ibid. pg. 30. 4. Theophile Obenga, “Genetic Linguistic Connections of
Ancient Egypt and the Rest of Africa,” in African Intellectual Heritage:
A Book of Sources, ed. by Molefi Kete Asante and Abu S. Abarry, Temple
University Press, 1996, pg. 266. See also Theophile Obenga, Ancient
Egypt and Black Africa: A Student’s Handbook for the Study of Ancient
Egypt in Philosophy, Linguistics, and Gender Relations, Kamak House,
1992. 5. Ibid. pg. 281. 6. Ibid. pg. 271. The spiritual system of Kemet
laid the foundation for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. See also Who
Is This King of Glory?, by Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Kessinger Publishing Co.,
Christianity Before Christ, John G. Jackson, and The Book Your Church
Doesn’t Want You To Read, ed. by Tim Leedom. 7. Cheikh Anta Diop,
Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology, Lawrence Hill
Books, 1991, pg. 3. copyright 1998 CHEIKH ANTA DIOP INSTITUTE OF
The Cheikh Anta Diop Institute of Egyptology and African Civilization is
proud to offer the book, Let the Ancestors Speak: Removing the Veil of
Mysticism from Medu Netcher, by Ankh Mi Ra. The price of the book is
$19.95, and ordering instructions may be obtained by e-mail from A correspondence course is also available. Legrand H.
Clegg II, Editor and Publisher, MA’AT news, The Clegg Series.
Legrand H. Clegg II
USA – Friday, October 22, 1999 at 00:30:43 (EDT)
not that ancestor was a memeber of the Khoisan complex of Southwest
Africa. There is no race, except the Human race. We are all Black
African people in genetic composition.
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 20:39:01 (EDT)
If the Egyptians had soft blond or red hair, why did they wear wigs that
look like black african cornrolls. Why are the wigs curly like naps,
and not straight like the Aryan stereotype. In fact why do they where
the wigs at all, when they look so black African in nature. I
wonder……Also check out the profile of the Sphinx, it looks “negroid to
me.” This actual image of the Sphinx was posted on a plastic surgery
center website.
USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:48:55 (EDT)
Check out royal scribe Hesire, and King Zoser (click on the 1/2 image
size and notice the profile); some of the others are admittedly ambigous
at best. But at least I’m willing to link to everything. All of the
images on the “Egyptians are not Black” web page that the “arab” dude
keeps linking to, are also found here. Notice the tan on the Nordic
Rahotep, not bad for someone who should be 20 shades lighter than that.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:21:29 (EDT)
Check out royal scribe Hesire, and King Zoser (click on the 1/2 image
size and notice the profile); some of the others are admittedly ambigous
at best. But at least I’m willing to link to everything. All of the
images on the “Egyptians are not Black” web page that the “arab” dude
keeps linking to, are also found here. Notice the tan on the Nordic
Rahotep, not bad for someone who should be 20 shades lighter than that.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:20:39 (EDT)
Rahotep & Nofret, the Aryans dream. I’m posting them anyway because
even though Rahotep doesn’t look black, he sure is dark for an Aryan.
Also, in one of Van Sertima’s books on Egypt, someone wrote a detailed
(though preliminary) article on why he thought these images either
forgeries. I’m not saying he is right, but we should consider the
possiblity. I’ll try to get the name of the book and the pages so that
all of you can check it out for yourselves. It is very interesting. Also
some archeologists ascribe a much later date to this sculpture, and I’m
talking about whites not blacks. But here is the link to the images
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:16:07 (EDT)
Wow, look at how “Aryan” Amenophis III looks; and i thought Aryans had
sharp noses and then lifts. Now I realize that Aryans must be negroes.
Thanks to the neo-nazis my eyes have been open. —- Also look at the “Portrait of an elegant lady” from the Tomb of Menena in Thebes. I never knew Aryans had black skin.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:10:49 (EDT)
Look at Semenkhkara & the Princess Meritaten; or Akhenaten. If these
are Nordics then all “negroid” peoples are. Click on the link that says
“1/2″ for the biggest images.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:07:02 (EDT)
“Goddess” Hathor (won’t tell ya what I think)
—– What about Seti I, he doesn’t look very Nordic to me. —– King
Horebheb looks like many of the black men here in New York (admit it)
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:04:41 (EDT)
All of these image links are from the Australian National University
(and no, it is not run by the aboriginals). Look at Akhnaton, looks
black to me. ——- look at the profile of the Sphinx (looks black to me)
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:00:52 (EDT)
Look at this website containing Egyptian sculptures. It is by no means
Afrocentric (it doesn’t even address the issue to my knowledge.
. Again, notice how even if the bust of nefertiti is real it is more
Ethiopic than anything “caucasian.” Also, look at the images of
Sesostris I and Mentuhotep I, they look black african to me. Metherthy
may not be black, but then again, he is a farmer, not a royal. —-
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 15:56:22 (EDT)
About the bust (sculpture) of Nefertiti. There are hundreds of images on
the walls of various Egyptian archeological sites depicting her purely
as black African. On top of that, the well-known (white) historian John
Anthony West says this about the bust “The famous bust of Nefertiti,
Akhenaton’s wife and one of the most beautiful women ever depicted, is
in all likelihood not Nefertiti. This bust was found with other
treasures, in the abandoned sculpture studio at Akhenaten. Since
Nefertiti disappeared from the inscriptions some seven years prior to
the disbanding of Akhenaton’s city, the bust, unfinished at the time and
still being worked on, is almost certainly not Nefertiti, but perhaps
one of her daughters.” Perhaps one of her daughters, he says. But that
in itself is mere (and inaccurate) speculation given all of the other
evidences. But lets say the bust in dispute is real, it most definitely
isn’t nordic. There is no blond hair, blue eyes, or pale skin. She looks
far more like an Ethiopian (Somali, Eritrean, i.e.) variation of black
Africans than anything close to be nordic, or any other white racial
group. Give it a rest already. This is the same bust Hitler used to make
his point. It is so moronic it is sad.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 15:47:17 (EDT)
I think Ive worked out how the cocked up half baked arab we know as
Iskander brian works.You see the arabs are one of the most anti black
racist people you will ever meet.In the koran Mohamad said that white
people were created by the right hand of allah from pure water and that
black folks were created by his left hand and were a mistake.That is is
why moslems use their right hand for eating and their left hand for
wiping their backsides.I know it seems sick but it is totally
true,moslems have thought black people to hate themselves.A good
examample of this are the Swahili who are as black as you and me but a
large number of them claim to be arabs others even claim to be persians
and indians.So any brother who claims islam is the black manns religion
should maybe learn a little more about from were and who its coming
from.The arabs took the indiginus black people of Kemit(our ancestors
not yours mr wagdu)and sold them to the white man who brought to
America.So you see Mr Wagdu has his Egypt but Kemit belongs to the black
peoples. And Mr wagdu wants to be an Aryan well of coarse he does
because as I said before muslems are anti black so for them theyd rather
be anything but a nigger.
USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 14:27:02 (EDT)
I can see that the person who posted this IS REALLY FROM EGYPT. He knows
as I do the writing is ALL on the WALLS within the pyramids. Half of
you black wanna be egyptians never even been to Egypt…yet you make such
claims…when in reality, you dont know your black ass from a hole in the
ground.READ THE FACTS: Here are some links to interesting pictures,
Most of the pictures here are from the old kingdom, they clearly show
Nofret daughter of Khufu was fair skinned and had blue eyes, the man
seated beside her is her husband Rahotep.The picture at the top of the
page of a fairly overweight man is Hemiunu.Heminunu oversaw the building
of Khufu’s pyramid, but hang on a minute the ancients were black, why
would a Caucasian oversee the building of the pyramids (which you argue
were the results of black genius)and why does Khufu’s daughter have such
a light complexion? Why?Well ether theres a conspiracy where the evil
Egyptians/Arabs(who are apparently are not Egyptian at all but asiatics)
and evil devil white men have destroyed all the original artifacts and
replaced them with fakes, because they are afraid of the mighty black
africans (who also happened to invent everything ever worth inventing in
history)rising up from the sorry state their people are in and taking
over the world or perhaps due to the society which Afro-Americans live
in, which is riddled with racism they/you need to have a feeling of
superiority,greatness and a belief you are decended from kings and
queens, just because you have a massive chip on your shoulder and no
self-confidence.It makes sence for you to blame others for your
problems.In fact you lot have alot in commom with the Nazis, just like
they blamed the Jews for all Germanys problems and made up a false
history of an ancient Aryan race whho throughtout history the Jews were
trying to destroy.Just replace the Jews with Arabs and whites,the German
race with the black race and the ancient Aryans with the ancient
Egyptians and you have a new master race full of brainwashed
automaton’s.It is very important that history dosent repeat itself
because we all know what happened to the Jews last time around.(this is
directed only at people like Thutmos Turner and Osiris who in below
posts have used some vulgar and extremely offensive language which I
will not repeat.So if your hear for a genuine love and interest in
history please do not be offended) The genetic tests I posted below show
that the ancients(my ancestors,and yes I am Egyptian and proud)had much
more in common with the mediterranean peoples of Europe and Asia than
Ethiopians.Actually the Portugese are more closly related to black
africans in genetic terms than us Egyptians(Modern Indians are more
closly related to Etiopians and Somalis than the people of Predynastic
upper Egypt). I made it clear the meaning of the Greek word melanchroies
so I will not go into that again. Herodotus compared the Egyptians to
“Colchians”-were the Colchians black Africans. The Colchians inhabited
what is roughly modern-day Georgia in the Caucasus, so the vast majority
were most likely — and quite literally — CAUCASIAN.Herodotus’
exlanation that being melanchrroes or oulutrches “indeed counts for
nothing, since other peoples are, too” suggests that these adjectives
did not apply exclusively to any one “race” of people.The description of
Colchians by Herodotus can be contrasted with that of Hippocrates,who
wrote of the Colchians in Phasis”have an appearance different from that
of other men.As to size,they are large and corpulent in body.Neither
joint nor vein is evident.They have a yelloish flesh, as if victims of
jaundice”(Hippocrates,Airs,Waters,Places 15).Nothing in Hippocrates,
descrition suggests that Colchians look anything like sub-Saharan
Africans and this further wekens the Afrocentric argument that Egyptians
and Colchians must have looks like “blacks” on the basis of Herodotus’
Words. Also when Herodotus,other classical writer and the Ehtiopians
said that Egypt was a colony of Ethiopia thay were not lying.If you
remember the 25th dynasty was of Ethiopian origin and only a couple of
hundred years before Herodotus visited Egypt ,Egypt was ruled from
Napata in the heart of Nubia/Ethiopia(Afrocentrists twisting the truth
again). Other ancient quotes cited by Afrocentrists Other ancient quotes
that some Afro-Egyptocentrists interpret in such a way as to conflict
with other descriptions such as the ones I quoted before.These are
marred by basically the same failings as the Herodotus quote described
above in interpreting Greek words such as mlanchroes as “negro”, and
failing to recognize stereotypes and exaggerations.Using the same faulty
techniques, Afrocentrists might as well say Jews in the Middle Ages
were “black”(I wouldnt be surprised if they did) because Joeeph ben
Nathan in the 13th centuary quoted his father as saying “we Jews come
from a pure,white source, and so our faces are black”.Of course to do
this would igore the fact that in medieval Europe as in ancient
Greece,”black” often meant “swarthy”.Likewise Afrocentrists could insist
that 12th centuary Turks were “black” on the basis of their being
exaggerated as “blacker than pitch or ink” in the epic Chanson
d’Aspremont.But we know on the basis of physical remains and ample
pictorial evidence that neither the Jews nor Turks were actually “black”
in medieval times. Heres interesting information about the picture (can
be seen in in most Afrocentric books)that Afrocentrics say is proof
that the Egyptians saw themselves as looking the same as
Nubians/Kushites/Ethiopians can be found at
Subject:Re:photos of “black Egyptians” Date: 1999/05/11 Author:Bernard
Ortiz de Montellano Civilization: Dear Paul, Those figures in the
Lepsius Erganzungsband,pl.48 are not actually Lepsius’ work, but a
re-edition done in 1913, as Ishowed in my article in Egypt in
Africa(Bloomington,IM:Indiana University Press, 1997).To make matters
worse , the hieroglyph texts between these figures were garbled.The
original scenes both in Sety the 1st’s tomb and in Ramesses the 3rd’s
tomb showed the Egyptians and the Kushites as distinctly different.Also,
the hieroglyphs on the real walls are distributed between each of the
four figures depicting each type.You can now view the real photographs
of both the Sety the 1st and Ramesses the thirds walls in Hornung’s
volumes on the valley of the Kings.I have been inside both tombs myself
and have seen these scenes and their texts, and on the basis of this,
the depiction in Erganzungsband is not the real depiction of what is on
the walls but rather a pastische, arranged from Lepsius’ notes and
garbled in the process.It is unfortunate that so many people have
depended on this depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both
tombs shows that patently it is not reality. Most sincerly Frank J.Yurco
***** Regards
Picture of Ramesses the second smiting a Libyan,Nubian/Ethiopian and a
Asiatic.Notice how the artist used the same pigment for Ramesses as he
did for the Asiatic,think about that!Now compare the facial features of
Ramesses to the Nubian and the Asiatic,notice how Ramesses looked almost
complestly like the Asiatic apart from the beard.I know its only a
picture but I think its fairly obvious that Ramesses was not black,
further weakening the Afrocentric arguement.
This is a picture of an Nubian/Ethiopian Captive.Take a look closly
does he look Egyptian, I dont think so and if dont agree I think you
should probably see an optician. P.S.Its a pity pictures cant be posted
on this page I could probably end this debat hear and now.And as I said
more to come incluning quotes,dental and hair evidence and more genetic
Laughing in Your Face
Black liars world-wide r exposed, USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 11:42:11 (EDT)
To the (mythological) “Aryans;” not that it ultimately matters, but I am
still awaiting the answer to the following question. What did the
Nordic peoples (Germanic, Aryan, Scandinavian, etc.) contribute in terms
of science, culture, or the arts BEFORE 1000 A.D.. Please don’t tell me
what the “Mediterraneans” did or “Hamites,” or the southern Europeans,
the Eastern Europeans, the Semitic Peoples, the Sumerians, Elamites,
Indians, Romans or Greeks (all of whom are not Nordics according to
Hitler & the neo-nazis). Tell me what the berserker nations, the
vikings, the “Aryan”/Nordics ever did. Their math and mathematical
symbols are not their own, their alphabet is not their own, even their
science and arts are not their own. Why did the Romans consider them
Barbarians (Me thinks because they were). Why are vikings (Nordics)
associated with raping, pillaging, murder, and mayhem. Why do we have
images of them in bearskins (from whence the term berserker originates).
Why do so many neo-nazi groups continue to this very day, to identify
themselves along with the berserkers and the vikings. What did they ever
do to “advance civilization.” I suspect that i will never get a valid
answer. Also consider the pyramids in the Americas. They rival the
Egyptian pyramids in some aspects. Were the American Indians white
aryans? You probably think so. — Listen, all people are created equal in
God’s eyes, so the question is moot. But from an historical
perspective, your own fellow Europeans, as well as the inhabitants of
the rest of the world testify against you. “Nordics” have to foster the
myth of their superiority because they know that all of history (up
until the middle ages or so) indites them as being amongst the most
savage and UNcivilized of the peoples of the world. This is all so very
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 10:41:34 (EDT)
Mr. Bridges, may I be so bold as to add this book is only about $17.00 and is in paperback form. THUTMOS TURNER
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 03:22:02 (EDT)
Hello to all that are interested in expanding their knowledge base. I
have recently fell across a book by the name of Ancient and Modern
Britons by David MacRitchie. In it he discuses the original inhabitants
of Europe and Briton as being Moors (aka black, negroe,
african-american.) He also in several passages discusses the fact that
these same people founded other civilizations including Egypt. If anyone
cares to challenge me on this first obtain a copy of the book read it.
Oh, by the way the book was originally written in the 1800′s by a white
man from the UK who looked deeply into the history of his own land.
Henry Bridges
Age: 25, USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 23:05:14 (EDT)
Brothers and sisters, I admit I may have exaderated a bit when I
referred to the Sherry thing and her fellow neo nazi Black haters as
Australopithicus savages. Australopithicus was of course an ape like
humanoid who lived more than 5 million years ago and never left Africa
and died out about 1 million years ago. This is evidence that they are
not Austrolopithicus. The same for Homo habilis in extenction for 1.6
million years. I was in error. I now estimate these people to be of Homo
erectus (upright man) with a larger brain capacity and was the first to
leave Africa ad thought to be extenct 1.7 million years. Theory has it
that a few of them strayed a were caught behind the polar icecaps.
Wallah…..the Sherry thing and her neo nazi kinsman polluting this site.
Can you imagine the barbarians of Europe building the 65 foot monument
of Ramesse II? Again, where are the European monuments? We know of all
the “AFRICAN” monuments, cities, libraries, pyramids, etc. etc. WHERE
question will never be answered through all eternity! Did the whites
pack them all up and transplant them in Africa? Did all the smart people
leave Europe and settle in Africa? Never-mine the monuments….just show
us the evidence they even had a system of writing! SAVAGES amongst us!
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 22:41:17 (EDT)
Brother Kwabena, thank you for exposing the so-called Iskander Wagdi.
This may translate to “I AM A NEO NAZI WHITE BOY”. One of the site this
trailer trash referred to is a site called “The Ancient Egyptians Were
Not Black”. This is so weak that it is almost entertaining. Imagine….a
site created just for people of this ilk to attempt convincing people
that we don’t have a heritage othewr than slavery. Notice the savages
can never tell you our origin but they can tell you what our origin is
not! To enter this subject would make fools of their crimminally insane
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 22:08:33 (EDT)
Is Mr. Wagdi confused? Mr. Wagdi says—–>”The genetic tests I posted
below show that the ancients(my ancestors,and yes I am Egyptian and
proud)had much more in common with the mediterranean peoples of Europe
and Asia than Ethiopians.Actually the Portugese are more closly related
to black africans in genetic terms than us Egyptians(Modern Indians are
more closly related to Etiopians and Somalis than the people of
Predynastic upper Egypt).” He speaks of a Mediterranean race in Southern
Europe and Asia, but where are they now? Did he say Portuguese but by
definition of local race, linguistic correlation and geographical
location, the Portuguese are more Mediterranean than anything else. Yes,
the Vandals and the Visigoths did invade Portugal but there was also an
indigenous population there. The Portuguese may have been invaded by
the Germanic Vandals and Visigoths, who are or were a Nordic type, but
studying the phenotypic features of the Portuguese no one would confuse
them with Swedish people. Sherry called an Eygptian Black and Mr. Wagdi
asserts he is genetically related to the Mediterraneans, but not the
Mediterranean Portuguese. It seems like contradictions to me and you got
it straight for the mouths of those who said it. Excuse me, Mr. Wadgi,
but I didn’t mean to misspell your name. Oh yeah, good written and
grammatical correct English for a third language. I commend you for your
astounding efforts.
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 21:29:43 (EDT)
Yes, Sherry refered to Mr. Wagdu as Black, but he is Egyptian. Why is
that? Mr. Wagdu says this—–>”I was born and raised in Egypt and it
makes me laugh at you foreingers saying that our ancesters looked like
Nordics or Ugandans.” Piece the puzzle with me. “?”
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minnesota, MN USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 21:15:40 (EDT)
I hate to start something I see a snake! Sherry posted some time
ago——->”One of your black brothers have posted a link right below my
large post..his name is ” Iskander Wagdi . It may be very educational
for all of you to click on his name/link, to visit the web page he has
refered you all to. I did. It is very interesting….” Hmmm… Now watch
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 21:08:58 (EDT)
Iskander, I don’t believe you have read anything that Blackfacts wrote. I
think you should go back and read. I have just taken a copy of
everything Blackfact (I informed Blackfacts that I was doing this)wrote
and emailed it to George Sarafis at and I am awaiting his response.
Mackens P. Audena
Age: 20, USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 20:23:38 (EDT)
Just out of curiosity! Mr. Iskander Wagdi, do you have fair skin and
blue eyes? Also, is your hair blonde? To Sherry, it’s been some time now
since our initial discussion so may I refresh your memory because you
never provided FACTS that could be scrutinized. The only thing you have
supplied were hierogylphic interpretations, which can be used flexibly
according to one’s agenda. Oh yeah, I forgot you gave your eyewitness
account of blonde pharaohs and queens, which I did see pictures of in
the Stormfront’s website. (No pun intended, because this is truth)
Besides your assertations can be seen as radical for Western norms and
no scholar has come forth to support your blue-eyed and blonde Egyptians
(not those Western academically accepted). I have presented, although
very brief, a list of African/Egyptian cultural characteristics, but it
seems those so obsessed with “blonde pictures” finds this either too
trivial or too profound. I, even, provided evidence that your
“intriguing” Egyptians did practice excision, which you un-educatedly
categorize as an unique African “savage” tradition. Why have you fail to
scrutinize my position; is it because you can’t refute my claims or
none of the other claims here? Is this why you now proceed to call us
“liars” and attack the basic integrity of this website, as well as,
African people? What is your motivation? Frustration. Did you not, in
attempts to dehumanize African people, present a barrage of stereotypes
which you know nothing about? I believe so. This is why you dodge an
intellectual confrontation with my words. So convenient! To claim
Egyptians weren’t Black, next degrade African people and grossly
mis-represent cultural values and concepts, then to condemn those who
refute your position as liars, when you haven’t even adequately proven
your position. This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I
have looked at the words of you and your colleagues, analyze them and
using the discerning eye of an anthropology student, attempted to figure
out your motives. Never once have I in the course of this discussion
attacked Europeans based on the cultural ideas, unlike others; to do so
would be biased. I had decided to remain quiet, as the foolish is the
one who doesn’t listen and weigh things before speech, but proceeds to
argue with the vigor of a ox things he does not know. But I can not
allow someone, the least interested in African culture, slaughter
cultural practices and walked away with questioning! This is to save the
fool! Odabo! I have plenty of questions, as I said before, that have
never answered or replied to; at best, the majority were only brushed
aside as irrelevant or with a catch-all excuses utilize by those who
don’t know the answer. You have some explaining to do. If not, then we
know who the LIAR is!
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 20:06:48 (EDT)
keep up the good and necessary work!!!!!!!! Let me know if I can be of
any help. I have already reccommended the readings to several friends.
Tya Wahington
Age: 27, Houston, Tx USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 19:38:47 (EDT)
Brother Curtis, you bring a smile to my face with your comments. I
answer to your question, I don’t think the Pharoahs would do as I have.
Instead, they would nto have time to write for their wconstant and
non-stop war waging on the enemy. Not just wars of the words but actual
war. As Black men we all need to all ask ourselves daily…”HOW HAVE I
to stop the cocaine dumped in our communities; what have I done “TODAY”
to stop the murder of our women and children (Kyesha Miller, Margaret
Mitchell, children by so-called police officers; what have I done
“TODAY” to stop the trashing of our image in the white/jewish controlled
medias; What have I done “TODAY” to direct and thereby save the life of
a Black child? I respect your comments my brother, but the Pharoahs
would be out kicking the hell out of our enemies! We are at war my
brother….no less than war with the ……. (you know). My comments are not
to name call, they are my actual descritions of what I see in them. It
is not my fault if it is not pretty! However, once again I admit to
taking the non scholarly so called low road in responce to the savages.
You take the high road and I take the low and if we are both fighting
the enemy we will smash them between us. Our people are indeed in a
demolition derby and if we don’t wake up we will be demolished. There is
no room and no time left for simply talk without direct action. This is
our site as Black people to express ideas about and discuss our
heritage…..that must be defended. If I am fighting to defend any ground
we have catured (including here) then you should support it. You should
just go on making your posts in defense and I will do the same. Damn the
so-called bad spirits….lets get it on! I think the Pharoahs would use
“ANY” and “ALL” means at their disposal to evict the barbarians. In
fact, that is just what they were fighting then and us now. Self
indulging and scholarly words have their place, but some times when you
get in a dog fight one must use other words to fit the occasion.
Compared to the advanced state of our people, the Pharoahs saw nothing
but “AUSTROLOPITHICUS (white) SAVAGES” attacking them. Sadly…..SOME OF
THEM HAVE NOT CHANGED MUCH–IF AT ALL. Is that my fault? Therefore why
should I not called the ones that exhibit characteristic bahavior in
accurate terms using accurate descriptive words? I have never yelled
fire in movie theatre, but I would if there were a fire. Never stop a
brother from fighting (in any way)….it does not inhibit your activities.
“WE ARE NOT HYPED UP ENOUGH”! I don’t visit neo nazi sites and attack
them but I do come to this site for knowledge and will defend it. Let us
work….if not together…lets just work! All the best to you my good
brother. Thutmos Turner
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 15:39:11 (EDT)
Thut, I think you meant “Osiris,” not “Curtis.” As for your comments, we
are in a discussion group not a demolition derby. Let us not get so
hyped up that we lose our dignity. Can you really see any of the
Pharoahs using sentences like “barbaric racist AUSTROLOPITHICUS savage
neo nazi whites Sherry thing..” in any of their discourses. You keep
bringing up Sherry, she is a non-issue now that she has been exposed. By
responding to her in any manner, especially yours, you are causing the
troublesome spirit to hang around even longer. The majority of her
responses have been to you. Like an annoying itch, just ignore her, and
eventually she will go away. Here is an interesting hypothesis: What if
Sherry and Thutmose are really alter egos, and their is some scary
Schizophrenic – multiple personality type of thing going on here. Or
better yet, maybe they ARE two seperate people but there is a love-hate
relationship forming. What was that Spike Lee movie/Stevie Wonder song
called again? Somethin’ about a Tropical illness? Oh never mind. Curtis
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 14:28:18 (EDT)
USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 12:48:44 (EDT)
Don’t calm down brother Curtis! Don’t calm down at all. Why should we
not take our rightful place as world leaders. Whites are less than 10%
of the population and their birthrates are falling through the floor
fast. This is their reason for panic imprisonment and mass killing! They
are even pushing multiculturalism in order to mix with our genes. They
are in a state of crisis (as we are living in their barbaric society)
and they are simply trying to survive! Don’t calm down at all! Anyway, I
am proud the way our brothers and sisters have stepped up to the plate
and drove the barbaric racist AUSTROLOPITHICUS savage neo nazi whites
(Sherry thing and friends) back into hell! We have defended our Black
heritage and I declare victory in this round. It was absolutely
masterful. I have learned a great deal from my brothers and sisters
quotes and references while they answered the savages. I guess in this
way the white supremist neo nazi savages have assisted us in achieving
our goal…..whiich is the increase of THE KNOWLEDGE OF SELF. I never
thought I would say thank you to a savage but……….no no I just can’t do
it! The savages just don’t understand that Black peple (not negroes)
don’t care what white savages have to say. The day is over when we
accept knowledge of self from the oppressor. The next thing these
barbaric white savages will be saying is that Christopher Columbus
discovered America. Maybe I am stretching a bit….not even the neo nazi
savage Sherry thing wold go that far! Brothers you have done me proud
and it will take me a month or so just to sift through the sources you
provided in this last round with the savages. On with the war to unite
our MINDS! The day we achieve this unity is the day racism white
supremacy ends and peace and justice brought back to the planet. It has
been only 400 years and they are already on their way out. Again, this
is why the panic over what we think of ourselves. Hotep my brothers and
sisters. Thutmos Turner
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 12:42:32 (EDT)
Jeez, Osiris, calm down.
Maksat Tohme
USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 10:03:56 (EDT)
Some day the white man will serve the black man and bow before him!!The WAR continues!!!!!
USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 09:15:02 (EDT)
Whats the name address for the websight with the inscription of Uni?
Iskander Wagdi
USA – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 07:40:52 (EDT)
Here are some links to interesting pictures,
Most of the pictures here are from the old kingdom, they clearly show
Nofret daughter of Khufu was fair skinned and had blue eyes, the man
seated beside her is her husband Rahotep.The picture at the top of the
page of a fairly overweight man is Hemiunu.Heminunu oversaw the building
of Khufu’s pyramid, but hang on a minute the ancients were black, why
would a Caucasian oversee the building of the pyramids (which you argue
were the results of black genius)and why does Khufu’s daughter have such
a light complexion? Why?Well ether theres a conspiracy where the evil
Egyptians/Arabs(who are apparently are not Egyptian at all but asiatics)
and evil devil white men have destroyed all the original artifacts and
replaced them with fakes, because they are afraid of the mighty black
africans (who also happened to invent everything ever worth inventing in
history)rising up from the sorry state their people are in and taking
over the world or perhaps due to the society which Afro-Americans live
in, which is riddled with racism they/you need to have a feeling of
superiority,greatness and a belief you are decended from kings and
queens, just because you have a massive chip on your shoulder and no
self-confidence.It makes sence for you to blame others for your
problems.In fact you lot have alot in commom with the Nazis, just like
they blamed the Jews for all Germanys problems and made up a false
history of an ancient Aryan race whho throughtout history the Jews were
trying to destroy.Just replace the Jews with Arabs and whites,the German
race with the black race and the ancient Aryans with the ancient
Egyptians and you have a new master race full of brainwashed
automaton’s.It is very important that history dosent repeat itself
because we all know what happened to the Jews last time around.(this is
directed only at people like Thutmos Turner and Osiris who in below
posts have used some vulgar and extremely offensive language which I
will not repeat.So if your hear for a genuine love and interest in
history please do not be offended) The genetic tests I posted below show
that the ancients(my ancestors,and yes I am Egyptian and proud)had much
more in common with the mediterranean peoples of Europe and Asia than
Ethiopians.Actually the Portugese are more closly related to black
africans in genetic terms than us Egyptians(Modern Indians are more
closly related to Etiopians and Somalis than the people of Predynastic
upper Egypt). I made it clear the meaning of the Greek word melanchroies
so I will not go into that again. Herodotus compared the Egyptians to
“Colchians”-were the Colchians black Africans. The Colchians inhabited
what is roughly modern-day Georgia in the Caucasus, so the vast majority
were most likely — and quite literally — CAUCASIAN.Herodotus’
exlanation that being melanchrroes or oulutrches “indeed counts for
nothing, since other peoples are, too” suggests that these adjectives
did not apply exclusively to any one “race” of people.The description of
Colchians by Herodotus can be contrasted with that of Hippocrates,who
wrote of the Colchians in Phasis”have an appearance different from that
of other men.As to size,they are large and corpulent in body.Neither
joint nor vein is evident.They have a yelloish flesh, as if victims of
jaundice”(Hippocrates,Airs,Waters,Places 15).Nothing in Hippocrates,
descrition suggests that Colchians look anything like sub-Saharan
Africans and this further wekens the Afrocentric argument that Egyptians
and Colchians must have looks like “blacks” on the basis of Herodotus’
Words. Also when Herodotus,other classical writer and the Ehtiopians
said that Egypt was a colony of Ethiopia thay were not lying.If you
remember the 25th dynasty was of Ethiopian origin and only a couple of
hundred years before Herodotus visited Egypt ,Egypt was ruled from
Napata in the heart of Nubia/Ethiopia(Afrocentrists twisting the truth
again). Other ancient quotes cited by Afrocentrists Other ancient quotes
that some Afro-Egyptocentrists interpret in such a way as to conflict
with other descriptions such as the ones I quoted before.These are
marred by basically the same failings as the Herodotus quote described
above in interpreting Greek words such as mlanchroes as “negro”, and
failing to recognize stereotypes and exaggerations.Using the same faulty
techniques, Afrocentrists might as well say Jews in the Middle Ages
were “black”(I wouldnt be surprised if they did) because Joeeph ben
Nathan in the 13th centuary quoted his father as saying “we Jews come
from a pure,white source, and so our faces are black”.Of course to do
this would igore the fact that in medieval Europe as in ancient
Greece,”black” often meant “swarthy”.Likewise Afrocentrists could insist
that 12th centuary Turks were “black” on the basis of their being
exaggerated as “blacker than pitch or ink” in the epic Chanson
d’Aspremont.But we know on the basis of physical remains and ample
pictorial evidence that neither the Jews nor Turks were actually “black”
in medieval times. Heres interesting information about the picture (can
be seen in in most Afrocentric books)that Afrocentrics say is proof
that the Egyptians saw themselves as looking the same as
Nubians/Kushites/Ethiopians can be found at
Subject:Re:photos of “black Egyptians” Date: 1999/05/11 Author:Bernard
Ortiz de Montellano Civilization: Dear Paul, Those figures in the
Lepsius Erganzungsband,pl.48 are not actually Lepsius’ work, but a
re-edition done in 1913, as Ishowed in my article in Egypt in
Africa(Bloomington,IM:Indiana University Press, 1997).To make matters
worse , the hieroglyph texts between these figures were garbled.The
original scenes both in Sety the 1st’s tomb and in Ramesses the 3rd’s
tomb showed the Egyptians and the Kushites as distinctly different.Also,
the hieroglyphs on the real walls are distributed between each of the
four figures depicting each type.You can now view the real photographs
of both the Sety the 1st and Ramesses the thirds walls in Hornung’s
volumes on the valley of the Kings.I have been inside both tombs myself
and have seen these scenes and their texts, and on the basis of this,
the depiction in Erganzungsband is not the real depiction of what is on
the walls but rather a pastische, arranged from Lepsius’ notes and
garbled in the process.It is unfortunate that so many people have
depended on this depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both
tombs shows that patently it is not reality. Most sincerly Frank J.Yurco
***** Regards
Picture of Ramesses the second smiting a Libyan,Nubian/Ethiopian and a
Asiatic.Notice how the artist used the same pigment for Ramesses as he
did for the Asiatic,think about that!Now compare the facial features of
Ramesses to the Nubian and the Asiatic,notice how Ramesses looked almost
complestly like the Asiatic apart from the beard.I know its only a
picture but I think its fairly obvious that Ramesses was not black,
further weakening the Afrocentric arguement.
This is a picture of an Nubian/Ethiopian Captive.Take a look closly
does he look Egyptian, I dont think so and if dont agree I think you
should probably see an optician. P.S.Its a pity pictures cant be posted
on this page I could probably end this debat hear and now.And as I said
more to come incluning quotes,dental and hair evidence and more genetic
Iskander Wagdi
Tanta, Egypt – Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 07:38:41 (EDT)
Not only are your “idealogies” far from the truth, but just about all of
you are nothing more than LIARS. To blackfacts…your mythical facts that
you post are absurd. Have you been to Egypt? Really…have you?
Evidnetally not. No one here, and specifically not you..can brain-wash
me into your desperate attempts to make the world”black”. I have LISTED
numerous FACTS here..which no one could dispute. Though many have tried,
and when they realized, it wasnt working with me…suddenly Im a
racist..suddenly , Im a neo-nazi, a savage…etc etc. Now, from you…I am
sopossed to have an “obsession” with blacks, and I go from board to
board ..lurking? (laughing) You really are disturbed. I came across this
site, one night while I was searching for some additional information
related to Egypt. When I entered this site..I was astonished at what I
had seen and read. The twisted facts that I read …I had to respond…and I
will keep on responding all of these lies. You can read ANY of my
posts, there is nothing “racist” within my posts…just FACTS, and it
seems as though when “blacks” are confronted with facts, its
automatically “racist”. Which is not true. If any of you were sincere in
your efforts of study, you wouldnt twist facts to fit your beliefs,
resort to name-calling, and call the race card when your confronted with
facts that you dont like, and dont want to hear. Go read my posts. See
for yourself…its a simple fact of how you and your people twist things
and put words in other peoples mouths..afterall, many of you did it here
to me…scroll down…read a little. I find it funny that you have the
audascity to claim I lurk on “black” boards..can you clarify that ?
Where have I been? Who I am , is no “Secret”, and when I post will have my name on it. I encourage you to check the
ip#s’ you know how to do that? If so, check and see…then go to
these other “black boards” and get the ip#s’…and get back with me. You
are very immature. Also, the pallette of narmer…does anyone have a pic
of it? I do, I can post it , and show everyone his features. As much as
you would like him to be negroid, hes not. Also…no one has still proven
the inscription of uni to be a real “fake” or “mistake”. In fact,
someone here put a link to the university of chicago egyptology and
oriental refer peopole there for some so called “black”
information on egypt. Well, its funny…I used the same website, and
encouraged people here to look up the interpretation of the inscription
of uni…and suddenly I was a barbaric savage racist..and that website was
racist..and the egyptologist breadsted was racist..when I used it…but
when your people used wasnt racist. HHHmmmm…thats really going to
make people think when they read that. It proves my point of not only
the distortion of facts here, but, how anything that doesnt agree with
this sites idealogy…is racist. That is hypocritical…and just by that one
little mistake(though there have been numerous other contridictions
here) of calling me a racist because I used the SAME EXACT SITE THAT
YOUR BROTHERS USED AND POSTED A LINK TO…its obvious…what you people
really are. In the future, learn history…and dont distort it…and accept
history for what it is..because you surely cant change it .In
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 22:15:28 (EDT)
I have no interest in disputing the claim that Egypt and not Greece
being the seat of western law and I don’t thinbk it really matters,
however, in your article you quote a Greek saying: “Ex Africa semper
liquid novi” You should be aware that this is Latin and not Greek (and
especially not Ancient Greek). You may wish to go back to your sources
for the original quote.
Age: 33, USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 20:54:03 (EDT)
I have taken a back seat to read and absorb of the posts. This is a
learning experience for me. I have seen my brothers and sisters step to
share their wealth of information like true defenders of their heritage
and this makes me proud. For sometime, even before reading Diop and
others, I have always assumed the indigenous peoples of India to be our
kith and kin. There are those early findings of africoid (our as
scholars try to cover and say “Negritos”) people in lands far from Mama
Africa and I would always wonder. Earlier this year, I conducted a
rudimentary study of the Andamanese and now much I have presented and
then some have been proven. It is also good to know my people are
thinking, in terms, of the global collective of African people. Continue
my people to research and write and I will enjoy the fruit of your
labor. Bigups to Bros. Nepal, Blackfacts, Curtis, Rodney, Menes and all
others who have diligent in their studies and wisdom in their words. As I
finish reading, I will provide my perspective! Odabo. One Love!!!
Kwabena Adofo Danquah
Minneapolis, MN USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 20:24:43 (EDT)
Brother S.R. Nepal, I couldn’t find a way to contact you on your
website. In any case, I am putting your a link to your website on my
Mack Audena
Age: 20, Pitt, Pa USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 20:05:29 (EDT)
Blackfacts, thank you for setting it all straight. Respect and Love for
Mother Africa!Egyptians were Black. Here is a quote from
“In fact, quite a few historians have postulated that African
civilization follows along a continuous path. …there was no interruption
of African history. It is evident that, if starting from Nubia and
Egypt, we had followed a continental geographical direction, such as
Nubia-Gulf of Benin, Nubia-Congo, Nubia-Mozambique, the course of
African history would still have appeared uninterruptied. This is the
perspective in which the African past should be viewed. Cheikh Anta
Diop, African scholar”
Mack Audena
Age: 20, USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 19:55:46 (EDT)
Now we’re not supposed to refer to the Kamau as being either “black or
white.” Is this where we are to be assaulted with assertions of a
“multiracial” Kemet after having discovered that there’s copious
documentation and a body of informed African-centered scholars and
researchers willing to promote the African presence in the Hapi (Nile)
Valley? Given the anti-African tirades posted in the recent weeks one
can see that europeans and their colored adjuncts still haven’t given up
their Hegelian views and their attempts to commit historicide against
African people. Read “THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY” by Georg Hegel.Then
again this is “intellectual warfare.” And Curtis, thank you for
expanding the discussion to the African/Black presence in western Asia.
Rodney Cash Jr.
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 19:05:48 (EDT)
From “Europa: The History of the White Race” — “Although Hammurabi
himself was then clearly a descendent of one of the Nordic tribes and
not one of the “black haired” peoples, as the Law Code reveals, by this
time large numbers of the population had become distinctly Semitic, as
waves of immigrants swarmed in from the Arabic heartland on the Saudi
Arabian peninsula, drawn by the allure of the great Sumerian cities.” —–
These “Aryans” are sad. Not one source on the web from any Mesopatamian
Departments of any universities, translates “black-headed” as
black-haired.” Why do the Aryans twist the translation. All the sources
that translate it as black-headed, are from whites. So are the white
people in a grand conspiracy with the Afrocentrists? The neo-nazi
argument is just plain stupid. Also, no other sources state that
Hammurabi was a Nordic. If anything he was a semite. No modern day
Assyriologist would be so foolish as to claim that these people were
Nordics. It is true that he is called the white king, but he was hardly
Scandinavian, germanic, or anything closely resembling these people. The
Nordics were still wearing bearskins and calling themselves berserkers
at this time. The Viking peoples were some of the most barbaric in
Europe, and some of the last to be “civilized.” Before the 1100′s A.D.
what did any Nordic (Germanic or Scandinavian) ever do to “advance
civilization.” My friends, the nazi’s are jokers, and their fellow
Europeans consistently prove it.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 18:11:52 (EDT)
Thanks for the replies. More about the artwork: on a website referred to
previously in this discussion (click my name to get to the page) there
is a picture of Ramses II holding captives by the hair. Here we have
Egyptian, Nubian, and Asian all in the same picture. While the Egyptian
and Asian both are painted using exactly the same “Egyptian red”
pigment, the Nubian is clearly differentiated in terms of skin color as
he is much darker than the rest of the figures. One other artwork I’d
like to point out – which was not on the website – is a famous chest
from Tutankhamen’s tomb showing Tut slaying enemy armies. Tut’s army is
fighting Nubians on one side of the chest and Asiatics on the other. It
is clear that the Egyptians are physically different from both enemies,
but in terms of color they appear closer to the Asiatics. By the way,
just to make my stance clear, I believe it is inaccurate to call
Egyptians either black or white. Take care.
Maksat Tohme
Huntington Beach, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:57:41 (EDT)
Mr. Tohme. You’ve already proven yourself racist in earlier posts (The
Arab rants) with your statements of Africans being underdeveloped and
sarcastic tones to black people ever being in positions of power.
Incidentally the Arabs had much the same to say about their Berber
cousins, some of whom are black but many of whom are some variety of
white. But anyway…you stated: “A suggestion for people in this forum:
please find pictures of the ancient Faiyum portraits. There are many
portraits that are of native Egyptians, and some of these have
dark-skin, tightly-curled hair and relatively full lips (as in some but
not all Greek descriptions), but at the same time could never be
mistaken for a West African or even an Ethiopian.” REALLY? SOUNDS LIKE
BLACK FOLKS TO ME?!?! You been to West Africa? You’ve seen ALL West
Africans? You seen ALL Ethiopians? Ever been to Ethiopia? And perhaps
the ancient Egyptians did not look predominantaly like West Africans.
Does that instantly make them non-black? Is West Africa the only
habitable place in Africa? Groups like the Fulani claim descent from
East Africa. So do the Yoruba of Nigeria. Why did the Egyptians draw the
people of Punt so identical to themselves? Why do many Ethiopian
medieval paintings draw themselves with very light skin and straight
noses? Ever seen a picture of the late Haile Selassie? How bout Menelik
II? You also state, “They show many lighter-skinned Egyptians, too.”
Come to my family reunion sometime Tohmey—I’ll show ya’ folks that range
from chocolate deluxe to mocha to french vanilla. And guess what?
They’re ALL BLACK! Classify us as Hamites, Bantus, Negroes or what have
you. Try as one might, you cannot wash off Mother Africa. HUMANITY is
AFRICAN Tohme. You and Sherry betta stop running. And please, in
following in the ways of Egyptians and other Africans—respect your black
ancestors. Its the least you could do…
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:47:29 (EDT)
More on Sumerian Blacks (BTW these were written by the black-headed
peoples themselves. Most scholars agree that the “black” refers to skin
color not to hair since most of the people in that region were
dark-haired). —— The swift runner, a hurricane — the strength of his
loins is never ending, who emerges victorious from the race among the
settlements; the terrifying one, who is furious in his running, the
strongest among those selected from the people, ……. When he stretches
his arms out, …… at his sides. Culgi, …… from the horizon. Because of
his being most powerful, in his vigour ……. He, the tireless one, …… the
road. No king ever cared so much for the black-headed people; he
established justice on a grand scale.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:45:09 (EDT)
Black Sumerians –
—– In the Gagiccua of the great palace, where she renders verdicts with
grandeur, he made the great mother Ninlil glad. Enlil and Ninlil
relished it there. In its great dining-hall, the trustworthy hero chosen
by Nunamnir made them enjoy a magnificent meal: the E-kur was
rejoicing. They looked with approval at the shepherd Ur-Namma, and the
Great Mountain decreed a great destiny for Ur-Namma for all time, making
him the mightiest among his black-headed people. 12-21In the
E-tarsirsir, founded for you by An, you decide the fate of all the
countries; you, my lady, render verdicts and decree judgements. Bau, in
the E-tarsirsir, founded for you by An, you decide the fate of all the
countries; you, Bau, render verdicts and decree judgements. The ……
protective genius directs your black-headed people before you in your
courtyard in the holy city. Bau, the …… protective genius directs your
black-headed people before you in your courtyard in the holy city.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:42:16 (EDT)
Oh yeah, to Sherry. One of the reasons the Narmer bust was related to
Narmer is because it DOES resemble the thick lipped and “bulbous” nosed
figure on the celebrated Narmer pallette! I guess we each see what we
want to see eh’ STURMfront? Narmer comes from the south, where
predynastic kings had set up their own kingdom in Upper Egypt. A visit
to modern day Egypt will show Upper Egypt to still very “Africoid” in
make up when compared to Lower Egypt. As the Egyptians themselves claim
they come from the South, Like Narmer and the Horus kings and Souls of
Neken, I suppose then that blond haired whites with white skin migrated
from inner Africa eh? Woulda been heck on them when Ra made his ascent….
You’re silly. If you wasn’t such a little Nazi… I’d find you humorous…
What happened Sherry? Got tired of haunting the other black boards? For
those that don’t know Sherry makes a habit of popping up on black boards
and lurks silently in black listservs waiting to pounce. Her obsession
with black people and black people’s business is truly disturbing…
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:36:09 (EDT)
Dark, dusky, swarthy or black—all have been terms used to describe
blacks. In the Greek quotes I gave you, Aristotle compares the Egyptians
and Ethiopians in having the same skin color. He sees himself, the
Greek, as having the medium tone. Replace black with dusky, swarthy,
etc. and the comparisons are still there. And as for differentiations
between artistic drawings of Nubians and Egyptians, well for one—they
weren’t always so. Often times the Egyptians painted Nubians in their
same red ochre. In the reliefs of the people of Punt (modern day Somalia
or Eritrea) the people are also drawn nearly identical to the
Egyptians. Point is, I have seen numerous pictures depicting Egyptians
and Nubians. And in many the Nubians are portrayed with black skin and
very kinky hair. The Egyptians are portrayed with reddish brown skin and
VARIOUS hair types–straight and kinky. But, having red-brown skin DOES
NOT make the Egyptians non-black or non-African! All Africans DO NOT
have jet black skin. In fact, the portrayal of Nubians in this manner is
common during a certain New Kingdom period, and not the entire 3,00
year old dynasty. Why this stereotype of Nubians with very black skin,
exceedingly thick lips and blonde wigs during this time period? It is
unknown. Point is, it doesn’t make the Egyptians any less Africoid. No
more than it makes the Bedja of Somalia, the brown skinned Fulani of
West Africa, or the slender thin nosed/lipped Tutsi non-Africoid. New
York police sketch detective Frank Domingo (a man who has done numerous
race profiles) could not help but be reminded of Puerto Rico as he
walked the streets of modern day Cairo and Luxor. The African stamp upon
many of the faces was obvious. As I have walked those streets myself, I
was reminded of the same thing. It was like walking through the
Dominican Republic or Brazil. The Africoid stamp was still evident on
MANY of the modern day inhabitants of Egypt. The black skinned Nubians
the New Kingdom Egyptians chose to portray are today very brown skinned
(take a trip to Aswan sometime) and in fact look very much like the many
reddish-brown peoples who can be found on the walls throughout ancient
Egypt. Ancient Egypt of today is a land of many different peoples who
have settled in the region. Hate to break it to you, but black people do
not all have “black” skin, very thick lips, kinky hair, etc. We have
all the varieties in the world— because in case you didn’t know, we’re
the oldest people on the planet. Modern day Egyptians can claim to be
WHATEVER they want to be. Its the politics of the world we live in.
Better to be anything than black. So everyone from the very intermixed
modern day Egyptians to some Somali to some Ethiopians to some black
Brazlians to Tiger Woods—don’t want to be black. That’s politics
talking. If you’re white you’re alright. If you’re black—jump back! If
politics was different, everybody today would be beatin’ down the black
door. You, Sherry and Iskander keep on lumping all Afrocentrics
together. I do not fully agree with the KMT meaning “black people”
statement. Neither do I think that ALL of Egypt was black. All of Egypt
was not black just as ALL of Greece was not white. But Egypt was
“PREDOMINANTALLY black” is what I contend; and you may take that in all
the variants of black that exist in the Western Hemisphere today. You
look at the “claimed” bust of Nefertiti and say “white girl.” I look at
the bust of a queen who was supposedly of Persian or Mittani and
Egyptian heritage and say, “Mariah Carey.” For further explanation look
up the term “high yella” in Leroy’s Urbanite Dictionary… Suffice it to
say, if there were no black Africans who sat upon the thrones of
Egypt—then there are no Africans in the United States, the Caribbean or
South America. >>>>>>>>>>>”The way of
looking at the world to be found in, say the Hebrew Bible or in
Babylonia literature or amongst the Greeks is very different from
anything you find in Egypt. And that difference is its
Africaness.”—Bruce Williams, Egyptologist/Nubiologist (white)
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:26:06 (EDT)
Link between black Indians and Sumerians from the following website:
1.Tamil people are compared with the Sumerians: ” The people
responsible for the first monumental temples and palaces, for the
founding of the first city states and most likely for the invention of
writing (all in the period of 3100-3000 BCE) are the Sumerians. The
first written signs are pictographic, so they can be read in any
language and one can’t infer a particular language. …..The Sumerians
called their country ‘civilised land’, their language eme.gir
and themselves ‘the black-headed ones ‘Sumerian’ has no known
relation to any other language. There seems to be a remote relationship
with Dravidian languages (like spoken by the Tamils, now in the south
of India). There is evidence that the Dravidian languages were spoken in
the north of India, being displaced by the arrival of the Indo-European
invaders around 1500 BCE. Because of the term ‘the black-headed ones’,
it is possible (but far from proven) that the Sumerians are an early
branch of one of the people now living in southern India.” In my view,
if Tamil linguistic experts are involved in research to decode the
Sumerian languages, there must be some interesting finding. The western
historians, in my view, are handicapped because of their limited
knowledge of literary Tamil. Of course, we the Tamils may not be able to
understand even the Sangam Tamil… the biggest generation gap in our
language! 2. Some of the Sumerian towns had names that resembles Tamil
names ..Ur, Nippur and more so the name “Elam (Tamil Elangai) and the
Elamites (people of Elam): The ruins of many famous ancient cities, like
Eridu, Ur, Nippur and Kish are now far from the river, but were in the
past situated at the river banks.Modern Iran is roughly equivalent to
Persia and including in its south-western part ancient Elam. The
Elamites are the people of Elam. 3. There is a spurious belief in India
that Sanskrit is the oldest language and most languages are derivatives.
The word ‘Sans’ and ‘Script’ means ‘without’ ‘script’. Historians
indicated that when Aryans brought their oral language, the Dravidians
had a well developed language (Tamil) with script and that’s why they
called the Aryan language as “Sanscript”. 4. There is another research
undertaken by Mr Arunachalam of Tirunelveli District (Winner of the
Chief Ministers Award and right now a teacher in Government School), on
the question whether the languages spoken by Aborigines in Australia
have some relationship with Tamil language. (Interested persons may
refer to his book on that subject published by St Xaviers College,
Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli Dt, India). He even suggested that the
“boomerang’ used by Aborigines was equivalent to “kalari erithal’ in old
Tamil literature which most of us thought as a highest imagination but
seems to be reality. I am not a historian but I love the history and
more so the History of Tamils. Nantri, Vanakkam and Meendum Santhippom.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:15:41 (EDT)
A suggestion for people in this forum: please find pictures of the
ancient Faiyum portraits. There are many portraits that are of native
Egyptians, and some of these have dark-skin, tightly-curled hair and
relatively full lips (as in some but not all Greek descriptions), but at
the same time could never be mistaken for a West African or even an
Ethiopian. They show many lighter-skinned Egyptians, too.
Maksat Tohme
Huntington Beach, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 17:11:26 (EDT)
If you read the body of ancient Egyptian literature it is clear that
skin color was of no concern to the Egyptians, yet the Nile and the land
surrounding it was of central importance. It is impossible for me to
believe they would have made skin color the central point of their
identity, rather than the fertile strip of land which was of utmost
importance to their civilization and way of life. Like Iskander said, in
Egypt there were dichotomous terms kemit (“black land”, fertile Nile
valley) and deshret (“red land”, desert). If you take kemit to mean
“land of black people”, then the word “deshret” would cease to make
sense, unless you believe there were red people running around in the
desert. And since the Egyptians had neighbors much darker than
themselves, as their art shows, calling themselves “the black people”
would have been utterly illogical. It would be useless because the term
would not have differentiated them from their darker neighbors. If the
Egyptians ever used skin color terms to denote ethnic groups, they would
have applied “black” to Nubians, not Egyptians.
Maksat Tohme
Huntington Beach, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 16:53:32 (EDT)
Although I hate the biblical references, and I do not like the politics
of the writer, I will post this any way for the historical record. This
is from
— The primary sources show Sumer to be a settlement by a non-Semitic,
“black-headed people,” of the Dravidian language-group. The internal
evidence corresponds to Herodotus’ accounts of a Subcontinent-based
(Shatki-Siva) maritime culture of the Dravidian language-group, which
Herodotus associates with such locales as Yemen (Aththar), Ishtar
(Mesopotamia), and Canaanite (Astarte). The Isis-Osiris cult is
recognized as part of the same cultural set, as also the Phrygian
Cybele-Dionysos, and Delphi Gaea-Python (Apollo) cult. The gross
evidence is, that the Subcontinent-based branch of this
Dravidian-language-group culture, associated with Harappa, went into
decline during a period corresponding to some time during the Third
Millennium B.C., a period corresponding to the growing influx of the
Indo-European, Vedic culture, originating proximately from a relatively
less arid period in Central Asia. The Semitic cultures of more recent
times are by-products of the interaction between Egyptian culture and
Dravidian-based influences such as those encountered in the Akkadians,
Yemen, Ethiopia, and Canaan. Thus, whereas the original Hebrew, Mosaic
faith is associated with Egypt, the Hebrew tradition following the first
Babylonian captivity (accounting the Persian as the second Babylonian
captivity) is mixed, syncretically, with the imposition of elements of
the pagan mythologies of the Akkadians.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 16:45:36 (EDT)
An excellent site for ancient Black global history (1) — (2)
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 16:42:16 (EDT)
Greetings all. I stumbled upon your site. I could not help but notice
that the website you sent us by the Egyptian fellow spoke of the ancient
Egyptians being related to the Dravidians. How humorous. You know the
late great Cheikh Anta Diop said that those who did not favor an African
Egypt often found themselves running from one black type (so-called
Hammites) to another black type (Dravidian). Well guess what? I’m of
Dravidian as well as modern African heritage myself. I guess I bridge
both lands. Not suprising at all that Herodotus would state, “There are
two Ethiopias—one to the south and the other to the East.” Here’s a page
by the ever fighting Dravidian with whom I also share descent. If you
are really Egyptian (native) as you say Iskander, then if you’re of
Dravidian heritage—you’re certainly NO ARYAN! Being white is NOT always
right!!!! This one’s for Sherry as well…since she seems to be so fond of
Aryans and their ilk. Visit the site of my people’s resistance. Black
S.R. Nepal
- Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 16:40:32 (EDT)
I take issue with the quotes that our friend “blackfacts” supplied.
Clearly Iskander pointed out that words Greeks sometimes used to
describe Egyptians, such as “melas” and “melanochroes”, should be
translated as “dark-complected” (and not “black”) in English, and this
is proven by the fact that Homer described the Greek hero Odysseus
(Ulysses) using the exact same words but many ancient portrayals exist
to show Odysseus was neither black nor negro nor negroid. So if you
replace the word “black” in blackfacts’ quotes by the word “dark”, the
translations will be more accurate. The Greek writer Manilius clearly
said the Egyptians had a “medium” skin tone and differentiated them from
the black of Ethiopians. So that’s what the Egyptians were,
“medium-toned”, just like they were portrayed themselves in their
artwork relative to other peoples.
Maksat Tohme
Huntington Beach, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 16:33:05 (EDT)
In his book “The Destruction of Black Civilization,” Chancellor Williams
claimed that the original Sumerians were black. Unfortunately this book
contained almost no footnotes, endnotes, or other source references.
Until now, I have been unbale to find something that substantiates his
statements. But Samuel Noah Kramer (who was Clark Research Professor
Emeritus of Assyriology at the University of Pennsylvania and Curator
Emeritus of the Tablet Collections at the University Museum, University
of Pennsylvania.) proves (to my satisfaction) the Mr. Williams
assertions were true.—————- DISCLAIMER: The information to follow comes
from a (supposedly) Christian website. I have not reviewed their
theological material and I am IN NO WAY promoting this site from a
religious standpoint. My SOLE purpose is to offer more proof that the
original inhabitants of Sumeria were black. Some parts may seem racist,
but look beyond it and see what the facts are really saying. BTW, for
the neo-Nazis, Mr. Kramer is white and is in now way associated with the
Afrocentric movement ————–
—— APPENDIX– WAS CANAAN A TRUE BLACK?– The evidence now seems to
indicate the presence in Mesopotamia, in very early times, of three
distinct groups of people: the Sumerians, the Elamites, and a very small
group referred to as Japhethites, known especially for the fairness of
their skin. The two dominant groups were the Elamites, the first
settlers who spread northwards, and the Sumerians in the south, who
brought with them new civilizing influences leading to considerable
cultural advance. The Table of Nations clearly indentifes the first
settlers as the children of Elam, a son of Shem (Gen. 10:22). But there
is no mention whatsoever of Sumerians. There is this note, however, that
there was a “mighty one in the earth” named Nimrod, whose kingdom began
in the land of Shinar. (Gen. 10: 8-11). Nimrod, whose name is found in
Sumerian tradition, was the son of Cush, as son of Ham, and his uncle
would be Canaan. No one has ever suggested, to my knowledge, that the
Sumerians were Negroid – nor do any of the reconstructed “Sumerian Life
and Times” series such as have appeared in the National Geographic
Magazine, or Life, ever so portray them. Yet there is some evidence to
suggest that they may have been black-skinned. According to Samuel
Kramer they refer to themselves as “the blackheaded people.” Actually
the Sumerian original reads “head-of-black people,” the symbol for head
(SAG) being a cone-shaped hat hiding all but the neck of the wearer,
thus: Hammurabi, in his famous Code of Laws, also refers to the natives
of Mesopotamia as A-NA SALMAT GAGGADIM, i.e., “blackheaded ones.” Such
descriptive phrases are, I think, usually taken to mean merely
“dark-haired.” But it seems likely that 95% or more of all the people
who made up the early Middle East cultures were black-haired, whether
Semitic or Sumerian, and so this feature was hardly a distinguishing
one. But the Semitic population according to A. H. Sayce distinguished
themselves (with racial pride) from other peoples by their own light
coloured skin, and claimed that Adam too was a white man. They
considered themselves direct descendants. Yet they had black hair like
the Sumerians and would not be different in this. They might therefore
just as well have been termed “blackheaded people.” But they apparently
never were. Evidently, then, it would be no mark of distinction to refer
to the hair colour, but it would definitely be such to refer to skin
colour. And the Sumerians were apparently proud of their black skin.
Gadd says they came to equate the term “black-headed people” with the
idea of “men” as real people by contrast with other human beings who
were not really men at all. It is further to be noted that the founders
of the wonderful Indus Valley cultures were black-skinned, and not
merely black-haired. The Rig Veda makes frequent reference to the fact
that the conquering Aryans triumphed over these black and noseless (!)
enemies. And there does seem to be some real connection, if not racial
identity, between the Sumerians and these Indus Valley people. It may
well be, therefore, that the phrase does really refer to skin colour.
Furthermore, in the famous six-sided prism of Sennacherib, the king
refers to the conquered Canaanites as “blackness of head people.” From
all this, it can be concluded with reasonable assurance that,
genetically, Canaan could indeed have been a black child, the homozygous
offspring of his mulatto parents, Ham and his wife.
Age: 27, Brooklyn, NY USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 16:16:59 (EDT)
And since the mysterious Egyptian Iskander decided to throw up some
Greek quotes…couldn’t help but throw a few in myself.
———————————>>>>>> {“They (the Ethiopians) say also
that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris
having been the leader of the colony…And the larger part of the customs
of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian…” (Diodorus Siculus, Book
III. 2. 4-3. 3)} {“Those who are too black are cowards, like for
instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians. But those who are excessively
white are also cowards as we can see from the example of women, the
complexion of courage is between the two.” (?) (Aristotle,
_Physiognomy_, 6)} {“Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged?
Is it because of that the body of itself creates, because of disturbance
by heat, like loss of wood when they become dry? The condition of their
hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other
nations…” (Aristotle, _Problemata_ 909, 7)} {Lycinus (describing an
Egyptian): ‘this boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs
are too thin…his hair worn in a plait shows that he is not a freeman.’
Timolaus: ‘but that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt,
Lycinus. All freeborn children plait their hair until they reach
manhood…’ (Lucian, _Navigations_, paras 2-3)} {Dialogue: “Aegyptos
conquered the country of the black-footed ones and called it Egypt after
himself” (Apollodorus, Book II, paras 3 and 4)} {Dialogue: Danaos
(describing the Aegyptiads): ‘I can see the crew with their black limbs
and white tunics.’ (Aeschylus, _The Suppliants_, vv. 719-20, 745)}
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 15:40:56 (EDT)
Sorry Iskander, if that is indeed your REAL name…

But like genetic frequencies, craniometrics can have a high degree of
variable interpretation. Here is another take on the classification of
ancient Egyptian craniology. Clicking on the website at the bottom of
the post will give you more information. And oh yes, here’s an
interesting peice of trivia. Anthropologist Morton in the early 1900s
took crainiometric measurements and determined that blacks were
supposedly of lesser intelligence. His theory has since been proven
bogus though white supremacists love to bring it up from time to time.
What is of interest is that for his white sample of skulls he used
Nordic, blond haired, blue-eyed types (Sherry’s master race…). For the
black “negroid” types he used…yup you guessed it…ancient Egyptian
skulls. And that’s a blackfact.
James Harris and Edward Wente conducted an x-ray analysis of the New
Kingdom royal mummies with the results published in their book X-ray
Atlas of the Royal Mummies (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1980).
Included in the work were cephalograms of Pharaohs of the XVII-XX
Dynasties and their queens. The angular measurements presented in
tabular form in pp. 358-363 will be used here to compare the Pharaohs in
craniofacial terms to tropical African types such as the Nubians. We
will analyze all the data of the New Kingdom Pharaohs in terms of ANB (A
point-nasion-basion) and SN – Mand. Pl. (sella-nasion/gonion-menton).
Also, the three images available on Edward Wente’s website, Who was Who
among the Royal Mummies, will be analyzed in more details for their
correspondence with Africans to the south. Harris and Wente note the
prevalence of dental prognathism among Nubians. Often this is combined
with malocclusion. Similar incidence can be found in other African
peoples. For example, one study found that a sample taken from the Kenya
showed 61.3% of Maasai had diastema; 84% of Kikuyu had overbite and 99%
had overjet; and 24% of Kalenjin had anterior open bite. (J. Hassanali,
GP Pokhariyal, “Anterior tooth relations in Kenyan Africans, Archives
of Oral Biology 38 [Apr 1993] 337-42). Although these dental traits can
often be acquired through habits like thumb-sucking, as noted by Harris
and Wente, the high frequency in the royal mummies indicates a genetic
origin as found in Africans. Studies have shown that persons of African
descent tend to have greater projection of the alveolar region as
compared to the lower mouth. The difference in projection measured as
ANB (A point-nasion-B point) and research on persons of African descent
has shown ranges from 5.5 to 4.3. In comparison with Caucasians, the
values were from about 1.5 to 2 times greater (see Alexander et al.,
1978; Downs,1948; Fonseca et al.,1978; Steiner, 1959). After studying
all the data, particularly after analyzing the computerized ethcings,
one can certainly see that the royal mummies displayed high frequencies
of African traits shared with most Africans. Thus, the royal mummies
display a strong southern affinity just like other ancient Egyptians of
all classes studied by Cheikh Anta Diop, Larry Angel and Shomarqa Keita.
See the links below for the tables of data and results, or click on the
detailed analysis of the three images from Who was Who among the Royal
Mummies. For diagrams and more see here:
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 15:29:39 (EDT)
Iskander, I believe that Blackfacts explained what I was saying better
than I ever could. The genetics research is not in opposition to what we
Afrocentrist were saying. The website, like many others (as you can see
from Blackfacts posting), twisted the trueth. If you are using our
current concept of race then the Egyptians, like the present day Nubians
and Ethiopians, were black Africans. However, you can believe as you
Mack Audena
Age: 20, Pitt, Pa USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 14:36:39 (EDT)
Before Sherry “Stormfront” white supremacist finds a way to pollute this
as well…————-> >Genes hint Africa’s Khoisan world’s oldest people
> > By Emma Thomasson > > > CAPE TOWN, Sept 23 (Reuters)
– Genetic studies of the Khoisan population of > southern Africa
suggest the group could be the world’s most ancient people, > >
adding weight to the “Out of Africa” theory of human evolution,
scientists > said on Thursday. > > “The Africans who were the
earliest humans were likely to be more closely > related to modern
Khoisan humans than any others,” Professor Trefor Jenkins, >
geneticist at the South African Institute for Medical Research, told
Reuters > in an interview. > > Jenkins said changes in
mitochondrial DNA showed that modern Khoisan people > have retained
some of the genes of human ancestors from 100,000 to 120,000 > years
ago while the genes of Eurasian people stretch back only 40,000 to >
60,000 years. > > Mitochondrial DNA is a genetic marker only
inherited from the mother. > > Jenkins’ colleague, Dr Himla
Soodyall, said the discovery provided further > proof of the “Out of
Africa” theory that modern humans evolved from a > common ancestor in
Africa and spread across the world between 180,000 and > > 90,000
years ago. > > “What we have found is that some of the most
ancient genetic signatures are > still carried in the genes of modern
Khoisan people,” she said. “The > hypothesis that seems to be the
most favoured is that modern humans evolved > in Africa and a subset
of these people left Africa to colonise the rest of > the world.”
> > KHOISAN ALL BUT WIPED OUT > > The Khoisan people are
indigenous to southern Africa, but have been all but > wiped out as a
distinct group after centuries of persecution by European > settlers
and competition with other tribes who migrated south from central >
Africa. > > A small number of Khoisan maintain their traditional
hunter-gatherer > lifestyle on reserves. But the majority have been
subsumed into South > Africa’s mixed-race or coloured population and
have lost their rich language > > and culture. > > Jenkins
said his team was also studying part of the male “Y” chromosome >
which showed that Khoisan people and some groups in Ethiopia and Sudan
had a > more direct genetic relationship with non-human primates than
other > populations on the continent. > > Geneticists estimate
that human beings evolved from non-human primates five > to six
million years ago and homo sapiens, the modern human being, evolved >
between 750,000 and 100,000 years ago. > > “Racists will latch
onto this to say it proves Africans are more primitive, > but what it
shows is we are looking at modern people who are all descended >
from a common ancestor who lived 100,000 to 120,000 years ago,” Jenkins
> said. > > Fossils of skeletons about 100,000 years old have
been excavated in South > Africa. Scientists have also unearthed sets
of fossilised footprints on the > > country’s coast from the same
period that appear to have been made by modern > humans. >
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 14:28:43 (EDT)
Brother /sister Blackfacts: You are absolutely correct, these white
supremists just coincidentally popped up all at the same time and their
writing is all similar. Very interesting indeed. Anyway, much of your
writing seems to come from the book “No Color Lines”. Have you read it?
NOTE: This question is not directed to the neo nazi caucasoids! THUTMOS
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 13:44:15 (EDT)
Here’s a post from a physical anthropologist: This post belongs to P.K.
Mansansula: Brace et al’s views about the “trivial” nature of tropical
variation is not supported by the evidence. The M-W team “expect” traits
like “nasal elevation and elongation,” from long-term residents of the
East Horn of Africa, and attempt to prove their point by comparing
Europeans with Somalis (who live in a dry environment albeit in the
tropics). What they don’t mention is that the Badari, early Naqada and
Kerma series possess “blurred margin, platyrrhinism (broad nose), and
alveolar prognathism,” (Keita, 1990; also Morant 1925, Stoessiger 1927,
Anderson 1968, Strouhal 1971, Chamla 1980) and so did the predominant
element of the 1st Dynasty Abydos tombs (Keita 1992, 1993). This agrees
with the characteristics of the modern Nubian and Sudanese population
and also with the ancient Egyptian iconography. These characteristics,
combined with the limb proportions, unjustifiably dismissed by Brace et
al, confirm the views of Diop and Keita that the predynastic, early
dynastic, Nubian and Sudanese populations are/were of relatively recent
tropical African provenance. Egypt is not in tropical Africa, neither
are Nubia or Sudan anymore tropical than Somalia. On p. 18, Brace et al
state: “From the observation that 12,000 years was not a long enough
period of time to produce any noticeable variation in pigment by
latitude in the New World and tht 50,000 years has been barely long
enough to produce the beginnings of gradation in Australia (Brace
1993a), one would have to argue that the inhabitants of the Upper Nile
and the East Horn of Africa have been equatorial for many tens of
thousands of years.” This statement, of course, makes the assumption
that these peoples were originally white and from the North! If Brace et
al do believe in an African genesis of modern humans in tropical Africa
(i.e., Ethiopia) why would there be an assumption that those of “the
Upper Nile and the East Horn of Africa” would require adaptation rather
than the lighter-skinned northern coastal peoples? Brace et al also
mention a “circum-Mediterranean basin” in which they attempt to relate
the peoples of the Northern Mediterranean with those of North Africa.
This again contradicts all the evidence which show that the Maghreb, E,
Sedment and other N. African series had great variation, to include
tropical and “mulatto” forms that are rare, if found at all, in the N.
Mediterranean. The evidence does not support a closer relationship
between the northern coastal (Saharan) type with southern Europe than
with populations immediately to the south, who shared the same trait of
high variability. References Brace et al, “Clines and Clusters vs.
“Race”" _Yearbook of Physical Anthropology_, vol. 36, 1993. Diop, C.A.,
“Historie primitive de l’Humanite: Evolution du monde Moir,” Bulletin de
l’Institut francaise d’Afrique Noire, 24, 449. 1962. Ruggeri-Giuffrida,
V., “Were the pre-Dynastic Egyptians Lybian or Ethiopians?” _Man_ 32
1915. Ruggeri-Giuffrida, V., “A few notes on Neolithic Egyptians and the
Ethiopians.” _Man_, 55, 1916. Keita, S.O.Y., “Further Studies of Crania
from Ancient Northern Africa: An Analysis of Crania from First Dyansty
Egyptian Tombs, Using Multiple Discriminant Functions” _American Journal
of Physical Anthropology_ 87:245-254, 1992. ____, “Studies of ancient
crania from northern Africa,” _American Journal of Physical
Anthropology_, 83: 35-48, 1990. ____, “Ancient Egyptian Biological
Relationships,” _History in Africa_ 1993. Morant, S.G., “The predynastic
Egyptian skulls from Badari and their racial affinities,” IN G. Brunton
(ed.) _Mostagedda and the Tasian Culture_ 1937. Robins, G. and Shute C.
Predynastic Egyptian stature and physical proportions” _Journal of
Human Evolution_ 4:313-324, 1986. Strouhal, E. “Une contribution a la
question du caratere de la population prehitorique de la haute-Egypte”
_Anthropolgie_, 6, 1968. ____, “Evidence of the early penetration of
negroes into prehistoric Egypt,” _Egyptian Journal of African History_,
12: 1-9, 1971. [continued] The Brace et al. article is all too alarming
in that it appears in a peer-reviewed journal leveling charges of racism
against a scholar who spent his life breaking down theories of racial
superiority, and the practice of these theories in institutional racism.
J.D. Walker states in “The Misrepresentation of Diop’s Views,” _Journal
of Black Studies_, Vol.26, No. 1, Sept. 1995, 77-85: “The charge of
racism is alway serious and is interesting in light of Brace et al.
calling Rushton a “racialist,” a term rarely seen in American writing or
heard on American media, and therefore apt to be confusing. The charge
that Diop was an inverted racist is countered by the fact, among others,
that he was married to a “White” French woman. (Are there any Ku Klux
Klan members married to Nigerians?). Diop was an internationalist who
cited and had great respect for works of various European writers. He
made it quite clear that culture, not “race,” was his primary interest.
Diop never said that “Blacks” were genetically superior, which would be
racist, although such sentiments divorced from real power can only be
judged morally and not from the economic, psychological, and physical
damage that anti-Black racism has actually done. The road to Damascus is
long. Diop’s widow deserves an apology.” (p.78) Brace et al., like
Cavalli-Sforza and company, have attempted to replace the old phenotype
concept with a new one of “clusters and clines.” On the surface, these
specialists are made out to be anti-racist as they belong to the
“no-race” school. But a deeper examination shows that the “clusters and
clines” they propose are often only a resurrection of older ideas of the
“Great White Race.” Cavalli-Sforza, for example, has tried to relate
his genetic research to verify the Indo-European family proposed by
Greenberg, and has even shown some inklings toward the more moderate
Nostracists. Basically, these “no-race” scholars have been cementing the
old concept of a linguistically, and now, genetically, related group of
“Caucasoids” (although Brace sometimes avoids this term) speaking
mostly Indo-European (IE). At the same time, the older typological
language groups have been broken into numerous units, supposedly
unrelated not only linguistically but also genetically. Cavalli-Sforza
has tried to relate the North Africans to the Southern Europeans, and
Brace et al. do the same: “The latter in turn show ties with the
inhabitants of the circum-Mediterranean basin past and present.” In
fact, this is only a repetition of older theories of Seligman and others
who followed the “Aryan Model” described by Bernal. The problem is,
despite denying the existence of race according to phenotype, Brace et
al. use a phenogram to show ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Somalis, etc.,
are not related to those in tropical Africa! They ignore the possibility
of relationship despite variance (or with variability) as Walker points
out regarding the stereotype concept of the “Negro”: “…Negro, like
Nordic, should be understood as denoting one ensemble of traits or
anatomical trends in the numerous interconnected populations of
Saharo-tropical Africa, or just Africa. The “Negro” physiognomy has no
priveleged place in the pantheon of African human variation. It does not
define African (see Gabel, 1996; Hiernaux, 1975). Brace et al. have a
monotypic a priori definition of biological Africans.” Brace et al. set
out to prove what cannot be proven by the methods they use, according to
their own stated beliefs. Differences in phenotype, by their own
standards, cannot show that tropical Africans are unrelated in any way —
genetically, culturally, historically–from the peoples of Egypt and the
Horn of Africa. Yet this is what they try and do. If they had
understood Diop’s model, they would know that all peoples are related,
but that tropical Africans and Egyptians, Nubians, etc., are
*coextensive* in a variety of ways. This is, of course largely supported
by the geographic facts. The “Nilo-Hamitic” (Cushitic) languages spoken
by Egyptians, Nubians, Sudanese, and among populations in Ethiopia,
Somalia, Kenya, and as far south as Tanganyika. These peoples are
coextensive with the Semitic speakers and Chadic speakers in a
microlinguistic sense, but not at all with the people of southern
Europe. Furthermore, the pyramid tombs found from Ethiopia to Egypt
through the Sahara are only one point of correspondence between the
AfroAsian cultures of Africa. The Nile River has also been a line of
communication between cultures to the North and South, not only in the
historical period, but in the prehistoric as well. While Brace et al.
asserts the Africoid-like qualities in the Horn of Africa are due to
climatic adaptation (by whites?!), they don’t consider the possibility
that cranial traits among the northern coastal peoples, as Keita calls
them (Keita 1990, 1992, 1993) may also be variation from peoples related
to tropical Africans. Walker points this out clearly: “For example, the
M-W team explains the clustering of certain cranial series with ones
from Europe as being the result of gene flow/migration from Europe
without discussing the more likely explanation that the biological
characters responsible for the similarity are the result of convergence
or chance. This is Seligmanish and nonevolutionary.” (p. 79) Indeed,
this hearkens back to theories of the physical variability of
“Caucasoids” as opposed to the static, fixed “Negroids,” “Mongoloids,”
etc. The old “Dark White” theory proposed that whites could adapt dark
skins, broad noses, thick lips, etc., while traits like narrow noses,
thin lips, fair skins, etc., were evidence, even when found in
isolation, of white intermixture or even white provenance! Yet in
examining the ancient Egyptians, Brace et al. ignore the fact that the
predynastic Egyptian, early dynastic and Nubian crania all show evidence
of tropical adaptation such as broad noses and long, gracile limbs.
Other traits they shared with typical tropical African types were
alveolar prognathism and blurred nasal margin. (Keita 1992) Such traits
have been widely acknowledged in non-Afrocentric works, albeit sometimes
with the opprobrium that predynastic population were ruled by a
“Caucasoid” ruling class. Indeed we are getting a clear picture of the
importance the areas to the South may have played in forming the
Egyptian civilization. Recent discoveries have revealed the first tool
manufacturing society was located in Zaire. Remains showing similarity
to some groups found in Nubia and South Egypt have been found at
Gamble’s Cave (Kenya) dating back to 11,000 ot 9,000 B.C.E. (Walker
1995) It was at this time that evidence of movement out of Africa into
the Near East has been discovered, possibly connected to the spread of
the Afro-Asiatic languages (Bar Yosef, 1987). The direct origin of
Egyptian dynastic civilization has been traced to the Nubians, who are
closer in phenotype to peoples of sub-Saharan Africa than anyone in
Europe or even to northern coastal types. Clyde Ahmad Winters states:
“The A-Group people were caled Steu “bowmen.” The Steu had the same
funeral customs, pottery, musical instruments, and related artifacts as
did the Egyptians. Williams (1987, pp.173, 182) believes that the Qustul
pharoahs are the Egyptian rulers referred to as the Red Crown rulers in
ancient Egyptian documents. Williams (1987) gives six reasons why he
believes that the Steu of Qustul founded Kemetic civilization: 1. direct
progessin of royal complex designs from Qustul to Hierakonpolis to
Abydos; 2. Egyptian objects in Naqada III a-b tombs; 3. no royal tombs
in Lower and Upper Egypt; 4. pharoahic monuments that refer to conflict
in Upper Egypt; 5. inscriptions ofthe ruler Pe-Hor that are older than
Iry-Hor of Abydos; and 6. the 10 rulers of Qustul, 1 at Hierakonpolis,
and 3 at Abydos corrspond to the “historical” kings of the late Naqada
period. The findings of Williams support the findings of Diop (1991)
because we also understand better now why the Egyptian term royalty
etymologically means: (the man) who comes from the South=n y swt=who
belongs to the South= who is a native of the South=the King of Lower
Egypt, and has never meant just King; in other words king of Lower and
Upper Egypt, King of all Egypt. (p.108)” References Bar Yosef, O. (1987)
Pleistocene connexions between Africa and Southwest Asia. _African
Archaeological Review_, 5, 29-38. Seligman, C.G., (1930) _The races of
Africa_, Oxford. Winters, Clyde Ahmad (1994) Valid frame of reference,
_Journal of Black Studies_, December 1994. (see previous posts for
further references) [continued] Brace et al. and the ‘Dark White’ Theory
The Brace et al. article (see previous posts) revives in a subtle, and
sometimes not so subtle way the old ‘Dark White’ theory of Bernal’s
Aryan Model. The idea that modern humans in Africa were originally
“Caucasoid” and that they evolved into “blacks,” stems from the old
Aryan Model, and it is the same argument used by the anti-Afrocentric
side in the UNESCO conference on African history (See _UNESCO General
History of Africa_ vol. II). Brace et al. suggest this scenario when
they offer a time line for Somalis and other East Africans to “adapt”
their skin pigment to the tropical African climate. The history of these
ideas is based on a number of fallacies. One example is the
classification of Neanderthals as primitive Caucasoids. This despite
such non-Caucasoid traits as broad nose, prognathism and short squat
stature. Indeed, the platyrrhine noses of Neanderthals suggest tropical
adaptation according to the theories set forth by Brace et al. Such
classifications were justified on false assumptions that Caucasoids were
more highly variable than other races. In a similar fashion, the
Austroloid type was also classified as a primitive Caucasoid (and still
is by some), and was said to originate in the Mediterranean. However, as
Prof. Diop points out in _Civilization or Barbarism_, new evidence
shows the Austroloid type was most likely descended from Pithecanthropes
of Java through Ngandong man of Java. Also, remains of this type have
been found in Australia and Sri Lanka predating similar finds in the
Mediterranean. But most important regarding the area around Egypt is the
fact that modern humans first appear in Europe as tropically adapted
with “super” tropical limb ratios (Trinkhaus, 1981). They do not become
fully cold adapted until about the end of the mesolithic (Jacobs 1993).
Brace et al. suggest substantial gene flow from Europe as far south as
Somalia on a number of occassions: “…the presence of a palpable early
German in Late Dynastic Egyptian cemetery exemplifies the contact that
the delta region had with the world to the north and west. The
contribution that such individuals surely made to the Lower Egyptian
gene pool (Bowman, 1986) could well explain why both our dendograms and
our discrimination function analysis suggest that the people of Lower
Egypt at the end of Dynastic times had more in common with members of
our European regional cluster than was true for the inhabitants of Upper
Egypt 3,000 years earlier.” (p.21-22) Not only do Brace et al.’s
conclusions differ from earlier work by Keita and Hassan, the idea of
such significant gene flow is contradicted by other studies. Limb ratios
in northern Egypt, Late Stone Age Egypt and predynastic Egypt are all
tropically adapted. There is no “northern port of entry” (Walker, 1995)
where limb ratios alter due to gene flow from the north. What Brace et
al. also ignore is the fact that most of the genetic variation leading
to the types described are found in Africa *before* the presence of
modern humans in Europe. In fact, examples of possible prototypes can be
found in Kenya thousands of years before the predynastic period, and
before any evidence of migration from Europe. They also ignore or
trivialize the possibility that any similarities between people in N.
Africa and Europe may be due to gene flow from South to North rather
than vice a versa. Indeed the earliest migrations must have been in this
direction as proven by the limb ratios of early modern humans in
Europe. Even as late as Phoenician times, the flow seems to have been
more South, or Southeast to North/Northwest. Some of the assertions of
Brace et al. are simply ridiculous prima facie. For example, their
attempt to show Somalis are closer to Europeans than West Africans. (pp.
17-20) Anyone who has seen the images on CNN, etc., from the American
fiasco in Somalia will come to the unbiased conclusion that they are
pulling our legs. One of the problems with Brace et al. seems to be
their excessive reliance of outdated sources from the “Aryan” period:
“Blumenbach, however, saw human form as grading without break from one
region to another (Blumenbach, 1865). The continuum could be cut however
one might choose to suit one’s convenience. The Egyptians who displayed
a mixture of “Hindoo” and “Ethiopian” characteristics were not
therefore a mixture of separate “primordial” elements but just what
would be expected to occur between one region to another. These
expectations are precisely what we are defending in our present
treatment…” (p.25) The truth is, though, in suggesting substanial gene
flow from Europe, and even Germany, they did the exact opposite and
betrayed their Aryan Model biases. References Hassan, F. (1988) The
predynastic of Egypt. _Journal of World Prehistory_, 2, 135-185. Jacobs,
K.H., (1993) Human postcranial variation in the Ukranian
mesolithic-neolithic, _Current Anthropology_ 26(4), 512-514. Trinkhaus,
E. (1981) Neanderthal limb proportions and cold adaptation, IN C.B.
Stringer (ed.) _Aspects of human evolution_, (pp. 187-224), London:
Taylor & Francis) Paul Kekai Manansala —————- Sir E.A. Budge “The
prehistoric native of Egypt, both in the old and new Stone Ages, was
African, and there is every reason for saying that the earliest settlers
came from the South.” “There are many things in the manners and customs
and religions of the historic Egyptians that suggest the orignal home
of their ancestors was in a country in the neighborhood of Uganda or
Punt.” (Sir E.A. Budge, _Egypt_) “The ancient Egyptians were Africans,
and they spoke an African language, and the modern people of Eastern
Sudan are Africans, and they speak African languages…” (Sir E.A. Budge,
_Ancient Egyptian Hierogyphic Dictionary_) Basil Davidson “That the
ancient Egyptians were Black (again, in any variant you may prefer)–or,
as I myself think it is more useful to say, were African–is a belief
which has been denied in Europe since about 1830, not before. It is a
denial, in short, that belongs to the rise of modern European
imperialism…” (Basil Davidson, reviewing Martin Bernal’s _Black Athena_)
—————- According to Keita (1993): “Paoli (1972) found dynastic mummies
to have ABO frequencies most like those of the Northern Haratin, a group
believed to be largely descended from the ancient Saharans.” (p.140)
Livingstone, in _Abnormal Hemaglobins in Human Populations_, discusses
the Haratin in connection with high incidence of hemoglobin S and C in
North Africa: “The Haratin, who are the Negroid population in the
Saharan oases, are the former slaves of the Touareg and are primarily
agriculturalists.” (p. 83) Regarding the Nubians, D. L. Greene and Keita
cite Greene, Ruffer and Berry in noting the fourth molar variants,
third molar agenesis and in particular the rare sub-maxillary hypocone
in suggesting the population stability of the Nile corridor over the
period from the Mesolithic to the early historic These traits also show
the close relationship between Egyptians and Nubians. The fourth molar
variants are traits shared with sub-Saharan Africans.
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 13:27:37 (EDT)
How humorous. First we have Sherry, a white supremacist asserting ideas
of white Nordic ancient Egyptians. Now we have an actual Egyptian
claiming a non-African relation of the ancient Egyptians. Fascinating
all these dissenters suddenly “appear” onto this site…all at the same
time. Harmonic white convergence I presume? Ah well…let us go on. As for
the idea of Mediterranean Egyptians and dark whites……————->
Anthropologist G.A. Dorsey in Race and Civilization stated , “Races do
not exist; classifications of mankind do.”7 That is to say, the notion
of race is one of invention: an attempt to understand the wide range of
human variation. With this in mind it can be said then that the division
of race is based heavily on man’s bias. In the controversy regarding
ancient Egypt’s origins and predominant culture, the idea of racial
classification and the dividing lines between these races is key. For
those who do not accept the Semitic origins of ancient Egypt there is
yet another racial category in which to place the ancient Egyptians: the
Hamite. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary a Hamite can be
described as, “a member of any of several usually dark-skinned peoples
of N and E Africa, including the Egyptians, Berbers, etc.8″ To many this
is a general description of a Black African. But to those who
perpetuate this Hamitic hypothesis however this is not the case. Rather
these Hamites fall conveniently into the category of Caucasian. In his
work, Races of Africa, Dr. C.G. Seligman makes the following statement:
“…the civilizations of Africa are the civilizations of the Hamites, its
history the record of these peoples and their interaction with the two
other African stocks, the Negro and the Bushman, whether this influence
was exerted by highly civilized Egyptians or by such wider pastoralists
as are represented at the present day Beja and Somali…The incoming
Hamites were pastoral Europeans— arriving wave after wave—better armed
as well as quicker witted than the dark agricultural Negroes. 9″ Aside
from the obvious racism inherent in this statement, there is a confusing
play on words. While Seligman links the “highly civilized Egyptians”
with the Beja and Somali, he identifies them as Hamites who themselves
are separated from “the Negro and the Bushman.” In fact these Hamites,
who may have reached as far as Somalia, are classified as “pastoral
Europeans.” A somewhat similar viewpoint is held by Dr. Donald Weidner
in his work, A Short History of Africa South of the Sahara: “Caspian
types also began to appear in western Kenya. They are known variously as
Caspian people, early Cushites or early Hamites…These people, it is
believed, migrated northeastward into Arabia and western Asia as well as
northwestward into Egypt and North Africa. Recent scholars (notably
Joseph H. Greenberg) have suggested that the term Cushite be applied to
this parent of the Caucasian race, and that their basic language be
Afroasiatic (formerly Hamitic)…Cushites who were developing Caucasian
characteristics penetrated Egypt about 5,000 B.C.” Though similar in
theme, unlike Seligman, Weidner places these mysterious Hamites as
originating in the heart of Africa itself, as far as Kenya., and
migrating northward. But in accordance with Seligman he readily
identifies them with Caucasians. Thus when these supposed Caucasian
cranial traits were found to exist in certain Nile Valley populations,
it was assumed that these Africans were either Caucasians or hybrids of
Caucasians and Africans. In fact, as seen in the quotes of Seligman and
Weidner, it was generally accepted that nearly all African populations
had experienced some form of Caucasian admixture.11 These Hamites are
also known as members of the Brown race, Mediterranean race,
Eurafricans, dark-whites and other contradictory names. In her work, The
Myth of the Mediterranean Race Dana Reynolds traces the origins of the
Hamitic hypothesis. She begins with the following statement: “The
anthropological concept of a Mediterranean Race or Mediterranean Type
has long been used to denote long-headed gracile types of men anciently
inhabiting the lands around the Mediterranean, and alleged by some of
its more extreme proponents to be ancestral to modern Europeans and
Caucasoid types in Asia and Africa. It is a concept that has been
predicated upon erroneous idea, and sustained by fallacious notions of
the processes involved in human biological evolution an morphological
variation.” Reynolds asserts in this passage that the concept of Hamites
and the like are a fallacy. She attributes this pattern of thought to
Orientalist theories regarding the origins of civilization in Europe,
North Africa, and Southwest Asia. She begins with a discussion on
Guiseppe Sergi, Professor of Anthropology in the University of Rome. It
is Sergi she believes who first becomes one of the major proponents of
the concept of a Mediterranean Race. Through the usage of craniometric
data, Sergi classified the Mediterranean and Eurafrican into three
separate subgroupings: the African Hamites, the true Mediterraneans such
as Southern Italians, and the Nordic race.13 “In his examination of the
Hamite, Sergi found his closest modern relative in East Africa,
specifically the Horn of Africa. Reynolds makes the following critique
of Sergi’s findings: This so-called Hamite or Abyssinian man was
immediately inducted by scholars into the saw no irony in portraying
such phenotypically diverse people as the Ba-Himas of Uganda,
long-headed Russians, Scandanavians, Italians, and Arabs, as
representative of his superfamily of Eurafricans. Phenotypical
characteristics like skin coloring and hair form were proclaimed
‘external traits without diagnostic value’ because they were ‘subject to
environmental influence.’ At the same time, for Sergi, cranio-facial
measurements were not viewed as subject to such influence.” Reynolds
attributes much of this erroneous interpretation of data to the fact
that scholars believed the form of the human skull was a permanent
racial character. Sir Grafton Elliot Smith was the next figure to whom
Reynolds attributed the proliferation of the Mediterranean myth. A
Professor of Anatomy at Cairo’s Egyptian Museum in the early 1900s,
Smith based his findings on his examination of a wide variety of human
bodies belonging to predynastic and dynastic Egyptians. His findings
revealed what he described as people having an effeminate and frail
build, poorly developed eyebrows, small broad noses and slight
prognathism.15 Of course it would seem with such words, to many, that
Smith is describing an African type. But he classifies these people of
predynastic and dynastic times as members of the Brown race and,
according to Reynolds, vehemently “rejected the thought of a Negroid or
Black affiliation of the type generally called Hamitic or Brown.”16
Reynolds makes the following summary of Smith’s findings: “Smith
initially designated this type the Brown race on the basis of the
coloring of the ancient Egyptian iconography and, secondly, because of
what he considered to be the close osteological and cranial affinities
with the mainly Cushitic-speaking peoples of East Africa, now called
Bedja, Somali, Beni Amer, and Oroma (Galla) in Sudan, Ethiopia, and
Eritrea” In this manner did Smith make the ancient Egyptians
non-Africans, placing them in the Caucasian branch of humanity. Of the
ancient Egyptians, modern Somali, Bedja and other East African types, he
asserted there was only a minor Negroid element . Smith goes further in
stating that careful examination of the body of West and Central
Africans would reveal a profound gap separating the Negro not only from
Egypt, but the rest of mankind. Reynolds takes note that Smith, “harshly
criticized William Z. Ripley’s 1899 work— The Races of Europe— for
asserting that the entire ancient ‘Mediterranean race’ was descended
from ‘African Negroes.’” Carleton S. Coon is the next major advocate of
the Mediterranean Race pointed out by Reynolds. Using craniometric
analysis he describes this Mediterranean type as, “a man of short
stature with a cranial index of 73-75, browridges and bone development
weak, short face, variable nasal form, paedomorphic and sexually
undifferentiated ‘with a slight negroid tendency.’”20 It is this type he
finds to predominate in early Egypt. Reynolds shows that Coon makes an
even more grandoise claim of these Mediterranean types. She reveals the
following about Coon’s assertion of Mediterranean dominance: “Coon
reported that excavations in Kenya and Tanganyika had uncovered the
remains of a tall, extremely long-headed Mediterranean type with a
tendency to great elongation and narrowness of face. Recognizing the
morphometric similarities, with characteristic abandon, Coon pronounced
the are of the late stone age sites in East Africa, such as Elmenteita
and Naivash, ‘ a second southern periphery of the white racial stock:
peripheral in this case to the world of the African Negro.’ He speaks of
the East African ‘Hamite’ as being ‘without doubt derived from this
Palaeolithic racial type.’” Thus Reynolds shows that Coon made
Caucasians not only of the ancient Egyptians and modern East Africans,
but early stone age African man as well. Reynolds points out that Coon
is not alone in such thought. She documents another specialist in
African prehistory, Sonia Cole, in describing the tall dolichocephalic
peoples of Gamble’s Cave, Naivasha, and Olduvai, as Caucasoids. It is
this manner in which the Hamitic or Mediterranean African is separated
from other Africans. And thus by populating Egypt with these
Mediterranean-Hamitic types, the culture and people of the region can be
designated as non-African. But along with Reynolds, there are a host of
scholars who question the validity of this Hamitic hypothesis.
Historian Cheikh Anta Diop makes the statement, “Coon’s work contributes
nothing new. If all the specimens of races and sub-races described by
him lived in New York today, they would reside in Harlem.” In his
article The Racial Identity of Ancient Egyptian Populations Based on the
Analysis of Physical Remains, Keith Crawford critiques Coon’s findings.
In an examination of Coon’s Hamitic hypothesis, Crawford notes the
following: “Coon (1965) displays a picture of a Shilluk man with Black
skin, ulotrichous (wooly) hair and somewhat thickened lips. Under the
photo of this unquestionably “Negroid” person is the caption “A Shilluk
with European features…’ To the lay person such a statement is most
puzzling. Understand that Coon is referring to features of the cranial
anatomy, erroneously thought to have resulted from Caucasoid admixture.”
In this passage Crawford reveals the inherent contradictions of Coon’s
Hamitic arguments. At the center of this debate is the notion of what
many have referred to as the “true Negro.” Diop borrows this term from
anthropologists who use this racial classification to differentiate what
they term to be Black Africans and Hamites. This “true Negro” has such
characteristics as black skin, long arms and legs, tall stature, broad
shoulders, narrow hips, black and kinky hair, doliocephalic cranium,
considerable prognathism, a flat nose and thick often everted lips.25
This definition holds to the idea that Black Africans share one set
morphology which is static and unchanging. Thus one can classify those
who do not fit this description precisely enough as Hamites with
Caucasian features. But Diop criticizes this monotypic classification of
Black Africans in the following statement: “Anthropologists have
invented the ingenious, convenient, fictional notion of the ‘true
Negro,’ which allows them to consider , if need be, all the real Negroes
on earth as fake Negroes, more or less approaching a kind of Platonic
archetype, without ever attaining it. Thus African history is full of
‘Negroids,’ Hamites, semi-Hamites, Nilo-Hamitics, Ethiopoids, Sabaeans,
even Caucasoids!…If the African anthropologist made a point of examining
European races ‘under the magnifying glass,’ he would be able to
multiply them ad infinitum by grouping physiognomies into races and
sub-races as artificially as his European counterpart does with regard
to Africa. He would, in turn, succeed in dissolving collective European
reality into a fog of insignificant facts.” Thus Diop holds that the
rejection of the idea of the true Negro will do away with the notion of
Hamites. Crawford states the following regarding this monotypic
classification of Africans: “A critical point to understand when
studying the racial makeup of Nile Valley populations is that the full
diversity of Africoid variants was not often appreciated by the early
anthropologists. What anthropologists called the ‘Negro’ identified only
one form of Africoid variant common to the forest zone of West
Africa…Other Africoid variants are important to our discussion of Nile
Valley populations because their range of distribution overlaps or is in
close vicinity with the Nile valley. Their physical traits were likely
present in ancient Egyptian populations.” Crawford’s statements reveal
one of the fundamental errors in the classification of racial types
within Africa and the Nile Valley in particular. Crawford identifies
several of these Africoid variants. Two of these he describes as the
Elongated African variant and the Nilotic variant.28 He notes that, “the
Elongated variant is distinguished by a generalized elongated body,
narrow head, face and nose, dark skin and spiralled hair, thick but not
everted lips.”29 He identifies these Elongated types with the such
groups as the West African-Saharan Fulani, the Great Lakes Region Tutsi
and Hima, the Masai of Kenya, the Galla of Southern Ethiopia, Tigreans
and Amharas from Ethiopia, Somalis and the Beja of Northern Sudan.
Crawford cites Hiernaux as stressing, “there is evidence for the
continued presence of Elongated traits since Pleistocene times, with no
evidence of gene flow from populations outside of Africa…Elongated
traits arose as an adaptation to dry heat.” Crawford also cites Hiernaux
in his description of the Nilotic variant who are described, in
comparison to the Elongated variant, as taller, more narrow headed,
lower and wider nosed, of slender build, long legs and little fat.31
These Nilotic types include the Nuer, Dinka, Shilluk and Anuak who
occupy the Nile river basins in the southern Sudanese region.32 In
conclusion of these observations Crawford makes the following statement:
“The preceding discussion should make it clear that African populations
display an entire spectrum of phenotypes including those attributed to
being characteristic of other races. This must be the case since all
races evolved from an African prototype and it was necessary that this
type possess the potential to express multiple traits which could then
be modified further by the environment. The so-called ‘true Negro’ does
not even represent the majority of African types on the continent.” This
passage confirms Crawford’s belief that African populations are “poly”
rather than monotypic. In conclusion it can be said that past
examinations of Nile Valley remains have yielded faulty conclusions due
to erroneous stereotypes of African morphology. Numerous works have
shown that Africans do not share one set morphology. Thus deviations of
this stereotype are not inherently the products of admixture and thus to
be classified as Hamitic, Mediterranean, Eurafrican or Caucasoid.
- Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 13:12:23 (EDT)
Brothers and sister (BLACK): I leave the attempts to educate the Sherry
thing to my brothers like Mack. Actually it increases my knowledge of my
people as I read their postings. I however, (not in the least criticism
of brother Mack)) believe that youcannot argue with the insane. You
cannot argue nor teach a savage barbaric racist neo nazi INBRED
knowledge of “SELF” is proliferating and the savages inbred savages are
panic stricken. The Sherry thing has been busted as a neo nazi! This
trailer trash white thing has made a fool of itself by trying to pass
itself off as an Egyptologist! Why is there no evedence of civilization
in Europe???????? The trailer trash never did answer the site moderators
question! No white scholar has ever been able to answer …..Why not. Its
because the whites were barbarians without a civilization living in
caves and having sex with animals. The white Melanin deficient,
calcified Pineal, inbred trailer trash coming to this site trying to
influence what we as Black people think of ourselves are irrelevant! The
only thing that matters is what we think of ourselves. In responce to
being the first one to call the other a savage…..WHO CARES!!!!! First or
last….the sub-human that calls itself the Sherry is a racist anti-Black
savage! The truth told first or the truth told last ….IS STILL THE
TRUTH! It is white and its opinion does not matter! I still believe it
to be male! THUTMOS TURNER
Thutmos Turner
Age: 52, Compton, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 12:39:10 (EDT)
Heres some food for thought,Afrocentists say that Kemit(Kmt) mean land
of the black people.It clearly does not the ancients always refered to
themselves as “remetch en Kemit”(the people of Kemit).Of course if we
are too believe Afrocentrics the people who lived in the desert of been
red,the truth is of course they weren’t,in fact the word desert comes
from the ancient Egyptian word “deshret”(the red land). My friend below
said Mr Saafis’s websight was not in conflict with what Afrocentrics are
saying, I think if he looked around the webpage properly I think he
would that he is wrong. Here are some quotes from the anthropology and
genetics section: Genetics of modern Egyptians: :Cavalli-Sforza et
al.(1994)compared populations from throughtout the world using extensive
genetic data. The North African populations grouped with West Euraisian
(European,Middle East)populations rather than Sub-Saharan African
populations(including Ethiopians).

i Rienzo et al. (1994)studied the relationship of three samples (taken
from Egyptians,Sardinians, and sub-Saharan Africans), using mitochodrial
DNA and simple sequence repeats.In genetic terthe Egyptian sample was
closer to the Sardinian than to the sub-Saharan African sample. :Hammer
et al. (1997)used seen diferent methods to compute population trees of
world populations, using Y-chromosome data.All seven methods grouped the
Egyptians with the non-African populations rather than with the
sub-Saharan Africans.Egyptians genetic profile resembles that of South
Europeans more than any other regional groups in the study.

oloni et al. (1997).Egyptians and a few other African populationa
(Tunisians,Algerians, and even Ethiopeans)Showed a stronger similarity
to non-Africans Mediterraneans Than to the remainder of Africans mostly
from south the Sahara. :Bosch et al.(1997),using classical genetic
marker, calculated Egyptians to be genetically very close to
Mediterranean Asians Europeans. Genetics of Ancient Egyptians:
:Borgognini-Tarli annd G. Paoli, 1982. The ABO blood type freguencies of
ancient Egyptians showed no signs of differing significantly from that
that of present-day Egyptians.According to the autors,”the blood-group
distribution obtained for Asyut,Gebelen and Aswan necropoles shows
resemblances with the present leucoderm population of Egypt and
particulary with its more ‘conservative’ fraction (the Copts, MOURANT et
al., 1976).” Test done on Ancient Egypian skulls: (for diagram follow
the above link or go to
One of the most common ways of assessing population relationships has
been comparative analysis of the skull types. Such a study was carried
out by the physical anthropologist C. Loring Brace and five
co-reserchers who statistically analyzed a range of 24 cranial
measurements from diverse world samples, includin ancient Egypians. The
results of the analysis suggest that ancient Egyptian crania had with
those from southwest Asia and Neolithic Europe, as well as North and
Northeast Africa. However, the Egyptian skulls showed little similariy
to African crania from the more distant south and west.The above plot
shows, as accurately as is possible in two dimemsians, the relationships
between craniofacial configurations of the various regional samples>
The predynastic sample from upper Egypt lies very close to the West
Eurasian group but shows some tendencies toword Northeast
Africans(Nubians,Somalis);(on the chart Indians are actually much closer
to Somalis and Nubians than the pre dynastic people of upper Egypt)
this should not be surprising given Egypts geographical position at the
crossroads of Africa ans Asia.The northern Egyptians deviate even more
strongly from the tropical African pattern, and indeed thier closest
relatives appear to be west Eurasians.Notice that the pooled group of
Sub_Saharan Africans from southern, central and western regions of the
continent does not resemble Egyptians at all: this group is plotted very
distant from both ancient Egyptian Samples. More to come(dental
evidence, hair evidence, more
cranial,etc.) Ancient
Testimony: According to classical Greca-Roman authors, ancient Egyptian
contempories had a “medium tone” and looked like northern Indians. The
Ethiopians stain the world and depict a race of men steeped in darkness:
less sunburnt are the natives of India: the land of Egypt, flooded by
the the Nile, darkens bodies more mildly owing to the inundation of its
fields; it is a country nearer to us and its moderate climate imparts a
medium tone. -Manilius,Astronomica 4.724 Here the term
Ethiopians(=Greek”burnt face”, denoting very dark skin) refers to the
inhabitantn south of Egypt and roughly corresponds to what early
anthropologist would called “Negro.”Although Ethiopians was a very broad
term encompassing most Africans and sometimes part of southern Asia(Sri
Lanka,Timor), the ancient Greco-Roman writers clearly distinguished the
pre-Arab Egyptians from “Ethiopians”. Philostratus wrote that thhe
people living near the Nubian bordr were lighter than Ethiopians, and
that Egyptians were in turn lighter than those people. There are cases
of Greco-Roman authors likening Egyptians to northern Indians, who
generally do not look like black Africans. The appearance of the
inhabitants is also not very different in India and Ethiopia: the
southern Indians are rather more like Ethiopians as thhey are black to
look on, and thier hair is black; only they are not so snub-nosed or
wooly-haired as the Ethiopians; the northern Indians are most like the
EGyptians physically. Strabo confirms in Geography 15.1.13, in almost
identical wording: As for the people of India, those in the south are
like the Aethiopians in colour, although they are like the rest in
respect to countenance and hair (for on account of the humidity of the
air their hair does not curl), whereas those in the noth are like the
Egyptians. Arrian and Strabo concur that the Egyptians resembled
northern Indians — who are usually straight haired and occasionally as
light-skined southern Europeans — rather than the darker Dravidian types
of southern India.Furthermore, although Arrian and Strabo diffentiate
Ethiopians from south Indians in terms of facial form and hair texture,
they cite no such differences between the Egyptians and northern
Indians. THe Herodotus quote repeatedly cited by Afrocentrists: In
efforts to make the ancient Egyptian “black,” Afro-Egyptocentrists have
interpreted certain ancient Greco-roman quotes in a way that supports
their own views.Perhaps the most frequently cited of these is a qoute by
Herodotus describing Egyptians as well as as Colchians of Caucaus as
“dark skinned and wooly-haired”.Part of the misinterpretation of this
quote stems from their interpreting the greek word melas and its
numerous variants as “black” or “white”.There are numerous examples of
this usage in Greek literature — one unequivocal example of this usage
decribes a rather aged Odysseus magically regaining his youth(Homer
Odyssey 16.172-176 With this, Athena tuoched him (Odysseus) with her
golden wand.A well washed cloak and a tunic she first of all cast about
his breast, and she increased his stature and his youthful bloom.Once
more he grew dark of colour(melenchroies), and his cheaks filledout, and
dark grew the beard abuot his chin. In decribing the skin tone of
Odysseus, Homer uses the word melenchoies, which is a different spelling
of the same word that Herodotus used to decribe the colour of the
Egyptians. However it is clear from the above passage that Homer means
“of swarthy complexion” rather than racially “black” and is meant to
describe Odtsseus regaining his youthful colour. Otherwise we would have
to assume that during the process of rejuvenation Odysseus became a
black man!This despite the numerousancient artistic portrayals of
Odsseus as Greek-looking and plainly not black.In fact if we interpreted
other works the same literal way Afrocentrists interpret Herodotus and
other writers, we would have to assume that Greek trees truly
black-leaved(melamphullos),and that Greeks bled black blood(haima melan,
etc). Herodottus decribing the hair of Egyptians as oulotriches(=”wooly
haired”) seems to conflict with other writers such as as Strabo,Arrian
and the unknown autor of Physiognomonica who mention only the Ethiopians
and not the Egyptians as having wooly hair.At first sight it seems
unclear whether Herodotus accurately described the whole Egyptian
population or simply citing a stereotype reresenting the “extreme”
Egyptian type relative to the Greek perspective (much like “the
tall,blond blue eyed” stereotype of Swedes).Lukilly in this case we do
not have to rely on Herodotus’ description when there ids so much
physical evidence available.Numerous mummies with still attached to the
skuls show that straight ,wavy, or gently curled hair types were common
in ancient Egypt.For an example , in a study (TItlbachova and
Titlbach,1977) involing hair samples detailed microscopic investigation
of hair samples taken from ancient Egyptian mummies, most were
determined to have been naturally straight,wavy, of gently curled, with
roundish cross-section typical of modern Eurasian and North African
peoples.Only a small minority showed evidence of “negroid” structural
charactoristics; even these “negroid” elements were weakly
manifested.Nevertheless, in ancient as well as modern Egypt, the hair is
on average curlier than that of Greeks — an obsevation which probably
accounts for Herodotus’ stereotyping Egyptian hair as oulriches.But
Herodotus mentions only “Etiopians” as having the “woolliest hair of all
men”(Herodotus Histories 7.70.1) —More to come.
Iskander Wagdi
Tanta, Egypt – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 11:58:41 (EDT)
I didnt post the muslim/islamic sayings. Check the ip# on it, it wasnt
me. Also, is this your scape-goat? Now…when you CANT answer the FACTS
with FACTS…suddenly…your not going to post no more? HHmmm, I proved my
point, and anyone can see that..all they have to do is scroll down,
READ, and compare.Its very childish of you to spam the board by posting
your same boring long message 3 times…grow up. Also, in response to your
comment of the first one to call another “savage & barbaric” is thr
one who is really “uncivilized”…well, again…scroll down, and you can
“thank” your brother Turner from Compton, for being the first to show
his true self…afterall, he said it first

) I figured that once you and your people were confronted with the
truth, first it would be name calling (which it was), then it would be
Anger, (which it was) then the racist name calling would be used, and
finally, you “gave-up” because I have confronted you with FACTS that you
could not answer , because they are obviously undisputable. You were
quite predictable…
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 07:16:38 (EDT)
African leaders: ‘Let us unite’ OAU summit ends in agreement to speed
pace toward One Africa by James Muhammad Editor Heads of State join
Libya in celebrating 30 years of revolution Gadhafi calls for
reparations for African slave trade SIRTE, Libya—In the face of mounting
competition from global economic blocs and the threat of
neo-colonialism, African leaders meeting here for the 4th Extraordinary
Summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) determined that Africa
would become the world’s largest economic and political bloc, and
perhaps the leader of the next millennium. A record 43 heads of state
answered the call of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi for the urgent Sept.
8-9 sessions to discuss the pace at which Africa is moving in the face
of such global challenges. Col. Gadhafi, following the example set by
the great revolutionary and Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, and
others, specifically called for the establishment of a United States of
Africa, with its own central bank, military and parliament. The
extraordinary meeting culminated a 10-day celebration of the September
1st Revolution (The Great Al-Fatah Revolution). The colors of each
African nation’s flag decorated cities throughout Libya, African dance
troupes performed nightly on the central square in Tripoli and
revolutionary slogans and photographs of African presidents draped walls
and billboards. A massive parade Sept. 7 in Tripoli witnessed by nearly
two dozen heads of state, Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat, Algerian
revolutionary Ahmed Ben Bella, a Nation of Islam delegation led by Chief
of Staff Leonard F. Muhammad, and others marked the official
observation of the Revolution. The parade was delayed until Sept. 7 for
the presidents’ arrival. Announced near midnight on their target date of
9-9-99, OAU Secretary General Salim Ahmed Salim told more than 100
journalists that the leaders had agreed to quicken the pace of unity.
“As we prepare to enter the 21st century and cognizant of the challenges
… we emphasize the imperative need and high sense of urgency to
rekindle the aspirations of our peoples for stronger unity, solidarity
and cohesion in a larger community of peoples transcending cultural,
ideological, ethnic and national differences. “It is our conviction that
our Continental Organization needs to be revitalized in order to be
able to play a more active role and continue to be relevant to the needs
of our peoples and responsive to the demands of the prevailing
circumstances,” he said. The OAU determined it would: •Quicken the pace
of implementing the 1991 Abuja Treaty which established an African
Economic Community •Speed up the process of establishing all of the
institutions provided in the Treaty—an African Central Bank, an African
Monetary Union, an African Court of Justice and a Pan-African Parliament
•Strengthen and consolidate existing regional economic communities
•Mandate its Council of Ministers to ensure implementation of those
decisions, particularly to prepare the legal text necessary in light of
the existing Charter and the Abuja Treaty •Mandate OAU Chairman and
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and South African President
Thabo Mbeki to engage African creditors with the goal of securing the
total cancellation of Africa’s debt. Mr. Salim said the OAU would
establish the Pan-African Parliament by the year 2000 in order to
provide a common platform for African peoples and grass roots
organizations to be more involved in discussions and decision making on
problems and challenges facing Africa. A return to Sirte The Council of
Ministers should submit its report on implementation at the next meeting
of the OAU scheduled for Lome, Togo, next year, he said, adding that
December 2000 is the target date for ratification of the agreements.
Then the OAU would return to Sirte in the year 2001 to adopt the
document, he said. “This is a very, very serious milestone. Africa for a
long time has been underestimated because we have not been united,”
Liberian President Charles Taylor told The Final Call shortly after the
meeting as the heads of state hurried to their cars after long hours of
debate and discussions. “The time for unity is now, the unity will be
organized. We are moving toward a parliamentary situation, and then the
problems of Africa … can come into focus because we have decided that we
are going to unite as a union.” Ghana’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mohamed
Ibn Chambass called the deliberations “very profound and very radical.
We needed to be taking these steps (toward consolidating Africa) decades
ago. We are happy that Africa has now realized we need to take our
destiny into our own hands and catch up with the rest of the world.”
Throughout the summit meetings, Col. Gadhafi worked with a determination
to reemphasize the need for unity. He dressed in his traditional Arab
garments for the official meetings and dinners, but journalists and
delegates alike were well aware of his focus on aligning himself closer
to his African neighbors, particularly following their decision at an
OAU summit in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, to defy the UN ban against
flights into Libya. That move in 1998, observers feel, was a major dent
in the wall of U.S.-led sanctions on Libya, whom the U.S. holds
responsible for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie,
Scotland. Col. Gadhafi had accused Arab leaders of the Middle East of
not standing with him in the face of sanctions. “We’ve been waiting for
this day with a particular eagerness,” Col. Gadhafi said to foreign
ministers Sept. 7, at a preliminary meeting in Tripoli prior to the
official opening the summit. He said any union Africa determines must be
comprehensive—economics, politics and culture. Mr. Gadhafi invoked the
name of Mr. Nkrumah as the catalyst for the meeting. He also said that
everything needed for a new charter already exists in the Abuja Treaty.
The institutions were there, he said, but they were bodies without
souls. “We want something considerable … a new soul to bring life to
these institutions and bodies,” he said. The way forward While Africa is
still a continent in crisis, all agreed that the mandate of the
original OAU Charter—fighting colonialism—has been achieved. The focus
now is to bring internal stability to member states—some of whom are
involved in civil wars and rebel attacks against their governments—so
that the countries can gain control of their mineral and human resources
to strengthen their economies. The way forward must be deliberate, yet
careful, most observed. In debating his point at the inception of the
OAU Charter, Mr. Nkrumah argued that an African “continental union
government” would have a two-house legislature: an upper house of two
members from each state and a lower house based on the population of
each state, with power to formulate a common foreign policy, common
continental planning for economic and industrial development, a common
currency, monetary zone and a central bank of issue and a common defense
system with one military High Command, according to “Inside the OAU:
Pan-Africanism in Practice” (1986) by C.O.C. Amate. “Since the
conception of the OAU in ’63 we have been advocating unity and
solidarity,” said OAU spokesman Ibrahim Daggash. “We used it in the
liberation struggle and we succeeded. Why don’t we use it in our
economic struggle as well? “We have to refuse marginalization. In the
new millennium there’s no place for small entities. It should be viable
political and economic groupings,” he said. “If we succeed in an
intergrational process (in other areas), we’d succeed also in a common
monetary unit. But we still have a long way to go,” said Liberian
Foreign Minister Monie Captan, referring to what has happened with the
European Union. Among the special guests at the summit were Gamel
Nkrumah, son of the late Kwame Nkrumah, and Roland Lumumba, son of the
late Congo freedom fighter Patrice Lumumba. At the close of the Summit,
after giving Revolution Awards to the heads of state present, Col.
Gadhafi, in a symbolic uniting of the past, present and future, awarded
both sons the Revolution Award. With a horde of photographers chasing
them, Col. Gadhafi walked out of the hall hand-in-hand with Nkrumah and
Lumumba. “My father would have been proud of Gadhafi today,” the young
Nkrumah told The Final Call in an interview. “I wish he could be around
to see that somebody else has taken up his dream very seriously. It
would have been a great day for him.” Copyright © 1999 FCN Publishing ”
Pooling our resources and doing for self “
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 03:14:03 (EDT)
(PART 2) (PART 1 BELOW THIS POST) >The Black List –
> >Made a Chattel Slave: > African slaves’ descendants have
tended to look at U.S. Slavery > from a >monolithic if not narrow
view. When we think of slavery, we are >essentially thinking of
chattel slavery. Even, when we are thinking of >chattel slavery, we
are actually referring to physical slavery, or we are >combining the
two forms in one. As we have seen from the above, slavery >consisted
of a series of illegal acts, all in International Law and >Natural
Law. Since we are not parties by human mutuality to the U.S.
>Constitution, at no point in Real Law or in Hard Law, do our Real
Rights >come under U.S. Constitutional Law. All of the illegal acts
committed >against us as explained above are International and
Natural Law acts. >And as we shall see, nothing else to the present
has occurred in Real Law >that has brought our Real Rights into U.S.
Constitutional Law, since we >have been under One Continuous Act(s)
of enslavement to the present via >unilateral White illegal acts to
maintain U.S. Slavery under a myriad of >forms that still spell slave
without self-determination and without our >true liberties as human
beings. >Chattel refers to personal property as opposed to real
property. Real >chattels, as opposed to personal chattels, are such
as leasehold estates, >interests issuing out of, or annexed in real
estate, such as chattel >interests as devolve after the manner of
realty. Upon arrival onto a new >jurisdiction by force into a
territory, we were made personal property to >be sold as contraband.
Contraband is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, >6th edition p. 322
as, “…any property which is unlawful to produce or >possess.” The
illegality of our being sold as personal chattel property >contraband
emerges out of International and Natural Law, a violation of >our
Human Rights. We were made a thing to be sold, like a cow or pig,
>without a nationality or identity other than as property; in short,
an >animal or just a person (later 3/5 of a person). >After being
sold and/or resold as personal chattel property contraband, >we were
made Physical Slaves, working without pay and without >Reparations.
The famous quote from Frederick Douglass, “As long as we are >not the
direct beneficiaries of our labors, we are still slaves.” >Douglass’
statement carries a great deal of common sense weight, but >hundreds
of years of subjugation and propagandization had made us Mental
>Slaves based upon White illegal unilateral acts including forced
>illiteracy. A Mental Slave has a great difficult understanding that
>he/she is still a slave based upon Douglass’ statement. Based upon
our >unpaid wages and the continued profits from those unpaid wages,
including >the profits from seized slave scientific inventions and
innovations, the >wealth of America is our legal property. The U.S.
Black/African slaves’ >descendants population is currently working
for money that previous labor >has already purchased. And, after
being charged twice for the same wages, >we are spending money on
goods and services that we legally already own. >By 1865, what noted
Black social psychologist Amos S. Wilson calls “the >most successful
human brainwashing enterprise in history,” referring to >U.S.
Slavery, we had become Automated Slaves, a slave who will behave as
>a slave even without being seized. The 13th and 14th Amendments and
The >Civil Rights Act of 1866 made us Legislated Slaves with a legal
status >and so-called Civil Rights unilaterally determined by the
U.S. Congress >and The U.S. Supreme Court. >The U.S. Congress in
1865 had the clear choice and opportunity to ask >slaves if we wanted
to be U.S. Citizens, if we wanted to associate with >the U.S.
Government, as were Whites asked on July 4, 1776. This would >have
been treating us as human beings. But to treat us as human beings
>would have also meant paying us Reparations, which the U.S. Congress
>wanted to avoid at all cost. The decision was to make us so-called
U.S. >Citizens without asking us. This also was a mammoth of a White
propaganda >piece with regard to the International Relations of the
U.S., as the >world thought that U.S. Slaves were being freed. How
can your slave >become your citizen without self-determination? It
can be done because >his/her status is still a slave; because the
slave is still in slavery. >The 14th Amendment is quite didactic:
> >Amendment XIV [1868] Section 1. “All persons born or
naturalized in >the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, are citizens >of the United States and of the State wherein
they reside…” > > Well, who in the heck are “all persons”? It must
be clear that since >White People were already U.S. Citizens by
human mutuality, not by >legislated Civil Rights in which they had no
choice, The 14th Amendment >could not have been written for them. A
discussion of White immigrants is >not germane. We are discussing
U.S. Slavery, about U.S. Slaves. > >From the very definition of
domicile of origin, a White person born in >the U.S. where his/her
parents have domicile is clearly already an U.S. >Citizen. There
would be no reason to restate this in an Amendment to the >U.S.
Constitution. On the other hand, all African slaves by 1868 were
>born in the U.S. as persons, indeed as 3/5 of a person. If we were
>naturalized, where are our naturalization papers? >Slaves are
captives. It is a slave who is a subject, brought by force >into a
new jurisdiction into a territory and unilaterally made residents >in
a State with The 14th Amendment, and made a Citizen who had no choice
>in his/her Citizenship, i.e. a Legislated Slave. The Law is subject
to >you if you are free, consent of the governed. Slaves are subjects
to the >Law via forced jurisdictional association. The context in
which the U.S. >Population is viewed from a legal standpoint, with
regard to status or >standing, is set in Article 1, Section 3: >
>”Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the
several >States which may be included within this Union, according to
their >respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to
the whole >number of free Persons, including those bound to Service
for a Term of >Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths
of all other >Persons.” > > It is clear from the above that
“the whole number of free > Persons” makes >reference to free
White People. Here is an admission that there are both >free Persons
and subjects. But added to “the whole number of free >Persons” are
White indentured servants. So, White indentured servants >were given
their liberties in 1776 via U.S. Public Law to which they are
>parties. Section 3 ends rather conspicuously, defining the remaining
>population for taxation purposes, as “three fifths of all other
Persons.” >These are slaves, Africans. > Twenty-four hours prior
to making The 14th Amendment law, the U.S. >Congress issued The
Expatriation Act of 1868, by which anyone had the >right to
expatriate from the U.S. to another jurisdiction. After 246 >years of
U.S. Slavery, slaves had 24 hours to expatriate. Very few slaves
>had any knowledge of The Expatriation Act of 1868. It was simply
another >unilateral illegal act, just as The 13th and 14th Amendments
and The >Civil Rights Act of 1866, forced upon slaves without our
input, >violations of our Human Rights. >These unilateral White
acts were secondly, a manner by which the issue of >Reparations for
U.S. Slavery could be eclipsed at an high point in U.S. >and global
abolitionism, by presenting the impression to the world >community
that slaves had been freed. In legal reality, these unilateral >acts
were part of a long strand of White continuous acts of enslavement
>of the African. >Stripped of our social systems of mutual trust
by U.S. Slavery and the >plantation caste system, U.S. Slaves today
are the only ethnic group >without a social system that applies to
ourselves. As such, we have no >economic system as do other ethnic
groups have beneath the dominant >economic system, since an economic
system cannot exist without a social >system of mutual trust among
members of a Class. As the world’s largest >slave liquid economy, we
still have an economic value per head to White >People. > >MORE
TO COME > >Contact Information: Attorney Dr. Robert L. Brock,
P.O. Box 15288, >Washington, D.C. 20003. Website: > >For a general overview of Black Reparations, visit: > > >
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 03:10:12 (EDT)
List –
> >Dr. Brock Presents Proof That We Are Still U.S. Slaves in 1999
> >A report on the Atlanta September 1999 Black Reparations
Conference >By Oscar L. Beard, Consultant in African Studies
>Website: >Brock Website at:
> >ªªª > > Attorney Dr. Robert L. Brock, Preseident of the
Self Determination >Committee, began his comments on “Status of U.S.
Slaves’ Descendants in >Regards to Reparations and Self-Determination
Under International Law” by >stating that the greatest obstacle to a
clear explanation of our ongoing >legal status as U.S. Slaves is the
popular belief by African slaves’ >descendants that “We sold each
other into slavery.” The cardinal concern >of Black or African
Reparations are those nations whose current economies >are built upon
the backbone of African enslavement, including >corporations whose
profits can be traced to the enslavement of Africans >and nations
trading with the U.S. during chattel slavery. This would >exclude
African individuals and nations, since both African individuals >and
African nations came under the influence of European aggression and
>were not benefactors of the African so-called Slave Trade though
caught >up in it. To be sure, the African so-called Slave Trade was a
>demand-driven market out of Europe and America, not a supply-driven
>market out of Africa. >Furthermore, if there is any in-house
cleaning that African slaves’ >descendants need to do regarding
Africans used as middle-men in the >capture of African slaves,
middle-men who were frequently slaves >themselves, we will do so. Dr.
Brock then proceeded to delineate the >unilateral acts, primary and
original acts by which Africans continue to >be enslaved by Europeans
and/or Whites in the U.S. > >In the European Mind: >An a
priori act was the conception and intention in the mind of the
>European to travel to Africa to capture bodies into slavery. There
were >no African kings or queens in Europe when Europeans decided to
invade >Africa for bodies. > >The Invasion of Africa:
>Hence, the first unilateral act was the invasion of Africa by
Europeans >in order to capture bodies, not gold, not land, but bodies
for slavery. >We did not invite Europeans to Africa to capture
bodies. They were/are >transgressors. The Portuguese attacked Africa
in 1444, killing resisting >Africans, and capturing, seizing and
illegally transporting other >Africans to Europe into slavery. There
were no Africans among the >attackers or transgressors. With
knowledge of their superior military >capability, the gun, the
Europeans felt quite confident in attacking >unilaterally. This
original act of aggression set the adaptive context by >which all
further encounters between Europeans and Africans were to take
>place. Trade denotes human mutuality within a context of free will
>without force. >The primary act of force against Africans
established fear as the news >traveled of the devastating military
capability of the Whites. As such, >trade in the usual sense was
forever made impossible. The conditions >under which the so-called
trade was to be conducted were based upon the >use of an overwhelming
deadly force, posturing the use of force and/or >the use of
deception and high power intoxicants. These are facts that >African
slaves’ descendants need to face if we seek ever to rebuild our
>social systems of mutual trust out of the spoils of U.S. Slavery.
> >War of Enslavement: >African resistance to European
aggression issued forth the War of >Enslavement, an undeclared war,
bodies as weapons due to African >resistance; killing the resisting
object of captivity, bodies. Add these >killings to the numbers of
the Black Atrocity. The West African phase of >the African military
resistance to European aggression is most >classically chronicled in
Michael Crowder’s West African Resistance, >Africana Publishing
Corporation, New York, 1971. The fact of West African >military
resistance to slavery, European imperialism and colonialism is >not
well known. > >Capture and Seizure: >The third unilateral act
of enslavement by Europeans was the capture and >seizure of Africans.
Once captured there was a strong African >determination to escape
physically (including suicide and continued >self-destructive
behaviors). To capture the African was not sufficient. >The African
had to be seized, yoked, chained and branded. Currently, the >African
slaves’ descendant in the U.S. is seized mentally. Capture and >then
seizure securely brought the African under the control and dominion
>of the European. Pregnant African women captured and seized were
>considered a special catch, two slaves in one, and more to come
through >rape and forced breeding. Hence, the unborn Black child in
the U.S. of >African slaves’ descendant also has a claim for African
Reparations. > >Forcible Expatriation: >After capture and
seizure we were detained and forcibly expatriated, >forcibly removed
from our Common Law Jurisdiction (s) in Africa. We were >forced away
from our legal African domicile(s) of origin. Black’s Law
>Dictionary, 6th Edition, defines domicile of origin as, “The home of
the >parents…domicile of origin constitutes of an infant, and
continues until >abandoned, or until the acquisition of a new
domicile in a different >place.” (p. 485) >Forced expatriation to a
new territory (the U.S.) was not an acquisition. >It meant the loss
of our African citizenship, language, culture and our >Natural and
Human Rights. But we did not loose self-preservation, which >can
still be exercised, via our real Rights in Natural Law and in
>International Law. > >Illegal Transport: > The fifth
unilateral act by Europeans was the illegal transport of >Africans
across seas into Admiralty Law and International Law. >International
waters begin three miles off shore. This is in violation of >our
Human Rights in Natural Law and in International Law regardless of
>whether from the perspective of European national laws slavery was
>considered to be legal or illegal. It is illegal with respect to our
>Human Rights. We never agreed to be transported or to be slaves. It
is >astonishing how many African slaves’ descendants believe that
slavery was >legal. > >Arrival Into Another Jurisdiction By
Force: > Brought onto land, into a territory, not into a county or a
state or >colony as citizens or as immigrants. Where are our
immigration papers? >Where are the papers our ancestors signed
agreeing to be U.S. Citizens? >Our status as captives with a place,
not a nationality, persons forced >away from our legal domicile of
origin(s), Africa, which will remain our >legal domicile of origin
until legally abandoned via human mutuality to >transfer jurisdiction
to a new domicile, which we have not done. Without >domicile there
is no legal jurisdiction, except, in our case forced >jurisdiction,
which is illegal in International Law and in Natural Law. >Without
jurisdiction, there is no proof of crime. > >Made a Chattel Slave
in a Territory: (more to come soon)
USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 03:04:59 (EDT)
To Sherry, I believe your questions have been answered. Egypt was black
you don’t except it you can leave. I think the intelligent people here
can see that you have lost this battle. Oh, and believe me your remarks
about Africa was not getting me upset. I know I sparked something in you
when I spoke of the Fall of Western Civilization, so much so you had to
pretend to be Pro-Truth. Sherry, you wannabe Egyptologist, I am going
to listen to Curtis’ advice. From henceforth, you will be ignored. As
for Maskat, you are right about one thing. The premise was wrong because
it was Muslims that begin the process of enslaving our people, the
Europeans were just more evil. You posted quotes of ignorant, racist,
close-minded Muslims who had no appreciation for a difference in
culture. They, like the Europeans and your self, could not see that just
because Africans didn’t behave in the manner with which they associated
with being civilized did not mean that they weren’t civilized. And it
is quite interesting because Islam, like Judaism and Christianity was
highly influenced by African culture. Here’s and example ” The most
profound influences upon Islam by African religions can be seen in the
goddesses of ancient Arabia. It is often disputed whether these deities
are originally Arabian or African. As ancient Saba included what is
today Ethiopia and southern Yemen, we shall designate these deities
Afroasiatic just as the Semitic tongue is called. Long before Allah,
Arabia was home to an Afoasiatic goddess called All’at. This goddess was
popular all throughout Arabia and was worshipped by the Prophet’s
family himself. Another goddess was El’Ka’ba. Long before Mohammad, the
jet black stone at Mecca was a holy site to the worshippers of El’Ka’ba
who came to kneel at her symbol, a jet black stone. It should be again
noted that as in the Hebrew Cabala, the Islamic Ka’ba refers to the two
parts (Ka and Ba) of the Kemetan soul. Pictured here is the Islamic holy
site of the Ka’ba attended by millions yearly. (Photo and Information
courtesy of African Origins of Western Religions by Dr. Yosef-ben
Jochannan and Man, God and Civilization by John G. Jackson)… Kitab Fakhr
As-Sudan ‘Ala Al-Bidan, “The Book of Glory of the Blacks over the
Whites.” Al-Jahiz in his work contended that even the Prophet Mohammad’s
father may have been of African lineage.”=============================
But any way here is some evidence of African civilization in your terms.
“When they (European navigators) reached the Bay of Guinea and alighted
at Vaida, the captains were astonished to find well-planned streets
bordered for several leagues by two rows of trees; for days they
traversed a countryside covered by magnificent fields, inhabited by men
in colorful attire that they had woven themselves! More to the south, in
the Kingdom of the Congo, a teeming crowd clad in silk and velvet,
large States, well ordered down to the smallest detail, powerful rulers,
prosperous industries. Civilized to the marrow of their bones…This
flowering the European conquistadors destroyed as they advanced.” Leo
Frobenius, German ethnologist============================ “Under
Sundiata and his immediate successors, Mali expanded rapidly west to the
Atlantic Ocean, south deep into the forest, east beyond the Niger
River, and north to the salt and copper mines of the Sahara. The city of
Niani may have been the capital. At its height, Mali was a
confederation of 3 independent, freely allied states (Mali, Mema, and
Wagadou) and 12 garrisoned provinces. The most significant of the Mali
kings was Mansa Musa(1312-1337) who expanded Mali influence over the
large Niger city-states of Timbuctu, Gao, and Djenné. Mansa Musa was a
devout Muslim who built magnificent mosques all throughout the Mali
sphere of influence. In 1324 Mansa Musa made a pilgrimage to Mecca with
an entourage of 60,000 people and 80 camels carrying more than two tons
of gold to be distributed among the poor. Of the 12,000 servants 500
carried a staff of pure gold. It has been said that the gold markets of
regions such as Egypt were ruined for months or years after Musa’s visit
through their respective kingdoms.” (
“At least by 1,000BC Ethiopia, Eritrea and what is southern Yemen were
part of a large empire known as the Sabean Kingdoms. The connections of
Ethiopia and Arabia should not be surprising as the distance between the
East African horn and Southern Arabia is minimal. In fact recent
linguistic study indicates that the Semitic languages of Arabia and the
Middle East may well be a branch of a larger Ethiopian language group.
It is also well known that this Eastern Horn-Arabian route was used for
millennia by the earliest homonid migrants who later populated Asia. The
people of Sabea were probably a mixture of East Africans and their
Southern Arabian descendants who had long populated the region. Saba had
a very matrifocal society with a host of female dieties. According to
the Kebra Negast, a holy book of Ethiopia, it is said that Makedda
herself created a dictate stating “only a woman can rule. Polyandry, the
practice of taking more than one husband by a woman, and tracing one’s
kinship based upon matrilineal descent was common. The earliest known
Arabian temple was at Marib (in Southern Yemen), capital of Saba, and
was called Mahram Bilqus, “precincts of the Queen of Saba.” The Arabs
called this woman, Bilqus or Balkis; in Ethiopia, Makedda (also Magda,
Maqda and Makera), meaning “Greatness.” Years later, the Jewish
historian Josephus, referred to her as “Nikaulis, Queen of Ethiopia.”
She is the celebrated Queen of Sheba of the Bible who is described as
“black and comely.” Located in a strategic location, Saba flourished as a
trading community in goods from Asia as well as Africa. Even coffee
drinkers trace the original cup to Ethiopia’s Kefa region. Pictured
above are the ruins of Marib, built between the 1st and 2nd Millennium
BC. (Photo and Information Courtesy of Yemeni website and African
Presence in Early Asia ed. by Ivan Van
Sertima)”============================ “Located in the south central
African nation of Zimbabwe are the ruins of monuments and cities built
of stone. These ruins extend a radius of 100 to 200 miles, a diameter
almost as great as the entire nation of France. Believed to have been
built by southern Africans about 600-1,000 years ago, they are evidence
of a thriving culture in the heart of Africa. Up until recent years, the
ruins were believed by Western historians to be the remains of a
“mysterious white race” in the heart of Africa. Great Zimbabwe has been
ravaged by European treasure hunters and amateur archaeologists. Layer
after layer of African artifacts were trashed in order to reach the
bottom layer which, it was assumed, would prove that whites had exerted
early influence in southern Africa. How many artifacts and important
pieces of this ancient culture was lost is unknown. It is only in the
last several of decades since Zimbabwe became independent in 1980 that
archaeologists have begun to take a serious look at ruins of Great
Zimbabwe and similar sites representing a dynamic social, economic and
political culture in Southern Africa. Pictured above is the great walled
enclosure of Great Zimbabwe. (Photo and information courtesy of
MCC)”====================================== “Fueled by its economic
vitality, the kingdom of Ghana rapidly expanded into an empire. It
conquered local minor states, requiring tribute from these subordinate
vassals. This tribute, however, was not the main form of Ghana’s wealth.
Ancient Ghana boasted a mixed economy of extensive agriculture, iron
smelting, stonemasonry, carpentery, pottery, goldsmithing, and cloth
manufacturing. A strong trade emerged in goods that passed from western
Africa east to Egypt and the Middle East. This trade primarily involved
gold, salt, copper,… Pictured above is a gold weight from the Akan
people of Ghana. Evidene connects the Akan to the great Kingdom of
Ghana. It is seen in names like Danso, shared by the Akans of present
day Ghana and the Mandikas of Senegal and Gambia, who have strong links
with the medieval kingdom. The matrilineal practice is also shared. The
kingdom of Ghana never converted to Islam, even though northern Africa
had been dominated by the faith since the eighth century. The Ghanaian
court, however, allowed Muslims to settle in the cities and even
encouraged Muslim specialists to help the royal court administer the
government and advise on legal matters. Unlike the Ghanaians however,
their northern neighbors the fervently converted to Islam. In 1076,
calling themselves Almoravids, they declared a holy war, or jihad,
against the state of Ghana. The Almoravids destroyed the kingdom,
converting a great deal of northern Ghanians. After this however Ghana
ceases to be a commercial or military power. For a brief time
(1180-1230), the Soso people, who were strongly anti-Muslim, controlled a
kingdom making up the southern portions of the Ghanaian empire, but the
Almoravid conquest effectively halted the growth of kingdoms and
empires in the Sahel for almost a century. It was to be Mali who would
later pick up the legacy of the Sahelien states.” (
“Due to the enormous length of the Arab Slave Trade, from 700 to
1911AD, it is impossible to be certain of the numbers of Africans sold
in this system. Estimates place the numbers somewhere around 14 million:
at least 9.6 million African women and 4.4 African men.” (
It is very interesting to find that the most uncivilized and barbaric
of people are the quickest to label someone uncivilized. My black people
take pride in your history and in your culture and look towards
building the future. Hotep.
Mack “DaNo1Narmer” Audena
Age: 20, Pitt, Pa USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 01:45:00 (EDT)
This comment is directed to the poster who believes Walter Rodney’s
premise about “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”. The truth is that the
black countries were underdeveloped well before the advent of European
colonialism. Below I have included many racist and disdainful writings
from medieval Islamic writings about blacks (Zanj). The Islamic
scholars’ intense level of contempt for the barbarism of black cultures,
as well as a belief in an inferior black intellect, suggests that the
level of civilization in most black countries was extremely primitive
even before Europe entered the picture. It’s a far cry from “ruling the
Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that “there is no
marriage among them; the child does not know his father, and they eat
people — but God knows best. As for the Zanj, they are people of black
color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or
intelligence.” – Maqdisi (fl. 966 AD), _Kitab al-Bad’_, vol.4
“We know that the Zanj are the least intelligent and the least
discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the
consequences of actions.” – Jahiz (d. 868 AD), _Kitab al-Bukhala’_
“Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj for they are the worst of men
and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament.” –
Jahiz, _Kitab al-Hayawan_, vol. 2
“They [the Shu`ubiyya] maintain that eloquence is prized by all people
at all times — even the Zanj, despite their dimness, their boundless
stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil
dispositions, make long speeches.” – Jahiz, _Al-Bayan wa`l-tabyin_, vol.
“[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from
the standards of humanity” “Their nature is that of wild animals….” –
from the Persian geography _Hudud al-`alam_, 982 AD
“The Zanj are slight-witted (_kam ‘aql_), and God, most high, has
created them stupid, ignorant, and foul (_palid_).” from anonymous
_Iskandarnamah_, 1343 AD
“Galen says that merriment dominates the black man because of his
defective brain, whence also the weakness of his intelligence.” –
Mas`udi (d. 956 AD), _Muruj al-dhahab_
“As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on
account of the heat of their climate. Most of them go naked. In all
their lands and provinces, gold is found. They are people distant from
the standards of humanity.” – Persian geography _Hudud al-`Alam_, 982 AD
About the Zanj: “Their nature is that of wild animals. They are
extremely black.” About the Sudan: “Among themselves there are people
who steal each other’s children and sell them to the merchants when the
latter arrive.” – _Hudud al-`Alam_, 982 AD
“The Zanj are so uncivilized that they have no notion of a natural
death. If a man dies a natural death, they think he was poisoned. Every
death is suspicious with them, if a man has not been killed by a
weapon.” – Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, _India_, 1030 AD
“If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after
another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries,
the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact
that his hands have been lifted from the earth,–in no other peculiarity
or property,–except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is
more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent.” –
Philosopher-theologian Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-74), _Tasawwurat_
“Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery,
because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have
attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have
stated.” – Ibn Khaldun, _Muqaddimah_, 14th century AD
“beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no
civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer
to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and
caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each
other. They cannot be considered human beings.” – Ibn Khaldun,
“A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq … do not come out with
something between blonde, buff, blanched, and leprous coloring, such as
the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others
of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until
they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black,
murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs,
deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the
Ethiopians, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither
half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two.” – Ibn al-Faqih
al-Hamadani, _Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan_, 903 AD
“[Blacks] are ugly and misshapen, because they live in a hot country.” –
Ibn Qutayba (828-89 A.D.)
“The geographer al-Idrisi ascribes ‘lack of knowledge and defective
minds’ to the black peoples. Their ignorance, he says, is notorious; men
of learning and distinction are almost unknown among them, and their
kings only acquire what they know about government and justice from the
instruction of learned visitors from farther north.” – BernardLewis,
_Race and Slavery in the Middle East_, 1990
“In both Arab and Iranian Islamic writings, blacks are accused of being
stupid, untruthful, vicious, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted,
excessively merry, and easily affected by food and drink.” – Minoo
Southgate, “Negative Images of Blacks in Some Medieval Iranian
Writings,” Iranian Studies 17 (1984): p.10
Maksat Tohme
Huntington Beach, CA USA – Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 01:10:06 (EDT)
Okay, now you say it doesnt matter when the bust of Narmer was made?
Well, your wrong. It does matter that his bust was made during the 25th
dynasty, which was 2300 years after Narmer had reigned. The egyptians of
the 25th dynasty wouldnt have the slightest clue as to what the real
Narmer looked like. There is only one, Ill repeat, only ONE other image
of Narmer, and it is VERY clear for all that have eyes to see…that he
looks nothing like what the bust made from the 25th dynasty portrays him
to be. The only image of Narmer from Narmers TIME of reign, depicts the
closest to what he really looked like…and if you ever get a chance to
see it..he CLEARLY had no negroid traits that you would like to make him
to have. THE INSCRIPTION OF UNI: Well, it seems awefully funny that all
of a sudden Breadsted was a “racist egyptologist”, and all of his other
discoveries were valued in this site, yet all of a sudden he
misinterpreted things, and is racist… Breadsted was (he is no longer
OF CHICAGO. I dont know if it was you or one of your people, but one of
you linked that website from this page to post facts from, yet when I
brought to your attention the insc. uni, all of a sudden it was a
mistake and racist.. Its funny how its not racist when you use the SAME
EXACT SITE, yet when I posted it for information…suddenly it was from a
racist site, and racist egyptologist. You and your people have not only
contridicted yourselfs, but you have also made hypocritical statements
and accusations. So, if you think Im lying…SCROLL down this page and
re-read very carefully…you will see, Im probably the most HONEST one
here. To turner: I will not even answer you again…except to let you
know…you havent “hurt” my feelings..and if you keep all of that anger
inside of you, you will never be a true happy person, at peace with
yourself. In regards to the slavery thing..I posted back FACTS in
regards to slavery…after someone here threw it up in my face.
White-aryan people have done more to help and benefit your people than
this so called slavery could ever touch. So, in the future, attacking me
with slavery, savage devil, etc etc…is only acting inmature, and taking
many from this board off of the true topic here..the race of the
ancient egyptians. Again…you may have posted back..but you posted with
accusations and opinions…like for example the bust of narmer…you didnt
answer me back with FACTS..your quote opinion was “it doesnt matter”
Next time post back with fatcs..and intelligence, not hypocritical
statements. In truth, Sherry
USA – Monday, October 18, 1999 at 23:09:11 (EDT)
Of course ancient Egyptians were Black, this is really an indisputable
fact. So let’s move on to another more important topic. Who are the real
Jews? In the article that prefaced my comment it was stated that Ham is
the father of the Black races. First of all it is impossible to
categorize people by skin color. If I have a dog and a cat that are both
black does that make them the same species? Of course not. So are all
dark skinned people the same just because of their skin color. The
answer is no. But this is the racist propaganda that we have been
taught. The bible clearly states in several places that the Jews are
black. Job states that he is black. So does Solomon. Revelations 1 gives
a description of Christ as having skin the color of brass and hair like
wool. The bible also says that all of Isreal (the name given to Jacob
the son of Abraham)is reckoned by geneology, meaning that you can not
convert to being a Jew. It is determined by birth. Deut. 28:68 also
states that the Jews would be taken on ships and sold into slavery. This
was prophesized after the first captivity in Egypt(A greek name meaning
bondage. The original name of Egypt is Mizarim after one of the sons of
Ham). Have the white people calling themselves Jews ever been taken
into bondage on ships? Or why isn’t their skin dark like the Bible says
it is and will always be? The true Jews don’t even know who they are
because they have been told that they are Black or African American, or
Indians or Mexican or any other name given to people of so-called
Negroid or Indian descent. In a book titled From Babylon to Timbuktu the
arthur Ruldolph Windsor recounts how the Jews fled into Africa in 70AD
to hid among other dark skinned people when the Romans invaded Isreal.
They lived there as refugees for about 1200 years before being sold into
slavery during the triangular slave trade. The three parties who took
part in the trade were the Arabs, the white man, and the Africans. Black
people are not of African descent. Africans are descendents of Ham.
Black people are descendents of Shem. I know this may sound crazy, but
it’s true and it explains the condition of the real Jews today. I
encourage everyone to do their research and find out who they really
are. The truth of who the true Jews are is the one truth upon which all
the lies that control the world are built. Shalom!
Sarai Yahawa
los angeles, ca USA – Monday, October 18, 1999 at 22:40:47 (EDT)
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June 17, 2007 at 3:33 pm | edit I have been studing black history before America for sometime now; I have discovered some very interesting things: Before the contents drifted apart a gerat civilazation stood that streatched across the land. Just recently two underwater cities were discovered, one off the cost of Japan and another off the cost of india. (you can “google” underwater city off the cost of Japan and India. These two sites have the same strutures of those in Egypt however they are thousands and thousands of years older but they are realted. It is believed now though not spoken too openly, that the Black Race once ruled the entire world, we were in control and our slaves were whites. Eveyonw knows the hate issues, however no one has ever really ask the BASIC QUESTION: Why do whites really hate blacks? Where and when did it all begin? Why did it begin? It begain millions of years ago, when we ruled the WORLD, and they were our slaves. It you do research about Africa, you will see Kingdoms, Castels, Kings and Queens, Kinghts etc… Not savages. After the lands started to drift apart because of the great shifting, (note that the magnetic poles have shifted also you can still find magnetics with their polarity oposite that of North and South today…. there is so much to say however I will let you discover some on your own, however books are being written to uncover the TRUTH FROM the LIES. Remember that once a lie is told it has to be covered with more lies, books get written, films produced, history begins to change to show the lie to be truth but it really is a lie. Many hundreds of years later people begain to belive that the lie is the truth, people go to Universities and get Degrees in those lies, BS, MS, PhDs, and so the lies have now taken the apperance of truth. Those that paid so much money to get there degrees, whom take pride in there history, if the TRUTH were to be told, brought out into the light so many people would be angry, our civilization would be on the verge of ending. Those whom pride themselves on these lies would be put to great SHAME. Think about that.
June 18, 2007 at 6:14 am | edit Hi everybody, i like this essay that was typed up and would like to know more about white people and there genetic condition.
Also, why do most white people say egypt is a arab nation and that the black people destroyed it ?
July 10, 2007 at 7:46 am | edit Hello
Very interesting information! Thanks!
July 18, 2007 at 5:56 pm | edit as an east african we know that we originally from egypt and we realy know that we are black from ham how ever we mixed other people such jew or arabs, as the publisher mention on his article the eorpean and semetic peolpe tried to deny this even brain washing that the east african are arab descendent but that couldnt work as most of east african retain thaeir fathers languanges
July 22, 2007 at 12:42 pm | edit Brother Ali, Keep on fighting for Black! Don’t let all the white lies discourage you. BLACK TRUTH is raising and if BLACKS like us perserve theBLACK RACE will raise again and correct all this madness.STAY BLACK and TRUE!
Sister Yeye Akilimali Funua Olade(did you see some readers addressing me as Brother?)
September 4, 2007 at 3:17 pm | edit RaHUBak as we say in our ancient tongue of Egipt, meaning greetings. I want to take a moment to thank all free thinking people of African Decent for presenting this information. What a piety for a people to Rule by lies and killing. Their whole history of murdering the women, children and the helpless,which has become the norm. Now we are discovering throught great minds like Cheikh Anta Diop & Dr. Melaki Z. York, and many others, that the African was that choosen seed to start the evolution of humans on this planet.
Herbert I Marone
October 2, 2007 at 4:20 pm | edit I find the information to be very inspiring and profound. Such knowledge is important even if used as a point of departure for discussion purposes. Simply broaching the topic even at a rudimentary level paves the way for potential enlightenment. Simply put, this is a must read for all peoples of color.
October 7, 2007 at 10:37 pm | edit I live in New Orleans, LA. I see a desperate need to help the black community. Any suggestions on what type of organization I should seek out to join or start?
October 8, 2007 at 8:29 pm | edit join the Million Man March Committee thru the local BLACK Muslim mosque(THE Nation of Islam) for a start. Then you can learn about other groups thru working with them.
October 14, 2007 at 3:28 pm | edit If the blacks are so superior, why they have an average of qi so low? Why the average of blacks in the SAT is so inferior to the one of the whites? Why no black gained physics Nobel? Because all the great matematicians and philosophers of modernity, as Leibnitz, the Newtons, Euler, had been white?
October 15, 2007 at 1:54 pm | edit Brother Tony, we appreciate what you are saying about getting the BLACK truth out. Each one of us can do something towards this by writing articles for church/mosque papers,local and national and international publications,making TRUTH comments on the Web etc. We all have a part to play,BROTHER and I know that you will do yours. Another thing is having BLACK history classes on weekends for our BLACK children even in your house first and telling others to send their children until you can get up to having a place just for this on the weekends,mushrooming finally into an Independent BLACK school so that our children will not be brainwashed in white schools both public and private!
October 15, 2007 at 2:24 pm | edit Paulo,when BLACK Civilizations fell,and BLACKS were scattered all over Africa,slavery,colonialism,racism created a new brainwashed Black who no longer knew the truth of his glorious achievements,who was taught that he was inferior,taught that whites were actually the alpha and the omega and he was very lucky to have been saved by the whites from savagery in Africa,etc. This
resulted in inferior acting ,white worshipping BLACKS who even were taught that GOD was white,along with Jesus and so such people could not do well,in school, in life in many other things. But there were ofcourse strong BLACKs who did achieve in spite of all this and they always were superior to what whites were doing,showing their potential greatness if raised in a positive environment. Wittness the AFRICANS who are now going to amerikkka, uk,europe everywhere and becoming the best,beating the whites,the yellow race at everything they do -why? Because they don’t have inferiority complexes and believe that anything they want to be they can be and they will begin winning all those prizes you are talking about if the whites allow that. The best space scientist in USA is a Nigerian, the best computer wiz is too, but they don’t give him the play he deserves because he’s Black and on and on because the culturally based African is the smartest person in the world(smile) because he/she believes GOD made him to be perfect at anything she puts her hands to!
December 11, 2007 at 7:58 pm | edit Just face the facts paulo, white people didn’t created Egypt nor did the Arabs. egypt Was around and was created long before white and Arabs walked this earth. the only Human that was around were Black.
December 26, 2007 at 2:21 am | edit People are so delusional…Any human being given the right stimulus will perform accordingly…race does hav it differnces but not for long…
January 8, 2008 at 5:39 pm | edit I’ve read this posting with a great deal of interest but as an Historian would like to point out that there is little or no doubt that Mankind ie; Homo Sapiens originated in the Rify Valley of Eastern Africa. What colour they were has not been identified so the subject is speculative but common sense would err towards dark rather than lighter skin tones in what was a rather hot climate.
However, there was an obvious movement of people Northwards into cooler climates where dark skin tones are not sufficient for survival because for the need to generate vitamin D.
The real founders of Egypt were the Mediterannean peoples, who occupied Northen Africa, the area of the Sahara, when it was Savanna land. They had to disperse when climatic change; the end of the Ice Age, began the desertification of the Sahara. They spread Northwards as far as the British Isles and eastwards as far as Northern India.
They are part of the Caucasian race but belong to the Afro-Asian language groups and their physical characteristics are the narrow and long skull shape similar to the Nilites of Ethiopia and Somalia, they have olive or sallow skin colouring, short in stature and tend to be hairy.
It is acknowledged that this African people founded the first civilisations in Sumer, India and Egypt, plus they built Stonehenge in Britain.
Most of the people of the Mediterranean basin and their descendants in the Americas, Australia and other parts of the world are from this group.
The Aryan white sub-group such as the Celts, Norse and Germanics invaded the lands of these peoples and intermixed with them about 4,000 years ago.
The Arabs are part of the Mediterranean sub-group from the Semitic language group of speakers and reached North Africa in the 7th century in numbers. It would be wrong to think that thw whole of Africa was populated by the Negroid race throughout history, the Negroid race were to be found in sub-Saharan Africa. There was a lot of intermixture in the North however, hence the “Black Pharoahs” of Upper Egypt.
January 9, 2008 at 10:06 am | edit Don, this is the typical white lie rap. Herodotus is ignored as other ancients as if they didn’t exist. Well we know that BLACKS were the beginning of all civilizations and Herodotus knew that the BLACKS were the Egyptians/Ethiopians of his time so all the other meditteraneans were coming in after the BLACKS. The near east was BLOODS too first. So sorry that you still want to promote the white falsification of history but we see thru that on this blog!
March 10, 2008 at 3:35 am | edit why do u fight fire with fire
March 30, 2008 at 4:34 pm | edit To my brothers and sisters:
Race is a key issue to humanity, and has been for thousands of years. The answer is in the word “race” itself. It’s a race to be number one or to get there first. Just as the sperm races to the egg to get there first.
There was a tme when we were truely human, where there was no wars or hatred. This is referred as the “Golden Age”
True human beings do not kill other human beings. We have fallen from the higher beings to the lower beings of animals. This might be offensive to non-intellictual, but if you honestly did the research, which would be detriment to the european thought process, which is based on more lies than facts, the question to me became, “Why Do historians of intellect lie so blatently about other cultres.” How many of us know that when the europeans of privilege went into the pyramids of africa that they discovered pictures of rocket ships, electrical transformers, scientific technology, airplanes, and medical technology beyound their wildest thoughts and dreams. These same people or their superiors made a conscious decision to lie to themselves and to the world that the africans had no technology, have no souls, and were inferior to the western mind thought. This started the greatest form of racism , that we beings encounter today. There is something at the core of black and white. You have indigious people of dark skin who are the majority on planet earth, and on the other hand you have the rements of the albino seed who are the minority on planet earth. the former have to this day a history of hatred, murder that was totally unknown to the ancient world. How do I know this? I study ancient languages that are millions of years old, older than western society. In fact Charleston Heston hosted a documentary proving that the spinx of egypt is older than the egyptian society. Western historians are now caught in one of their lies. Infact western society is based on lies, and this will be their downfault.
Do the research. Study and learn ancient languages when we were truely human, when the beings that made us, they talked to us, and we knew who they were.
This was millions of years ago, before the albino was was made.
Check out the teachings of Dr. Melaki Z. York
and the following web sights
one final note, As the story goes, Jesus didn’t come to save the whole world, but a few. Theology is just that, a theory. You need facts, and you only get facts by doing the research yourself. belief is ignorance and ignorance is just ignoring the facts.
May 18, 2008 at 4:29 am | edit Go to the original website, you’ll find MANY posts from walt235, shortly before it got shut down!:)
June 4, 2008 at 8:09 pm | edit The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Says root of civilizatin in Mecca of Saudi Arabia when the planet was found and thats a powerful statement God is not just one color he dwells in all colors who supremely righteous what i’m saying that Black is essence all color doesnt matter what color u are and who want to built kingdom of God , heaven, Unity Peace and great understanding, each other.
I respect Zacharia Stitchen trying very hard work to decipher summer tabalets he so close to teaching Honorable Elijah Muhammad and David Childress thier even more, these are white scientist in their fields. We all have to remeber the most important question to say to humanity “Who is God” Bible describe God (coming) in last days and raising messager for himself and reveal the secets or hidden wisdom of everything and ultimate soulution to humanity problems.
since he made us of his own image a image has a (form) this a the best form God convey or dwells in , where not perfect yet we have to grow into perfection. By the way the name Africa came from a white person thats the truth . The planet was call Asia the continets was together (pangea) thats why we are call Asiatic Blackman.
June 4, 2008 at 10:55 pm | edit Has Black people we have to mature in the root justice and negativety, we will not be able give justice to ourself certainely without knoweledge God,self and others and not be able give juctice to White people.
Trillions or more years ago long before whiteman, the blackman had problems with ourselfs i do not want u think the white man is the source of all of our problems sometimes we had the problems under control and the negative side of us and became manifest when of our Scientist (God) who blasted the moon into outer space he was so frustrated that could not force his will on people to speak same language and decided destroy the whole human family this was 66 trillion years ago. It was then God had to Himself from man until proper time
Bible say after working satan, eternal Supreme God comes with a everlasting wisdom (Perfection) and Messiah in last day. Do we believe in his coming, what he is going to look like since human body is best creation of God, Well he have to raise somebody up to bare witness he came or works,That this one will have eternal (everlasting) wisdom to giude to people beyond future are do we understand what is a prophets, prophecy means includes understanding the books Bible and Holy Quran and sacred books.This not spooky talk, actual facts Bible says Son of (man) will come east (unto) the west What east prophets talking about and west. If leaders or schoalars of branches knoweledges of this world had ultimate root solution for humanity problems either one of leaders have to be the Supreme Bieng Himself or the Messager or anointed of the Supreme Being , otherwise they- are just respected for their partial aspiring insight of koweledge of truths, but that just stops and end it all. God will come with a Root knowledge look up the word root! nothing will over come it ,we all cangain from it that heal us as well humanity. He set up new world order Kingdom of Peace or kingdom of Heaven. how will he set up’ ITs through Human Biengs and the Woman is very key of this kingdom of Heaven she Second Self of God and she contains secret of God ,Why she births Gods,Angels, prophets ,holy people, genuis, gifted, talents of example Jesus Christ. Love is action word ,Love freedom ,justice, equality ,Unity the greatest Force of God so where thers love, love trancend our racial denomination or ethnicity, love is the great force(power) of tranformation. I dont think that we can say two people are so in love that they shouldnt marry one another. Marriage is long live commitment, not momentary passion. We all must know what is love and marriage really means deeper understanding of it. We are not perfect in that yet. Thank u reading the message !
August 30, 2008 at 7:23 am | edit Peace to the gods of the earth and the inner earth i deal with hedonism which means one who prayes one god but acknowledges other gods.But in divine reality the 99,999 times infinite Dimentions there is only one altimate neter,neterd or neteru in existance.This neter is the source to all things and persons and is the all it self who’s name in egypt,kemet,tamare (same place different name) is called khanum the molder the fashioner.So a person can believe in one god and it can be true how because the altimate neter made this possible by way of manipulation.befor there was time and space there was khanum, the all who eventually develope personalities through its infinite energy. Given the neters energy different characters multiple persons, who eventually gave its persons shapes and forms allowing it self to exist in many seperate forms.Thats were they get the idea god is omnipresent who is in more than one place at a time.But even that came later that happend through the bounderies of time it self when the universal laws was created or manafested to govern the universe and over throw chaos (which stands for complete freedom).When one of khanums negative energies manafested it self in the form of a femanine principle a women who the egyptians,kemetics,tamareans called this neterd keket who created time and space to slow down the progress of the possitive neter.all of these gods are one in the same being.thats were the egyptians,kemetics,tamareans get god is all and all is god,god is in all and all is in god.What i just did is i eleminated all the lesser gods of god and went directly to the source this is what Ankhanaton did who’s birth name is Amenhotep the second.Ankhanaton means eternal life of the source of all things and persons,Amen hotep means the hidden peace.Ankhanaton was also in to hedonism but gave prays to aton.Now theses modern religions are worshiping younger gods and mixing it with the older gods which they in divine reality are all god in one of many.Now far as the first egyptians,kemetics,tamreans they were the sons of anutu who were green and blue in tone they left there art on the hieroglyphics. so people can know they were in know doubt black beings not humen though and i quote not humen but star people who eventually by staying here adapted to the conditions of the climate in the atmosphere and eventually started to become dark skin,dark brown skin,brown skin.pyramid as you all know means fire in the middle which is the essence of the neter Hapy and ra the elemental alliance the fusing of water and fire in the middle, the mental plain.Also We as humens are only 1,250,000 years old our decentand those who came from the stars some are older than others some are even older than time.the moon was never apart of the earth some planets have 9 moons some have 3 moons some have 2 moons, although there was an ancient battle that took place between to alien races that cracked the planet in half cause the planet to wobble or move on its axis the earth was three times the sides it is now.the god that wanted to kill the humen races his name is called enlil the god of storms who ordered his son nintura the god of rain to make it rain for 7 days and nights enlil the first son of the most highest single god in existance whos name is anu.The second son of the most highest god is enqi he wanted to save the humens from total annihilation that was 11,000 years ago no 66 trilion years ago.The reptillions ruled this planet 66 trilion years ago up until the cretaceous period was when they were destroyed by another great battle in the heavens between to races of beings. we were made in the image of enqi,nudamud,hapi ruler of the first life plant life.who was both genders combine or fused together a hermaphrodite who took a rib (receptive intermediate binature) from Zakar Adam in other words he separated the to genders but the women was befor the man it was the mother ninti who said let us make man in our image ill explain this one later.The scorpion king Narmers temple was found by one of Napoleon bonerpartes soldiers in Karnak in egypt it was under the sands when thye found blue prints on how to build,blimps,hubbercrafts,spaceships,spacestations,motherships.It was because Narmer was not origanally from this planet or orb he was a system lord or god of war.the spynx was not one of our designs it was build by the hicsos who invaded egypt,kemet,tamare.they worship cats and dogs.the Caucasians are only 8546 years old the first white people were called flugarians of western asia the ethiopion or amazonian queen Europa pesified the west of asia the mountain people flugarions were crawling on all fours like tarzan and killing each other they were called neanderthals.When Noah whos Mesapotamian name is unafishtum saw all the dead bodies in the mountain so he change the name to dead mountain,caucas mountain.the flugarions names were change to dead asians caucas and asians.he then went to the egyptian king and ask him how do i get rid of all these daed caucases he got his best genetesis together they took a cat,rat and dog genes and fused then together (thats called genetic cell fusion or gene splicing)they came up with a pig they took these pigs back to the caucas mountain and they ate up all the dead caucases.they then took the stronget caucasians and straighten there back out then they became homoerectis the first one was called Adafa.
September 25, 2008 at 4:30 am | edit peace to the ancient ones the neter,black people did rule the earth but they were not the first to rule the earth.The first beings to rule the earth were reptillians from the beta recticula sector they rule for over a trillian years. Then came the lares a group of intelligent apes supreme apes like in the planet of the apes or dragon ball z.They were mainly benevolent beings who had tramendouse amount of power they can destroy planet with there power of the mind.These lares were the ones who defeated the reptilians 150 millian years ago who took part in the reproductive system of the making of humens.There original objective was to secure the suface or crust of the planet ardu or tiamat the original name of the planet earth.Which clearly is a water planet or in actuality is a orb not a planet.The very first humens ruled this planet after the lares left the planet under the order of Marduk another name for him is micheal the arch angel.So we ruled the planet but when the high lord left some of the reptilians survive the onslaught 150 millian years ago went in to hiding.They are still hiding to this day constantly mixing in with humens these reptillians were the ones who gave europians there power although most of the technology was invented by us some of the technology was inventd by these serpent people.Most of the modern equipment or items used in sugery are reptillien invented.Some are even invented by the greys,brownies whos ancient names is asgard.Although we were responcible for helping europians evolve ruffly 6423 years ago fron homo erectus to homosapiens the serent people took it from there.
March 9, 2009 at 5:39 pm | edit Good reading. I dont deny the black Egyptian argument or black peoples place in history, but some the comments posted do make me wonder if this is just gonna fuel the BlackSupremasist attitude that I have noticed. I am an Indian of North India, but to be told by an uneducated black man that I worship black people and that the first civalisations in India where all built by black people is a bit of an insult. If blacks where so intelligent and skilled then what the hell has happened in the last 2000 years? Dont blame any body else for your recent history, I’m not racist but God damn it, you black people dont make it easy to like you! Just to mix it up what do people think about the ‘Olmec’ heads? Have any of you read about the Egyptian remains found in The Grand Canyon , Brazil and Australia?
April 9, 2009 at 4:18 pm | edit I am of Black descendant and i am from Barbados, in the carribean,
I myself believe in the race of ancient egyptians to be of black descendant. I am 14 years old and i am from london, UK. I have told alot of my friends about the history of black people and they have told their friends and so on, my friends and i have felt a sort of self-pride when we were aware of this information.
Don’t give up doing what you do,
spread the message of our beautiful black heritage.
Do not give up my brothers and sisters.
Good luck !…
April 9, 2009 at 4:22 pm | edit HANGTIGHT MY BLACK BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
B.L.A.C.K. P.O.W.E.R.
Before Love Affects Communities- Killing People Over Wealth Ends Rightnow!!
Not Caucasian
And not Arabian
But Black/African.
May 4, 2009 at 10:54 am | edit I am from a Tamil family that originates in Southern India.
Tamil is one of the oldest and most advanced cultures in the world. This culture has surviving remnants like the Tamil language which is far more advanced than any european language. The Carnatic Classical music of Dravidians is also more advanced than European classical music.
The tamil people have repeatedly told me that their culture was created by the black men (Dravidians). And that the black man had highly advanced civilisations spanning the globe.
They say that there was a huge land mass that connected Africa, India and Australia.
The Tamils call it Kumari Kandam. They say a massive flood and rising sea levels sunk the land and formed the Indian Ocean.
Strangely enough human built ruins have been found in the Indian ocean in many locations.
They also tell of how the Aryan people systematically stole much from the Black man and then oppressed him as inferior. In India the Aryans created the caste system and kept the black men as low caste under their feet.
This is why i am inclined to believe that whites have lied about the true history of the world and they are running out of luck as the truth is slowly getting out.
May 5, 2009 at 12:27 pm | edit UGK,glad to hear the Black truth from one of the great places in Black history-India! Tell us more about that part of the world wich many don’t know about! Post anything that can enlighten us even more on this very important aspect of World Black History!
May 6, 2009 at 12:04 am | edit I am black in the u.s. with only a g.e.d. and want to know do any of you black people have common sense for the pale man is always agreeing with what you say but you are not paying attention.DON’T THEY ALWAYS CALL THEMSELVES CAUCASIONS!!! The caucus montains in asia is not kemmet,africa,middle east nor southern europe.There is no signs of a great civilization in that area what so ever absolutly none.If they had such great knowledge why isn’t there anything I mean anything in those montains that they spent thousands of years in.You tell me then exactly where on their trip from the caves of asia to black kemmet did they learned all this knowledge math,pyramids,medicine,arts,science. They even claim to have invented african hair weaves before the korean merchants in my neighborhood.They claimed to have thrived in kemmet well why didn’t they thrive in the mountains.Why aren’t they studying in the mountains well maybe they know there isn’t crap there.Thats why there all over us black people in kemmet digging like hell trying to steal our stuff.They go to a publishing company make a pretty cover and put in words like research,conclusive,Dr.says this and Dr. says that while all the time calling themselves caucasions and not egyptians,ehtiopians,arabs nor southern europeans!! Did you notice they (pale race)are all digging everywhere except the mountain range they come from and where they always say they are from caucus mountains in asia (caucasion)!!!
May 6, 2009 at 12:49 am | edit Watch the pale(leper)man try to stop using the name CAUCASIAN and if they can’t do that they will try to change it’s meaning!!! Black people don’t let him because this is a checkmate!!! Watch they even claim they are not from there all of a sudden! And start to find caucasian mummified bodies next to great civilizations.And find new discoveries.the same pale model with maybe a different color wig on,you know like what prostitutes wear!
May 8, 2009 at 2:23 am | edit Jimmy Dean, You mean the pale man influence Asia, Southern Europe, Africa and others about his skill and inventioins. Is it right? No, Black man made his own idea like religion, law, medience, and others. That’s why the pale man (Albino) stole them from him. Jimmy, keep to research more on the true books from John Henrik Clarke, Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan and orthers great authors.
May 9, 2009 at 4:30 am | edit Godzilla your preaching to the quire! Read my posts again.As you may notice not any of those pale professors,researchers,”experts” nor their uncle tom “buddies” can successfully dispute what I have written.That’s all you have to do is ask them to talk about the caucus mountain range in Asia .Being that’s where they come from and why is that the only place with no advance ancient civilization! I GUESS IF YOU AIN’T GOT NO CLOTHES YOU HAVE TO STEAL SOMEONE”S ELSE CLOTHES!!! You see black people if your legacy had came from the mountains covered in sh!t and had to be taught and cleaned up from a savage state by black people wouldn’t you try to hide it too!! COME ON LEPERS DON’T BE SHY NOW SPEAK UP !!! BLACK PEOPLE COME FROM HEAVEN YET YOU PALE PEOPLE COME FROM THE DARK CAVES OF EUROPE!! WATCH SEVEN TO TEN YEARS FROM NOW ALL THESE WHITE PEOPLE IS GOING TO START CLAIMING THEY GOT SOME BLACK BLOOD IN THEM!!
May 9, 2009 at 4:33 am | edit I meant to put caves of Asia!!
July 17, 2009 at 1:01 pm | edit In all your responses and queries, we sense a need from your side, to raise the Khashta from their burial mounds, and into the new world. If that indeed be a part of your lifetime’s efforts, then your arguments are futile. Instead of revealing the truth directly to the Khashta in a manner only a Khashta can discern, you instead attempt to convince the kings of the north, their sons and daughters and their master – the Lord of the Command- out of a history they prefer. Children, preserve your energies and leave the Lord of the Command to his tune. Your clue lies in the Wisdom of the Serpent, the Powers of Destiny and the Second Revelation. The Ulgal Anhura is already among the Khashta, find the words to the Second Revelation and you shall all be rewarded for your efforts. For the Third Courage of the Second Eternal says this about the Kings of the North, “Those promised lands which you have coveted from beneath the nose of the Khashta, shall be a curse to your descendants. Those coveted lands shall bleed from within until the day you return them to the Khashta(their rightfull owners).” To all Khashta, find the words to the Second Revelation, and follow the wisdom therein. If such is done as required, the foundations of the Gate shall sing the songs of old once again. Find the words to the Second Revelation.
July 18, 2009 at 5:04 am | edit Hey rakan! Are you trying to break the barrior for stupid,loony bable on the internet! Are you joking because no one is that stupid.You are either on dope or dookie! As you can see I use plain language not some bullsh!t you learned at one of your lodges. Is their any pale leper that can make your point plain to me why do you call yourself caucasions (caucus mountains in asia)and why do you sell all your leprosy products in stores like for rosasia(leprosy),sun block,age cream(fast dying skin),and trying to tan like you are a natural race instead of a diseased leper when thats all you get is cancer! The all mighty RA(sun) is trying to chase you back into the caves so this world can again have peace!
July 20, 2009 at 3:59 pm | edit In the name of Enkai The Eterna Perception of the All Being. jimmy dean, firstly, I am the Khashshi of Enkai The Eternal Perception of the All Being. I am neither on dope nor on dookie and it is my understanding that bullsh!t comes out from the anus of a bull and not the speech of a man. I am also not a leper whom hails from the caucus mountains of asia. It appears you are placing yourself against that which is revealed for you and your present belief, because of a slight misunderstanding of what it is I have revealed to the you and other Khashta to be.
Let me bring you further into my reasoning. The Khashta were once a great black-headed people of Ekhasha, the chosen ones created and preserved by Enkai God Eternal. It was when the Lord of the Command and a few of his powerfull henchmen – which in this age your generation calls them(Gabriela,Uriela, Yhaweha and Melkisadoga) – attempted to destroy the home of our black-headed people, a home that Enkai defended together with their right to exist as they were. When they could not achieve this with steel and fire – their weaponry of choice- they began to turn Enkai God Eternal against the black-headed people. They infiltrated the psyche of the people of the sun and introduced vile rituals into the traditions of the Khashta. With the introduction of these vile rituals such as the sacrifice of beasts and infants in the presence of strange objects, Enkai God Eternal removed his protecting gaze from his black-headed people and as such ‘communion’ with Enkai God Eternal was lost. The name of our father was soon forgotten and was forever lost as the name by which the Khashta could plead their case. Yet, it was because of the faith and peity of Khashshi Khemut the first Khashshi of Enkai God Eternal that the Great Transgression of our people was forgiven.
The Powers of Destiny are once again fully restored in the hands of the Khashta. In the second revelation of the new covenant with the Khashta, the Khashshi of Enkai God Eternal says,
“Tell all that the might of the Three Powers is restored.
Tell all that the Great Skill shall be revealed to all who seek to employ the Powers of Destiny.
Tell all Khashta, to draw their praise away from the sight of foreign G-ds, for they delay the coming of the Good Communion.
Tell all of EKhasha, to turn away from their praise of foreign lordship, for these counterfeits seek one thing only, to destroy your communion with the one whom seeks to preserve your nation.
Tell all who bear the Marks of the New Covenant, that they must remain steadfast in rebuilding the Gate of Communion, in shaping a new Ofira and lifting EKhasha into eternal splendor.
In the name of ENKAI G-d Eternal, so it is.”
jimmy dean, your pain is evident and it affects me greatly. For with pain comes the effort to rid yourself of the pain. Yet your energy is directed to your enemy rather than utilising it to build upon what shall give you peace. I tell you now, leave the Lord of the Command to his tune, he does not deserve your energy. Your insults to caucasians(the kings of the north) are futile, they serve to alert them that your attention is far from your creator Enkai God Eternal, as such they laugh at you daily with all your protest. I urge you once more dear Khashta, you and all who are like you as the lost sons and daughters of Ekhasha; follow the wisdom of the serpent(not the snake), find the clues about the Powers of Destiny and search the world for the words of the Second Revelation, in those you shall find the home that you seek to belong. In the name of Enkai The Eternal Perception of the All Being.
July 20, 2009 at 10:46 pm | edit rakan! is that rookie phycobable suposed to send my mind off spiraling traped into your maze of bullsh!t forever lost! caucasions their not kings of the north,east,west nor south. You and your kind are lepers that were covered with shit and had to be cleaned up by blacks from kemmet (egypt).The name caucasion is a code name for leper!How about I and one of you caucasions both stand out in the sun in only shorts and nothing else no sunblock nor any other sun aid at 95 degrees and let natures sun decide who is the blessed and who is cursed!Who the the sun strenghtens and who the sun tries to kill.You caucasions are earth bound because you were created here and do not have what it takes to be welcome in the plain where you have to have a soul!which is an atiquate supply of M E L A N I N!!! That’s why you lepers are trying to reach heaven with spaceships.Why don’t you just except the fact that all mighty doesen’t want you because their are no lepers (imperfects) in heaven. so caucasions have your fun down here because they definatelly don’t want you up there!!
July 21, 2009 at 10:17 am | edit In the name of Enkai The Eternal Perception of the All Being. jimmy dean, you have once again missed the ‘whole’ point. You are so absorbed in your hatred of Caucasians that you do not even realize when your own kind is conversing with you.
You speak of ‘kemmet’ being Egypt but you do not even realize that the ‘kemmet’ you speak of is the same Khashshi Khemut whom was ‘faultily’ cursed by our enemy for accepting the truth that was revealed to him by our Father Enkai God Eternal.
You are clearly not a seasoned analyst of life and I sense that your age is neither above 20. That is not meant to be an insult; it is merely an observation of how you think, by virtue of the manner in which you debate.
For instance, although you claim to be of African origin, you are so typical of a conceited and self-absorbed Caucasian citizen of the United States of America, that you would think that everyone who has joined this forum should be expected to know what you mean by g.e.d. You should realize that when you are on the web you are conversing with the whole world and not all are subject to ways of the U.S. For instance in South Africa where I hail, we would equate your g.e.d to what is termed ‘matric’. Now, that is the lowest formal schooling qualification you can receive from government schools in that region. My hope is that you have not only depended on that level of knowledge to debate the subject of black and white supremacy. If you have only depended only on that level, then I am not surprised that you cannot even spell the word Caucasian; you have repeatedly spelled it incorrectly; to be exact on eight occasions-check your posts- you spelled it as ‘caucasion’-with an ‘o’). As I said in my last reply to your insults, the ones you are fighting against sit on their throne and laugh at your lack of tact.
In addition, my dear jimmy dean, a leper is one whom has been afflicted with leprosy, and leprosy is a “chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis,” to quote a reliable source. The disease can affect any known race of people on the earth, even my brothers all around Africa; it is not a ‘code word for Caucasian’ as you have once asserted in your debates.
jimmy dean, I sense you have serious case of ‘to little knowledge, but a tongue long enough to lick its master’s anal cavity’, and that is dangerous for our black-headed nation. You easily open yourself up to ridicule; why do you suppose that you where the last to remain in this forum after Godzilla Jnr left you on the 8th of May 2009. If it were not for I, you would still be hoping that someone would break the loneliness and finally converse with you; simply put you are somewhat of an embarrassment to yourself, even to those who are supporting your angle of debate.
Another sad observation is yet again in the realm of your lack of research. You speak of ‘Caucasian’ being a race of white people from the Caucus Mountains of Asia (in this I sense you are referring to Mount Caucasus). Firstly, the region around Mount Caucasus is neither in Asia nor in Europe, it is in-between. Secondly, “Caucasoid race’ is a term used in physical anthropology to refer to people of a certain range of anthropometric measurements”. The concept was developed around 1800, by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German scientist and anthropologist. It does not necessarily suggest that the white race somehow grew like a weed out of the mountain peaks around Mount Caucasus. In anthropological timescales, it is a fairly new concept of providing the light in complexion Europeans a title to be called by.
Another important point you must not disregard is the following. IF you regard yourself as ‘black’ and was born and raised by a family tree that has made its home in North America for the past 200 years, you must be careful at whom you direct your curses to. There are copious volumes of research, both in and outside the borders of the country of your birth that suggest that many of the ‘coloured’ peoples of the U.S have had generations of genetic intermixing throughout their history. It could be quite ironic if it turns out that you have ‘Caucasian’ genes in your DNA structure after all; and that’s Caucasian with an ‘a’ before the ‘n’ not an ‘o’, Mr g.e.d.
Another sad observation is yet again in the realm of your lack of tact and analytical prowess. You speak of the word ‘kemmet’ referring to the land of Egypt. This is an imprudent conclusion regarding the suppositions presented to the world by Egyptologists. You must be careful of one important thing, the same Caucasians you vilify for being the putridity of existence (and rightly so for they have made the world a hellish place for other races to live in) are the same Caucasians whom have translated the many texts found in and around Egypt. One such translator is Sir Gardiner who compiled his list of his own translation of the Rosetta Stone. One interesting fact is that the vowels you use in the word ‘kemmet’(vowels being the ‘e’s; explanation is provided just in case your g.e.d has not been sufficient as to explain what a vowel is), are not known actual translations, but rather interpolations brought into the text by the translator, to make his job easier. Reason being is that modern translators have no clue how ancient ‘Kmt-ians’ pronounced their words; I am certain you agree with that observation. For all we know Kmt could be pronounced ‘K-iuea-M-oieoa-T’. I believe us, as the black-headed people would want to believe that the word KMT necessary means ‘black land or land of the blacks’ because it happens to be a convenient name for our cause against white supremacy.
With regard to your rash manner of throwing expletives at any opportunity you get, (oops!, expletives are curse words, like sh!t and bullsh!t or more specifically “Profane, vulgar words or phrases that do not contribute any meaning whatsoever but are added only to fill out a sentence or a metrical line”, I often forget that I have to explain every word I consider simple, because you happen to be stuck at g.e.d level of knowledge; a thousand apologies my friend.) With regard to that, an old Khashtan proverb says, “A fool is like an empty belly, when it releases the contents of its sack, only the vile smell of emptiness comes forth to trouble the elders.”
jimmy dean, now that you have realized that I have been on your side all along, I hope you will reread the messages I have posted on this forum, and thereafter ask the appropriate question if desired. If your next response is yet again an incoherent construction of worthless expletives, I will have no choice but to leave this forum and let you enjoy your big brain on your own in your lonely existence. We are all here to learn, give others your ear and you will be surprised at what weapons you can gain in your fight against your enemies (the depraved kings of the north). Moreover, in your next response do not pretend you have not read this entire message, because that will simply be laughable. I hope to hear from your calmer side next time.In the name of Enkai The Eternal Perception of the All Being.
July 21, 2009 at 8:00 pm | edit Listen rakan! no one has convesed with me since may not because I am lonely but rather because I shut it down! I mentioned my g.e.d. to show that just because someone has charged you thousands of dollars and gave you an artificial sheep skin doesen’t mean that you can think.With only my g.e.d. I got you using the dictionary,counting every mispelled word as if I care (what are you “gona” do give me detention )You ask me to be nice to you or you will take your ball and go home. Then just go for your just to dumb to relize that you are out of your thinking range.Yes I’m from the u.s. but the africans that come here keep saying I’m from africa even though my family have been here since 1620 one of the professors in my family did research and wrote a book about it.Again you can go because I am mentally powerful as much to creat diffrent characters in my head and have each one of them anylize a subject each from a different angle.You caucasians are creatures that only see life from the ground up but we black people are gods and see the world from all angles.You are lepers for you even advertise your leprosy products. This post should put your light weight butt away.So I can again sit alone on this thrown with every too frightened and smart enough not to challenge! Now I’m going to creat characters in my mide so don’t disturb me!
July 22, 2009 at 8:09 am | edit rakan . that’s the dumbest thing I ever read of you writing that the caucus montains is not in asia nor europe!LISTEN you sheep skin carrying moron there is NO in between europe and asia!Now like I said your going to try to take back the word caucasian because I have revealed what that word means which a code word for a leper that sleeps with and is related to animals.That’s why you whites are trying to kill us black decendents of u.s. slaves because we know some of you are born with tales.The rest of the races don’t know because you cut them off at birth during these modern times.As everyone can see as soon as it is revealed what a caucasian really is the pale leper man and woman is going to try like hell to get out of that classification!Listen other dark races watch the caucasian put tremendous efforts in to changing their racial classification and if they can’t do that they’ll say spaced out stuff like the caucus mountains isn’t in asia nor europe!!!
July 22, 2009 at 2:59 pm | edit In the name of Enkai The Eternal Perception of the All Being.
jimmy dean, I had initially decided to leave you to your careless means if ever I returned to the forum and found you still as undescerning and vulgar as I found you. But I just couldn’t resist congradulating you on you newly found knowledge. It is very interesting to note that you our now using the correct spelling of ‘caucasian’, that’s wonderfull jimmy dean. You have unwittingly become my good student, the last thing that you’d ever wanted to be. I now declare you the certified ‘genius’ that you’ve always wanted people to acknowledge you as.
This is exactly what I’ve tried to warn you about little one, if you are not careful of how you approach a situation, you will always present the world with an opportunity to play little tricks on your ‘powerful’ mind.
I urge you yet again, learn from this lesson, do not become a ‘hard rock, when you really are a gem’. Think before you act, it will save you much embarrassment. Changing your ways does not neccessarily mean loosing yourself to another. We all learn from someone.
When you become Khashta you shall realise these things for yourself, you shall become stronger in wisdom and in personality. You shall become stronger and more effective for all the oppressed peoples of this earth.
Lastly, my dear jimmy dean, I happen to be the darkest of all human beings created by Enkai God Eternal. After the Great Transgression of Ekhasha my ancestors suffered much slavery under those who follow the precepts of the Lord of the Command, and in my recent lifetime I personally suffered years of discrimination under the apartheid regime in South Africa. This is what I meant when I said, you have ‘completely missed the point’. You are so self-absorbed that ‘you do not even realise it when you are conversing with you own kind’. As I said before ‘you are more like your typically conceited and self-absorbed Caucasian citizens of your country of birth than any black-headed man I’ve come across in my lifetime.
I understand that with the personality and unbecoming demeanor that you’ve exihibited throughout our conversations, it would be difficult for you to retract your statements and begin on a fresh footing; because for you that would mean conceding defeat; that would mean loosing face and right now I’m more than certain you would not want to appear that way in a public setting. But still I urge you, when you sit quitely in your own space, reread what I’ve had to reveal to you and begin again on newly found wisdom; because your cause -though a little misaligned- is indeed a great cause.
Until another time young one; and to that all Khashta shall say,
In the name of Enkai The Eternal Perception of the All Being.
August 26, 2009 at 4:29 pm | edit WOW!!! My black brothers and sisters check all over the internet ! The white man is going crazy since black people broke their spell and finally said wait a minute and hold everything!! The white man is caucasion (caucus mountains in asia). And the only people there were pure savages that mated with animals.Thats why they are going crazy over Micheal Vick!That’s why they are 95% of the people on the beach!Even though it means death to them. 85% of their medical products has melanin in it derived from black dead people! A secret they will never tell you(watch out when you sign that organ doner card)They have secretly found out that the blackness that they so dispised is the most complicated and most valuable sustance on earth! they pay 700 to 1,000 dollars just for a few millileters of melanin.BLACK PEOPLE!! hold onto your heads because the pale man like I said he is starting to claim that they came from martians!,or that they are the true egypians and BLACK people come from the caucus mountains! That the tails that some of them have (look on youtube and print humans with tails)is just an apendage !!! I told you black men to leave those pale cavewoman alone!! They are even making claims about them coming from atlantis(which never existed.I don’t care how much fake evidence they dig up!)That’s why the white man is sending all their part beast cave women to us black men to mate with to help beat back those dog,goat,horse genes that they are trying like hell to keep dormant thats in them!! LISTTEN TO ME BLACK PEOPLE HOLD THEM ! YES HOLD THEM TO THAT CLASSIFICATION OF CAUCASIAN OR FROM THE CAUCUS MOUNTAINS! Thats why they are 95% of the people on the beach but the sun (RA) tries to kill them every second they step out in his rays! LISTEN TO NATURE (RA) Mother nature (REPRESENTED BY THE BLACK WOMAN) Is trying like all heaven is telling you to leave those beast alone! truth is this is the super mega,mega atom bomb that that our slave and ancient african ancesters have given us to destroy the pale beasts!!WE black people are reconized and excepted by nature but the caucasion is not .So what that means is we have the whole universe(NATURE) on our side for our survival and the caucasions have the whole universe against their survival! This is part of the polar shift of 2012 !!.If they (pale beast) blow up this planet nature will never allow them to be produced again !! Nature only allowed them to exist to make us (black) people much stronger! Watch even the skinheads ,nazi’s and other white supreemist start to try to kiss our ass as more truth comes out! They can inject it but they will never ever ever be able to produce melanin! which is the KEY!!!!! to being excepted by nature.Their space program is a joke because their is nothing out in the universe that is not here on earth!It is they(caucasion or cave beast)that has to try to find a planet for people with no need for melanin which has never existed in the past,present nor future!! For us black people this planet is perfect for us!!!!! thats why we don’t need a space ship.So when the pale beast launch off another multibillion dollar rocket to look for a place that don’t exist just laugh!!! Laugh real hard!!!
December 25, 2009 at 5:24 pm | edit…/images/…/AnExpositionOfTheSevenChurchAges.pdf
This book says that the son of cush is the founder of Babylon. It means everything. No need to argue.
February 18, 2010 at 6:18 pm | edit The right eye of Horus represents the sun, the left the moon. One red and one pale. The red pigment is the same red pigment as is found in ocher varying from light or pale yellow to brown or red. Iron mines in Africa dating back 40,000 or more years ago are the source of ocher. For people interested in Atlantis as told to Plato by an Egyptian priest, “at lan” meant western Africa in the Egyptian language, land of the setting sun, Atum (red) whence Autumn or fall of the year derives! The word for grandfather is associated with atum in west african languages. The burial of the Egyptian royalty was and is in the west bank of the Nile. Unfortunately a concave of Egyptologist conviened in the last part of the 19th century and, through a vote, claimed that “Kemet” derived from “The back soil of the Nile rather than its real meaning “blacK” place or “land of the Blacks!” To paraphrase Theophile Obenga, “polyvalent scholar and professor born in the African nation of The Republic of the Congo in the capital, Brazzaville. He is trained as a philosopher, historian and linguist, utilizing Greek, Latin, French, English, Italian and practicing Arabic, Syriac and medu netjer (Egyptian hieroglyphs) in his work…” (Wikipedia), The ancient Egytian language belongs to the Black African language group.
Why is it difficult for some circles to not only include Blacks in the family of mankind, but to recognize that all human ancestry converge genetically to black africa? Every thing accomplished is by all of us, all decedents of mother Africa.
February 19, 2010 at 2:29 am | edit We are not all from the same people !! whites are actually are derived from neandethals which are human like (passing off as human)but are not human! Hell no we Afrikans the original people of this planet did not produce nothing that is rejected by the sun (nature)!!! You are offensive to no end saying that!!
February 24, 2010 at 11:22 pm | edit Hi everyone! I don’t know where to begin but hope this place will be useful for me.
In first steps it’s really good if someone supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
Thanks and good luck everyone!
March 12, 2010 at 2:23 pm | edit Hi – It’s great to read such interesting stuff on the Internet as I have been able to fiind here. I agree with much of what is written here and I’ll be coming back to this website again. Thanks again for publishing such great reading material!!
May 12, 2010 at 1:28 am | edit PST!!! Check the date on my last post 2/19/2010 .Three months before the scientific community let that information out about the neanderthal genome project!
July 25, 2010 at 1:52 am | edit China is colonizing Africa and will take over in the next decade. After they are done using niggers for cheap, disposable labor, they will start exterminating all niggers in the way of Chinese takeover of land and resources. The Chinese refer to their culture as “the Middle Kingdom.” IE, the center of the Earth.
The Chinese see the subhuman, stupid niggers as they are. A waste of space and resources. Niggers will be begging YT to come and save them from “da yella debbil” who is exterminating them. LOL! Niggers deserve what happens to them!
July 25, 2010 at 6:02 pm | edit Listen cracker you got the record on mass murdering,enslaving and exploiting people so stop telling a lie because every one knows your ruthless ways from first hand experience! PS. China was one of you crackers colonies,remember the opium wars when you crackers forced your opium on China,The boxer rebelion. You know the same china that’s keeping your cracker nations afloat through loans you know you are not gonna pay back ! I know you plan to start a war with china so you can erase your dept.But the way Iraq ans Afganistan is handing your as to you you best forget attacking china with their nuclear weapons and their million man army. Are you crackers angry because all those centuries of mass murdering,exploiting the world that you crackers still end up as beggars!!!
October 9, 2010 at 9:26 pm | edit Melanin gives niggers cosmic powers like the XMen or something! That’s why niggers are on top everywhere. And why niggers were only the rulers 6 thousand years ago based on some stupid nigger’s say so! Niggers lived on one of the richest continents on the planet and basically ran around naked and starving. Even today, in the richest country on the planet, niggers turn beautiful cities like Detroit into ghettos. It’s in the nature of primitive, subhuman niggers to destroy. Niggers are soulless, subhuman animals. Africans deserve the coming extinction of niggers by Chinese in Africa!
Instant ghetto, just add niggers!
November 4, 2010 at 2:20 pm | edit A reply to walt235
Listen you motherfucking honky even if they do take Africa those fucking yellow mongoloïde apes will never take the Caribbean and not the black antillais population either. And we will figth those fucking chinks to the nails the fucking filthy honkies and the cracker bitches like yourself have the tendency to beleive that they are the only one who are ready to figth and kill for their people well let me tell you something…YOU ARE WRONG!
December 15, 2010 at 11:53 pm | edit King or queens or puppets .Man is the one that makes things bad .WE must direct our selves to a higher source . we must Immprove ourseles for the better.Focus on the creator, he knows our weakness.But he cant help you unless you try to help your self
May 26, 2011 at 2:59 am | edit khalifa, you know that if black people ran the world, all races would not live in harmony. Whites would be killed off completely in a matter of days because black people have developed a very sick mindset that white people aren’t human and our lives don’t mean anything.
June 10, 2011 at 11:20 pm | edit Ancient Egyptians always painted themselves Black, and visitors tan and barbarians white.
Hadrians wall and The Great Wall of China were built to keep out the barbarians to the NORTH. If Afrikans were the brutes, those walls would not be there.
If whites (including ‘Arabs’ who are whites) built the STUNNING artifacts and monuments of Ancient Egypt, how come thousands and thousands and thousands of years later? Their people were the ones still living in huts?
And if civilization started from them? Why is the later day beginning of Greece and Rome centered on the Mediterranean?
And finally. Egyptians called their land KEMET. Only the barbarians called it Egypt. Do the French wake up one day and say, “Hey! I’m TIRED of calling this land France! Let’s call it Hot Dog or some cool like that?”
It is called Egypt today BECAUSE THE MOST BARBARIC PEOPLE, FULL OF DECEPTION and LIES took it over with uh…..
Count de Volney, a close confidant of Napolean, was an eyewitness to the unmistakable “Negroid features” of the Sphinx. Right before Napolean shot it off.
white people are soooooooooooo DESPERATE. We don’t hate you, though We have more than a RIGHT to. We just wish you would GROW UP and leave Us all the HECK ALONE.
Geez. Get a LIFE!
June 21, 2011 at 1:28 am | edit Man you blacks are like gays or like small children who needs to have some heroes or proud stories because you relly dont have nothing you were slaves for egyptians, then for arabs, then for whites and now for chinese…you are nothing while whites and asians rule the sad to bad..
June 23, 2011 at 3:48 pm | edit As you whites are fast loosing population from 50 percent in 1950 t0 11 percent now!! with europe now broke after all those centuries of slaugtering the world for their wealth including china (remember the opium wars).And with your desperate attempts to recolonialize africa because without it’s mineral wealth you crackers are going back to the dark ages. we blacks have scientifically proven to have been on this planet for at least millions of years, So after you unatural freak s (rejected by the sun) live on this planet for a few million years, then you can open your mouth and talk!!! Until then shut your no lip mouth!!!
August 20, 2011 at 10:11 pm | edit I know that many of you people black or white or other do not believe what the Bible says and therefore will not believe what is written here, since it seem like most of you believe in the LIE of Evolution.
Sorry to say this to many of you black people. I am black but I am not a naive black person that believes everything that he is taught. I have a very free mind, a mind that can reject what is false and adhere to that which is true. But unlike many of you blacks , whites, and Asians, I tend to believe what God says. And though I do not like it I believe it because God who can not lie do not. Some of you black people think that Jesus was black and he is not. The answer to this fact is very clear. Do you want to believe what God/Jesus say is true of what you want to believe. Jesus said that salvation is of the Jews. What color of skin do Jews have? I am quite sure that some of you black people know that Jews are WHITE and not black. Before any of you say there are black Jews, I know this but they are black people converted to Judaism. Remember the Roman Pilate asked Jesus was He King of the Jews and He said that yes He was so if you look at modern Jews you can see that Jesus are white by color.
To you white people that think that white people started civilization I ask that you look again to the Bible, the only TRUE source of knowledge. All you blacks, whites, Asians and others that visit this site were not there when these events took place, but God was there and unlike most of us HE DO NOT LIE and CAN NOT LIE because HE will not lie. And according to the Bible in Genesis Gen 10:6 The sons of Ham were Cush and Mizraim and Put and Canaan.
Gen 10:7 The sons of Cush were Seba and Havilah and Sabtah and Raamah and Sabteca; and the sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.
Gen 10:8 Now Cush became the father of Nimrod; he became a mighty one on the earth.
Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.”
Gen 10:10 The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.
Gen 10:11 From that land he went forth into Assyria, and built Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah,
Gen 10:12 and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city.
Gen 10:13 Mizraim became the father of Ludim and Anamim and Lehabim and Naphtuhim
Gen 10:14 and Pathrusim and Casluhim (from which came the Philistines) and Caphtorim.
Gen 10:15 Canaan became the father of Sidon, his firstborn, and Heth
Gen 10:16 and the Jebusite and the Amorite and the Girgashite
Gen 10:17 and the Hivite and the Arkite and the Sinite
Gen 10:18 and the Arvadite and the Zemarite and the Hamathite; and afterward the families of the Canaanite were spread abroad.
Gen 10:19 The territory of the Canaanite extended from Sidon as you go toward Gerar, as far as Gaza; as you go toward Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.
Gen 10:20 These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, by their lands, by their nations.
Most white scholars will agree and admit that Nimrod was a black man and the Bible says that Nimrod started Babel which later on became known as BABYLON which most if not most historians will agree was a great civilization. And this same Nimrod also established Nineveh . The God of the Bible name things what they are. And God says that the sons of Ham (Ham mean burnt) are as they are in Genesis 10:9 thr Genesis 10:20. Notice what is written in Gen 10:6-8 that Ham was the Father of Mizraim and Put. Look up those two names in a Lexicon and tell me what you read. Also in the Bible you find that Israel went down to Egypt to the land of Ham. Psa_78:51 And smote all the firstborn in Egypt; the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham:
Psa_105:23 Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.
Psa_105:27 They shewed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.
Psa_106:22 Wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red sea. Face it the land of Ham doing the time of the Ancient Israel where inhabited by a race of black people. We can have it on one hand Ham was black and when it do not suit us we say he was not black.
But none of this matter because only children of Abraham will enter the Kingdom of God and most people reading this post do not have a clue what that mean. Let’s just say that in the Kingdom of God there will not be any color but those of you that are racist regardless what race you are will not be there unless you can overcome your racism.
I think that maybe one reason why God allowed the curse of Noah on Ham is because they were the dominate people doing Noah’s time and that Canaan was so evil that he had sex with his own mother or homosexual sex with his father Noah and that is why God cursed him. Which was only fitting since that is such a vile and gross thing whichever case is true.
You will also read in the Bible that from one blood God Created all the people that inhabit the earth, therefore we are all cousins. To me it will take something like an alien invasion from space to unite the world and if we win we will afterward go back to the vomit of racism until the next alien race comes alone.
Do some of the white people reading this realize that in Iran those people do not care what color you are they see all with an American uniform as the enemy. And when they kill they do not kill only white people or black people they kill Americans. It is about time that we put an end to racist views whether black or what because only character counts toward eternal life. And if we keep our racist views I can assure you that no one that practice such behavior will enter the Kingdom of God. To you that are racist, if your car is burning after a crash and you are pin in it are you so racist that you do not want the black man or the Asian man that comes along to help you to rescue you? Would you rather set there and burn up? Will you wait until a white man come along. And if you are a black person in the car do you care about the white person coming to help you? Of course not. You just want to get out of the car.
I don’t have a clue but I wonder how many people in the Viatnam war was rescued by a person of another color and the person putting your life in danger was also of another color. But man is evil and that is regardless of what racist he is. We all learn hate at a very early age. We all are just as bad as any other race. May the day come when Christ comes back and then all of us together that do not know HIM can all unite to fight HIM and all be destroyed. Only those that REALLY know God will not be fighting against Christ when HE returns.
February 22, 2012 at 2:52 pm | edit Sorry Robert but your so called bible is full of nonsense, any body that trys to use the bible to proove anything not only is naive but fighting a loosing battle it is full of contridictions and it dose not matter how manny scriptures you quote as referance. Nonthing is new or original in christianity it borrows most of its ideas from ancient african spiritualism.Christianity as it is known has a very deep dark corrupt history even itself. The whole jesus story has been told numerouse times in many different ways and im sorry to informe you but real jews are not and never were white……..
August 6, 2012 at 7:16 pm | edit Why are Black Americans hated so much? Even our Black people in Africa give us a hard time? We seem to be the lowest of the lowest in sight of other race.
Another question; I always wanted to know why do caucasions, think that they are superior to all peoples on earth? What happen to give them the up and up on others? Was it because other races of color were kind and giving? How did they become the ones too call the shots???? Is it like Macolm X stated before he found out that we are all brothers and sisters, “the white man was the devils children”? I am a tri-racial person – African, European and Asian. WHY????
September 7, 2012 at 1:46 pm | edit I used to be recommended this website by way of my cousin. I’m now not certain whether this put up is written via him as no one else know such precise approximately my difficulty. You’re amazing! Thank you!
September 30, 2012 at 9:26 pm | edit Ma Brotha….. Egypt laid ground for world civilization……who laid ground for egyption civilization….huh……Just Two words….. SEMITE RACE…….Yeeeep….. Mostly Modern Middles easterns specifically Iraqis aka Babylon……… I dont know where’re black dudes plan to accomplish by publishing such data distortions…….. No argue!! if anyone wants to seek the truth just look at the FACIAL FEATURES fo SPINX and ask your self if he looks like a black man…….. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!
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